Black Iron Crown

Chapter 106: Solution

   The careless slave seemed to have suffered some injuries, perhaps a little exhausted, and did not get up from the ground, but was struggling feebly on the spot.

   The clad people on the side looked at him with pity and worry, but they didn't dare to step forward to help him.

  Looking at this scene, before Leiner could speak, Mason rushed up and kicked him heavily, then took out the whip around his waist and beat him severely.

"Damn! You **** trash! Lord Baron offers you food and drink. Is that how you repay your lord? You shameful predators! Borrowers for nothing! Pigs! Now is your time to atone for your sins. Give me the ore. Pick it up and send it to the blast furnace room! Otherwise you will feel the pain of hell!"

   Saying these words, Mason's hand movement did not stop, the whip kept beating on the body of Clad slave, making a crackling sound, but his body was **** and **** for a short while.

   "Okay!" Renner frowned and shouted, and said to Mason, "Stop Mason! He was just accidental! Don't let him die! I still need him to help me work!"

When Mason heard this, he kicked him in a daze, and said viciously: "I must obey the orders of Lord Baron! You must know that Lord Baron saved you today! You should be grateful to Dade for working harder for him. Live! Pick it up quickly!"

After speaking, Mason trot over to Leiner’s side, and said respectfully: "You have also seen Lord Baron, these **** clades are so lazy, even in front of you they want to be lazy. , But don’t worry, I won’t let them slow down!"

   Listening to Mason's words, Lena frowned slightly, turned his head and glanced at Sir Cod, only to see that there was no expression on the other's face, and he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this matter.

   He said that he shifted his gaze from Sir Cod to Mason, watched him for a while, and then said: "Mason, I am very satisfied with your supervising Cladd people not to be lazy!"

   Hearing what Rainer said, Mason's face was full of joy, and he hurriedly said: "It is my honor to be able to do things for you, Lord Baron! Please rest assured, I will do better than now!"

   "But!" Leiner looked at the beaming Mason and said: "Your method needs to be changed. The human body's ability to withstand is limited. Continuous high-intensity work every day will severely overdraw physical strength and health, just like them!"

  Leiner pointed to the clads who were panting and working hard to carry the iron ore, and said: "They are now on the verge of collapse, if this continues! They may be exhausted!"

"But..." Mason frowned slightly and looked at Leiner with a puzzled look: "My Lord Baron, these **** Klads are the invaders who invaded our territory last winter! We have inextricability with them. The deep hatred, shouldn’t we squeeze them to work?"

Rainer exhausted Mason’s ideas, but after all, she and the other party were not in the same position. The Clades were enemies with deep hatred for the Northern Redkas, but for Rainer, it was just It's just an enemy who has been defeated once by himself.

  If the clads are replaced by neon people, Lena, as a contemporary unsolved angry youth, might do better than Mason, but the clads are an important labor force after all.

It is very hard and dangerous to enter the mine to dig ore. If the Redka people are allowed to do it, it will not be possible to dig at this intensity. Then, if you want to achieve the same progress, you will inevitably need more manpower and waste labor. This is something Lenner doesn't want to happen.

   He is not a Virgin either. He hopes to liberate these slaves or give them a superior living environment. He just hopes that the slaves can die less and can work for him longer.

"I mean, don't push them too hard. I need them to work for me for a long time. Dead people in two days are not what I want, so you have to reduce their work intensity appropriately and let them I can guarantee my immortality, come and continue to work for me!"

Reiner glanced at Mason, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp, and said: "At the same time, I also know your shameless little tricks underground. I don't completely forbid you, but you must at least give me a little restraint. I don’t want to see slaves who died from starvation, exhaustion, and beatings again!"

After Lena's gaze was swept, Mason immediately knew that his little tricks had been completely known to Lord Baron, and the big beads of sweat immediately appeared from his forehead, his pale face was very nervous and stammered. Said: "Yes...Yes... Lord Baron, I understand, I will never do this again!"

Seeing his panic, Rainer smiled again and gently said, "As a member of the Morand family, your loyalty is beyond doubt. Just pay attention to the method. Then I will go back first! "

   After finishing speaking, Rainer patted Mason on the shoulder, UU Reading turned and left the mine.

   Rainer, riding on horseback, asked Sir Cod, "Uncle, do you think it's appropriate for me to handle things like this?"

Sir Cod was silent for a while listening to Rainer’s question, and then said: "Perhaps it is correct, I understand Lord Baron, you don’t want to die too many slaves and no one can work, and you did not punish Mason and let the family The members of the panic, I think you handled it very well!"

   nodded, and Rainer did not continue to question.

   Back in the castle, Rainer entered his study, sat in a chair and began to look through the files.

That is the intelligence that Logan has collected in his territory recently. The intelligence organization he leads, named Blackhand by Lenner, has expanded to more than fifty people, scattered on the territory controlled by Lenner, and flexibly collect all kinds of information. The information was sent to Rainer, and whenever there was any rubbish, Rainer could learn about it and deal with it immediately.

Looking at one of the reports, Rainer's face showed a thoughtful expression. This is about the information from the mine. This information is far more serious than the dossier sent by Sir Cod. There are many, although the above content is similar, but it is described from another angle, which gives Leiner another sense.

   Putting down the dossier, Rainer put his index finger between his teeth and thought. This has been his habit of thinking for a long time.

"It won't work anymore..." Rainer squinted his eyes and thought carefully: "Even if their living environment is changed, accidents are always unavoidable... Casualties will inevitably continue to occur, it's just a difference between more and less. …"

   got up from the chair, walked to the narrow window in the study, and looked at the endless winding and rugged woods in the distance. Rainer had a way in his heart.

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