Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 53: quiet **** kitchen

Looking at Ivan Vanke's excitement, he couldn't help but laugh.

Noah is also very satisfied.

A top scientist got it.

Ivan Vanke can even come up with a small reactor, even if it is worse than Tony Stark, it is still the top batch.

With the participation of Ivan Vanke, the company's technology projects can also be gradually established.

And Dr. Ethan, when Ivan Vanke has set up the stage, he should no longer refuse his invitation.

Of course, the reactor is definitely better than Tony Stark.

But what is the quality of it? With Ivan Vanke here, the quantity can definitely keep up.

In addition, with Tony Stark's character, the artificial intelligence program handed to him is likely to have a back door.

Maybe Ivan Vanke and Dr. Ethan have a joint inspection and try to find out.

Of course, this is not insurance.

The really important information is more reassuring than physical preservation.

As for whether Ivan Vanke can handle Tony Stark.

Noah could only mourn for him.

This is something that is doomed to be impossible.

Hell's Kitchen seems to be calm again.

These days, Noah has been busy with the new base.

As a large amount of money was poured down, the hive that was started first, the main body was completed, and the internal filling work took up a lot of his time.

But Noah knew that gold would not disappear.

At the same time, he also knew in his heart that the next time Jin Bing attacked, it would definitely not be the previous petty fight, but the determination to kill him.

Noah is also looking forward to this possibility.

Because he couldn't find the location of Jin Bing's real body.

When a person wants to hide, especially an existence like an underground emperor like Jin Bing, it is not so easy to find him.

Although passive, this is already the best way.

In this way, he hopes to attract money and appear in person.

After killing his capable subordinate, Jin Jing can still sit safely in the back?

Noah didn't believe it.

If Jin doesn't show up like this, then he, the underworld emperor, is just empty talk.

No one wants to follow a boss who is still indifferent when his right-hand man is killed.

This is a conspiracy.

It was the night when Noah went to the Wilson Building, he prepared his conspiracy!

It's good to be able to block Jin Bing, but if you can't kill him, you have to beat him.

Since Jin doesn't need time to prepare, let him get ready.

Next, is the collision of hard power.

While waiting for Jin Bing to strike, he received a subpoena from the court.

It's a lawsuit from the prosecution to hold a hearing on his question.

Noah is not surprised, this is something that has been prepared for a long time.

After one visit, Noah handed over the problem to his team of lawyers.

But the price he paid was that he paid a fine of 50 million in advance.

Facts have proved that spending a lot of money is still effective.

At least after such a big disaster, Noah can still do research outside with peace of mind.

At the same time, after some hesitation, Wade finally chose to listen to his advice and went to Vanessa.

It is said that Wade had a good time there.

But Noah still reminded him that the place was not safe.

The person who captured him may not give up, and may even threaten Vanessa's safety.

Faced with this reasonable proposal, Wade resolutely agreed to bring Vanessa to live in New York.

The only requirement is to be neighbors with Noah's parents.

Is this the problem?

of course not.

Noah would love to do this.

In this way, Wade can feel at ease, and secondly, for Marcy and the others, it is safer to have more people to relieve their boredom.

He even hopes to build a community by himself in the future to bring in the families of all the strong men under him.

Now there are only Deadpool and Frank, what about the future?

A residential area where super human beings are concentrated is definitely the safest.

It was raining lightly in the sky.

Noah and Caroline stayed in the house comfortably.

Cool is cool.

This woman is really powerful, especially her mouth...

Now, he really feels a little bit of a taste.

As the sky gradually fell into the night.

Noah suddenly felt a little quiet around him.

Standing at the window, looking at the empty street outside.

Then look at the surrounding corners where people can hide.

Although there was nothing unusual, Noah always felt that someone was staring at him.

In fact, since the battle against the Iron Overlord, no one has been watching around.

Even if it is surveillance, it is still a long distance away.

Because Noah has already given a warning, and the one who ignores the warning later is the enemy.

After some people disappeared for no apparent reason, all the forces chose to give up.

Even S.H.I.E.L.D. is not good enough.

Although the last time I saw Coulson, the other party didn't show it.

But Noah estimated that S.H.I.E.L.D. was near his house, and people died.

It's just that Noah didn't know who it was.

Tonight, it's too quiet.

It was so quiet that it seemed as if there were a group of wild beasts around.

He didn't know that a block away, many people who wanted to enter this interception were stopped.

Especially in the house within one kilometer of Noah's house, it was almost empty, and was taken away early.

Even outside the Clinton Police Station at this time.

There were also hundreds of unidentified strong men walking back and forth.

It seems that they are just hanging out, but the waists of these people are all bulging.

When George Stacy discovered this situation, he immediately wanted to report it and then went out to investigate.

In the end, he was stopped by several police officers for various reasons.

He tried to make a wired phone call, but he couldn't get through at all.

This strange situation made him understand.

Hell's Kitchen, I'm afraid something really is going to happen.

He is not stupid.

This is the power that the entire Hell's Kitchen gang can only have when they unite.

But he couldn't figure out why these gangsters did this.

Even Hell's Kitchen is part of New York.

They did this, they committed a big taboo!

In the past, those gangsters must pay a lot to settle what they did Is it worth it?

Who can let so many gangsters attack at the same time?

The more he thought about it, the less George Stacy dared to act.

Because he knew that since the other party had already achieved this level, he would never mind letting a disobedient police chief disappear quietly.

As for monitoring?

I'm afraid all the surveillance cameras in the police station tonight are broken.

So he was just chatting with those people, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Only some fine sweat faintly appeared on his forehead, which proved his unease.

The few police officers who stopped him naturally saw it. They looked at each other and nodded secretly, just be obedient.

After all, they didn't want to really attack their immediate boss.

Countless people have noticed the abnormality in Hell's Kitchen tonight, and all of them can't wait to get into the soil.

This is what those gangsters are proclaiming!

Declare that Hell's Kitchen is still their Hell's Kitchen.

It won't change because of anyone's presence.

At this time, Hell's Kitchen is full of two words, that is fear.

At this moment, Jin Bing's face was indifferent.

Sometimes, giving and receiving cannot be evaluated with material things.

For all this today, all the top gangsters have used their personal connections and cultivated their power for many years.

Just to kill a Noah Allen?

Of course, this is a loss-making business.

What about the announcement of the entire Hell's Kitchen?

That's very worth it.

He has absolute confidence, and even did not hesitate to stand up and lead the emperor's action this time.

After tonight, he will use this to become the real king of Hell's Kitchen!


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