Black Iron Crown

Chapter 103: New army

   At this time, Rainer's mood was extremely depressed. He barely said a few words during the whole conversation. Seeing his depression, Sir Cod could only sigh for a long time, and then left the room.

  Even if he is Lena's uncle, Lena is his lord after all. Even if it is admonition, there must be a degree. No matter how much you say it, there will be no change. On the contrary, there may be some changes.

   He sat on the chair and stared at the fingerprints on his hand blankly. He knew that Sir Cod was right, but... but he just felt unwilling, he was reluctant to give up Mekatha.

After a while, Rainer got up from the chair and took a deep breath. He was almost relieved in the past few days. Time will always heal all the pain. Plus Sir Cod's words, he also I looked a little bit away.

   Anyway, things are already like this, no matter how you do it, you can’t change the fact that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between yourself and Earl Zhebo.

Rubbing his dry and red eyes, Rainer returned to the room, took off his clothes and lay on the bed. He closed the wooden window and blew out the oil lamp in the room. The whole room was plunged into darkness. .

   "I want to sleep for a while, don't let anyone disturb me!" Rainer said to the two maids with drooping eyes.

   Then, he fell asleep in a drowsy state. The severe lack of sleep for several days has drained his spirit. This sleep was very deep and deep, without any thoughts, he just enjoyed his sleep fully.

   When he woke up, the room was still dim. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the surrounding things blankly.

  Getting enough sleep is really different from before. He now feels that he is energetic again, and he no longer has the feeling of being muddle-headed no matter what he did a few days ago.

   put on a nightgown and got up from the bed, walked to the edge of the window and pushed it aside. The sky was getting late in between, and the sun was setting to the west and slowly setting.

   wiped his face, and found that it was full of grease, and it felt a little greasy. It was very uncomfortable to cover the face. Even the hair seemed to be covered with a layer of grease, and the whole person felt impenetrable.

   called out two little maids, and they rushed in quickly.

   "You finally wake up, Lord Baron! How do you feel?"

   "Lord Baron, you don't know, Qing Shu is very worried about you! I've been guarding outside and I hope you can see her when you wake up!"

   "What? You slander me, I think you are talking about yourself!"

   Looking at the two little maids who were dismantling each other, Lena smiled slightly and said, "It's alright, go get me some water, I want to wash it!"

   "Good Lord Baron, I will go now!"

   The two turned around together and went to help Rainer prepare warm water.

   "Ah, yes! Rainer stopped the two and asked, "How long have I slept?" "

   "Uh... one day, the whole day, Lord Baron, you slept from noon yesterday to this afternoon, maybe fifteen hours!" a maid replied.

   "Ah, that's the case!" Rainer wiped the back of his head. No wonder he was so radiant after waking up. How could he still be sleepy after sleeping for fifteen hours?

The two maids soon returned with warm water and toiletries. After washing, he changed into a comfortable suit and walked out of the room to the study, where he had accumulated a lot of documents and still needed him to deal with it. .

   Sitting on a chair in the study, looking at the unprocessed files in front of him, Rainer had a thought and opened the system panel.

  "Role: Rainer Moreland

   "Age: 16"

  "Health 95

   "Current Territory Building: Fort Moreland (First-Class Military Castle

   "Current reputation: 250 (small reputation

   "Current subordinates: Sir Walas, Logan, Sir Leland"

   "Current Title: Despicable Sneak Attacker"

   "Current army: Scarlet Gryphon Rider 5, Sergeant Moreland 50, Armed Soldier 65, Archer 20"

   "Current territory: Morelandborg, Goerborg, Kahnburg, Fressenborg, Utunburg"

  " Territory area: 8366.52 square kilometers

   "Current Family: Morland"

  " Merit Points: 475"

   "Wealth: 695 gold coins and five silver coins"

  "Main mission: Northland Lion: 45% completion

  "Main task: Supreme: 3% completion

  Leiner found that after his wealth reached a certain amount, the amount of wealth he currently possessed appeared in the system panel.

   "Is it to make it easier for me to exchange merit points?" Rainer thought silently in his heart.

   After learning the news of the emperor’s worsening illness, Rainer decided to exchange some more soldiers to strengthen the territory’s military.

He first spent three hundred merit points to redeem thirty Sergeant Merlande again, so that the number of sergeants in his hand reached eighty. There is still no suspense with this kind of military power against the baron’s nobles. Yes, for the other people's regular army with few and low combat effectiveness, plus a group of more trash serf signs are not enough for the sergeants to clean up, not to mention that he also has the Scarlet Gryphon Knights and the Merland Knights.

Although there is no hope that Earl Zhebo may die, it is always good to increase some Seeing the merits column has changed from 485 to 185, his heart is violent, it is true. It's too distressing. It is not so easy to obtain merit points. From the day he got the system, the merit points he saved will definitely not exceed two thousand, which shows how difficult it is to obtain merit points.

   Then, Rainer continued to browse, although he was only searching aimlessly, but he also had his own thoughts.

   "The Knight of Virtue Ruling, Price: 15 Meritorious Merit"

   "Introduction: The ace knights of the Risen Kingdom, each member is of high moral character, and will perform justice, has a strong combat effectiveness!"

   "Attributes: high, physical fitness: high, fighting skills: high, the unit price increases by one-half for every forty people."

   This is a very well-balanced unit with excellent qualities in all aspects.

Unfortunately, Reiner doesn’t need it. With the Scarlet Gryphon Rider, he doesn’t need the Virtues to judge the knight. Relatively speaking, they are too mediocre. Obviously, the price difference between the Scarlet Gryphon Rider and the Scarlet Gryphon Rider is only five points of merit, but it is not as good as it is. Scarlet Gryphon Rider.

   What's more, the roles of the two sides are also somewhat overlapped. There is a better Scarlet Griffon Knight, and he doesn't need to spend his feats to exchange for a Virtue Judge Knight who is almost like a tasteless rider.

   After giving up the virtue ruling knight, Rainer continued to scan down until a unit caught his attention.

  "Kugit’s veteran knight archer, from the top class of the Khergit Khanate on the continent of Calradia, with powerful riding skills and archery skills, they defeated countless enemies with the arrows in their hands!"

   "Exchange unit price: 10 merits, and the unit price increases by one-half for every sixty people"

   "Attribute: Discipline: Medium, physical fitness, medium to high, combat skills: extremely high"

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