[All rewards obtained by the Savior of the Eagle Country in the extraterritorial forbidden land are 20,000 points, an S-level treasure chest. [


[The transfer is successful, 10,000 points and two A-level treasure chests are obtained by Sister Bao'er, the savior of the Dragon Kingdom. 【

Zizi. It was detected that Sister Bao'er was the savior of the Dragon Country, and a kind of extraterritorial creature was randomly selected to descend on the Eagle Country, and all the resources owned by the Eagle Country were reduced by ten percent

!] [Random selection of extraterritorial creatures is coming, the extraction is completed, and the extraterritorial creatures that have descended in the Eagle Country today are five thousand A-level extraterritorial creatures scale python!]


The sound of freezing bones sounded in the two extraterritorial live broadcast rooms.

But all the people in these two countries have stopped the fighting.

All of them were stunned

! Then

, all the people from all over the Eagle Country looked for a relatively quiet place to hide, and they didn't have any intention of going to the Internet to fight a curse war

! A-class extraterritorial creatures!

After the extraterritorial forbidden land was opened, they didn't come many times.

There is no exception!

As long as it comes to the realm of A-class extraterritorial creatures, it will all suffer heavy losses, and there is no surprise about this.

Although they were very angry in their hearts, they also understood what

was more important! Undoubtedly, nothing was more important than life!

The people and officials of the whole world all knew about this

! And they also began to pay attention to the Eagle Country for the first time! And under everyone's attention

! Over the Eagle Country, 5,000 scale pythons with a body length of several hundred meters fell from the sky

! They fell directly into the territory of the Eagle Country and began to wreak havoc!


whole scene was like a disaster in a movie!

The buildings collapsed, and they paid for their lives under the destruction of the scale pythons

! The land, water resources, and forests in the Eagle Country were also rapidly reduced at this time

! The scene was once unbearable!


when all the cities and cities in the Eagle Country were severely hit and miserable.

No one noticed, and they didn't see

, in a corner of the city, but not a single python dared to come, even if some of them came here.

He was also startled, and then slowly detoured

! As if there was some man-loving beast in this corner

! Actually!

This is indeed the case.

Among them, there is indeed a fierce beast that loves people!

This corner looks unremarkable and has no bright spots.

But no one knows that under this corner.

It wasn't dirt, it

was very empty, and there was a silence in the room! It was very silent, except for the sound of ticking, there was no sound.

If there were lights, you would be able to see that there were cobwebs everywhere in this place, and a thick layer of sand and dust was laid on the ground.

It was as if no one had been here for

a long, long time! However

, no one had imagined that in this lonely place, there was a rather old, somewhat old

coffin! This coffin did not have a coffin lid

! If there was light, it would be clear that inside the coffin lay a middle-aged man with sickly pale skin and a face that was not angry and arrogant!

The middle-aged man's eyes were closed, and there was a huge piercing

wound on his body! Now there was no blood flowing out of the wound, and he didn't make any movement, the whole person was like a corpse!

But on the top of his head, there were drops of blood-red blood dripping from his forehead, and quickly dissolved into the corpse's body.

However, this is not the most strange place

! What is even more terrifying is that

next to this blood-red coffin, there is a brand-new

mobile phone! And the picture on the mobile phone is exactly the scene in the forbidden land outside the Eagle Country

! However, there is no sound coming from it!

I don't know how long it has been.


In the silent field, in addition to the sound of blood drops, a completely different voice sounded.

"After hundreds of years of cultivation, I have finally recovered

!" "Jiang Yuan, this time, I will definitely break you into ten thousand pieces!"

In the empty field, this strange voice echoed non-stop.

And in it

! I can see that the corpse that was originally lying in the coffin suddenly opened its

eyes! His eyes were very strange, they were not half black, they were all whites

! And at this time, in the territory of the Eagle Country, the scale python was still wreaking havoc!

The destruction was already nearing the end, when the scale python appeared.

There is no official from the Eagle Country to stop it, obviously they should be preparing to wait for the automatic departure of the Scaly Python after the resource cut, just like the previous country.

The scale python that appeared this time did not have the terrifying ability of the previous desert poisonous insects, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Looking at the tragic situation of the Eagle Country, the officials of all countries in the world fell silent at this moment.

No one came out, and no one made any move

! They were all waiting

! Waiting for who would take the lead in the Eagle Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom, they couldn't bear it

! The hatred between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom that lasted for hundreds of years was known to the whole world! And because

of this! They understood that the officials of the Eagle Kingdom would never be able to swallow this breath!



Not only

the officials of the Eagle Country, but it should be said that all the people of the Eagle Country could not swallow this breath! At this time, the officials of various countries all set their eyes on

the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Country! However, if there is any change between these two countries, they will also take action at the first time

! After all

, the Eagle Country and the Dragon Country are recognized as powerful countries in the world!

If they make a move, it will be difficult for the rest of the countries not to be involved!

But unlike many officials around the world.

After seeing the tragic situation of the Eagle Country, the people of the Dragon Country were full of joy.

Some even set off firecrackers directly at the door, looking like a happy event was coming

! Of course, the tragic situation of the Eagle Kingdom was also a happy thing for the Dragon Kingdom!

"Hahaha, cut ten percent of the resources, good guy, Warwick is finally dead, and he has long been unhappy."

"It's good to be dead, it's good to be dead, it's still too light to cut ten percent of resources, it should be a little more, in that case, it's good-looking."

", listening to you say this, how can you report that there is no Dracula in it, this is unrealistic, why did Warwick die alone?"

"I strongly ask Jiang Shen to kill Dracula quickly, I have a headache as soon as I see the savior of the Eagle Country." "

That's right, hurry up and kill the savior of the Eagle Country, just kill a hundred, what do you care about so much."

"Don't say it, do you think that in Jiang Yuan's hands, Dracula still has the possibility of immortality? "


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