Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 67: The prototype of the technology ark

Noah narrowed his eyes and explained:

"In my opinion, no official organization can be trusted, but the existence of a world crisis is inevitable.

So we must have the power to resist, but instead of giving the power to others, I would rather choose to have the power in my own hands.

The Science and Technology Ark Project was born on this idea.

Do you think you have understood the truth of this world? "

Noah looked at Tony Stark and continued:

"Actually, the world is far more complex than you know now.

Do you think Asgard's 'god' is the greatest threat to the earth?

No, in fact, in addition to the crisis you know, there is a more terrifying dimensional crisis.

In this world, there are not only Asgardians, but also **** and demons, and even the existence of God and Lucifer may not be fake.

It's just that all of this is firmly blocked from the earth, so ordinary people don't know it at all.

What I want to do is to unite some trustworthy top technology giants for resource sharing, crisis support, etc., to form a close secret alliance, so as to expand our strength in the field of technology.

Ultimately achieve the purpose of eliminating the threat.

Asgard is our ally, but what I want to say is.

The fate of mankind should not be decided by others, but can only be controlled by oneself! "

Hearing Noah finish talking about his plan, Tony Stark was excited.

Compared with the Avengers plan, Noah's technology ark plan is exactly what he wants.

"Technology Ark Project? Sounds good.

You are right, whether we are protected or not, we all need to have our own defenses. "

Tony Stark was instantly refreshed.

He was only hit by a large number of unknown events that he suddenly knew before.

But this blow didn't last long.

Especially after hearing about Noah's technology ark plan, he has a direct goal of action.

He is one of the smartest people on earth. This sentence is no joke.

Noah nodded.

In fact, if the timeline continues, it is possible for a similar organization to appear in this world.

And the name of that organization will be called the Illuminati.

But unfortunately, as far as he understands, the light will hardly play any positive role in solving the incident.

Because the members of the Illuminati are all too smart, and they are too smart to be conceited.

This kind of conceit often causes them to have the opposite effect in events.

But this time, he established the technology ark plan in advance.

Most of the superheroes in this era are just starting out, and have not even appeared.

Their personal hero concept has not yet been established.

Idea is something that cannot be decided by wisdom alone. The most important thing is that it requires experience to decide.

As long as he grasps it well, he can rely on his own advantages to gain the trust of the members, and ultimately lead the direction of action of Ark of Science and Technology.

Under the cover of the technology ark, everything about yourself can be hidden most perfectly.

This is his real purpose.

He doesn't want to be the king of the earth, even if he has this strength.

Because the king is too lonely!

How can life be as happy as it is now.

Like teasing Tony Stark from time to time.

But he never minds that he has the strength to resist any threat.

The Ark of Technology is his way to achieve this goal.

He even hoped that the name of this plan could be called 'Noah's Ark Project'.

It's a's too explicit.

"Do you have a detailed plan?"

Tony Stark briefly calculated in his heart, and then asked.

Noah nodded naturally, and then said:

"The invitees of the Science and Technology Ark Project are all top tech billionaires like you and me, or scientific research geniuses, and they don't need too many people.

Currently, I have three preliminary candidates.

One is Norman Osborn of Osborn Industries, the other is Reed Richards of Fantastic Four, and Mr. Hank Pym of Pym Technologies. "

Hearing Noah's three candidates, Tony Stark frowned.

"Norman Osborn?"

Although Tony Stark just said the name, Noah has seen his dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, the next moment, Tony Stark said:

"Norman Osborn is just a pure businessman, what qualifications does he have to join this plan.

In terms of intelligence, he is not as good as a hamster. In terms of financial resources, can he be compared with Stark?

On the other hand, I have no opinion on the latter two. "

Hearing Tony Stark's words, Noah secretly said a pity.

Among the two geniuses, joining Norman Osborn naturally has some of his careful thoughts.

In his opinion, Norman Osborn can be drawn to him.

And regarding the genetic disease of the Osborn family, Noah thinks he is about to overcome it.

At that time, he will naturally have the full support of Norman Osborn.

This is his natural help.

But he also knew that a genius like Tony Stark would really not accept a pure businessman sitting with them.

Noah is asking this now, just to try it out.

The knowledge was inviolable, so Noah didn't go on talking, just opened his mouth and said:

"At present, this plan is only a prototype. Although the world has begun to experience a crisis, the conditions are not yet ripe.

It's good that you know about this. Don't let it go out, and when the conditions are ripe, we will invite others to join. "

Tony Stark nodded.

"Nevertheless, the necessary preparations are still to be made.

But...what dimension are you talking about? Also, are God and Lucifer real? "

After solving the problem, he couldn't help but become curious.

Although he has no faith, the existence of God and the devil is still too outrageous.

Noah explained:

"The concept of dimension refers to other dimensions.

In the endless dimension, there are some powerful beings, known as dimension lords.

According to my guess, God is one of the dimension lords, at least hell, is real.

Among them, some strong people even have the ability to destroy the earth. "

Destroy the Earth!

Tony Stark's pupils shrank, this kind of enemy put too much pressure on him!

Then I heard Noah continue to say:

"Of course, this is not our main enemy at the moment.

The earth also has corresponding guardians, and the god-king of Asgard is actually an ally of our earth.

Now we need to deal with some other 'small' threats.

Of course, no matter how powerful the existence is, it may not always be able to protect us, so we need to grow up quickly, lest we be caught off guard when the real enemy enters! "

After listening, Tony Stark nodded silently.

Even he, after hearing so much, couldn't accept it for a while.

Noah sipped the wine and waited quietly for Tony Stark to digest the information.

Of course he knew that the impact of this incident was too great.

But if it wasn't for such a big impact, how could it be possible to survive Tony Stark's extremely arrogant genius.

Noah smiled slightly, everything is under control!

But he was right.

It's too far to think about it now.

Not to mention outside the earth, he didn't even have a clue about the things inside the earth.

The Ark of Technology, after all, is just a plan.

The real establishment will take time.

It takes time for the target members to feel a sense of crisis, and more importantly, his own growth.

With the help of the system, he is confident that his development speed will definitely surpass others, at least he has to wait for him to grow to a point that other members cannot ignore.

Otherwise, without enough strength, even if he has the advantage of foresight, why should he lead these smartest and most conceited people on earth?

Time, everything takes time!


I sent a message about building a group before, but not many people responded, but after thinking about it, I decided to build it first. qq: 294310467, if you are interested, you can add it.

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