"Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen, call Jiang Shen, hurry up and stop it, don't

let Warwick leave this place!" "Yes, yes, yes, chase, chase, I must not be able to let them leave here safely!" "

I want to laugh when I think of Warwick and Dracula's words before, hahaha." "

This is the end of love, alas, it's a pity that the savior of the Eagle Country.

"Eagle Country, there is no Dragon Country Strong, so wouldn't it fall directly into a second-rate country now."

"But who is to blame for this, you say yes, hahaha.

"Warwick, Warwick, don't let Warwick run!"


In the live broadcast room, after seeing Dracula's tragic situation, everyone was happy.

What's more, today's Dracula is in stark contrast to the high-spirited appearance of the original Dracula.

It's impossible for them not to laugh.

Extraterritorial forbidden land.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Dracula, who was lying in the huge pit and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and his eyes flashed with disdain.

"You're not qualified enough!" Jiang Yuan sneered, "If you really have any ideas, let's call Cain." As the

words fell, Jiang Yuan looked away and threw himself at Warwick, who was fleeing.

For Warwick, Jiang Yuan also didn't have a good face.

Just by virtue of his previous quick solution to Sister Bao'er, Jiang Yuan categorically couldn't let him leave the extraterritorial forbidden land alive.

"Want to go?" Jiang Yuan's golden eyes overflowed with cold light, and his hoarse voice sounded again: "Who did you say you were going to solve just now

?" "Why are you so daring?"

The words fell, and just as Jiang Yuan was about to make a move, he suddenly found that there was a change in the field.

When Jiang Yuan's eyes turned over, he found that it was none other than Sister Bao'er who caused the changes in the field.

I saw that Sister Bao'er, who was chasing Warwick, looked at Warwick, who was being pulled away little by little, and suddenly her eyes sharpened, and she quickly attracted the Qi current in her body to her hands!

When a layer of azure light was attached to the iron tree, Sister Bao'er was expressionless, and her eyes were fixed on Warwick.

"Don't try to escape! I'm going to bury you!" The

words fell, and Sister Bao'er's right hand suddenly exerted force, under everyone's gaze.

He actually threw the shovel in his hand directly at an extremely strange speed!

After the iron tree was thrown, the surrounding blue brilliance was brought into full play, and I saw the iron tree draw a clear blue arc in mid-air.

Everywhere he went, he pierced the air and made a sonic boom.

The speed of the shovel is very fast, almost the last to come, but it is only a blink of an eye.

It was to chase Warwick who had fled! Warwick's

expression twisted, and a bloody light lit up on his hands, and he was about to get up to resist.

However, his body had not yet been completely flipped upside down.

Warwick suddenly froze, and his eyes suddenly lit up with fear.

At this moment,

the shovel slammed into the back of the panicked Warwick's head with the harsh sound of the wind and a dazzling blue light.


There was a crisp sound!

I saw a shovel and a sliding blade, and the sharp corners of the blade grazed directly against Warwick's erection neck, and then plunged heavily into the ground not far away.

And on Warwick's side

, suddenly

! His stagnant body had just begun to move, and a stream of hot, steaming blood gushed out from his erection neck!

"You...... You...... It's ......" Warwick's eyes widened, his expression full of horror.

He opened his mouth in the direction where Jiang Yuan was, and wanted to say something.

In the end, he didn't fall a complete sentence, and fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, his body trembled, and his face explained what it meant to be frightened

! Only the blood that kept gushing out from his neck was rendering the ground on his side a strange red little by little

! It seemed that

he had obviously lost his breath for a long time

! Seeing this scene!

All the spectators were completely ecstatic after a brief moment of surprise.

You must know that the relationship between the Eagle Country itself and the Dragon Kingdom is not very good.

And the Dragon Kingdom has always adhered to one point, there are friends from afar, and it is not easy to say.

However, if it is against the prestige of our Dragon Kingdom, it will be punished even if it is far away!

These are the two concepts that the people of the Dragon Kingdom have always adhered to.

And the savior of the Eagle Country wanted to kill Jiang Yuan and Sister Bao'er earlier.

Even if the Eagle Kingdom is in trouble afterwards, as the people of the Dragon Country, they are extremely confident that the officials of the Dragon Kingdom will never say a word and let the Eagle Country Hu come!"

"I don't know if you noticed just now, Warwick seems to have been frozen.

"Why do you care so much? I only know that Sister Bao'er and Jiang Yuan did all this.

"For the savior who killed the Eagle Country, I just want to say, well done! "

I'm really angry, I should have solved them a long time ago, yes, I get angry when I look at

it!" "Hahaha, this is the !! Jiang Shen

" "Those who offend my Tianwei will be punished even if they are far away!"

"Here I talk to the whole world, our Dragon Country is a state of etiquette, but it is not for others to rub ...... Rub it!"


Extraterritorial forbidden land.

At this time, Jiang Yuan had already come down from mid-air, and naturally the masterpieces just now were all caused by Jiang Yuan.

After dealing with Dracula, Jiang Yuan has been paying attention to Sister Bao'er's side, when he saw that Warwick wanted to resist.

Jiang Yuan immediately felt a fierce aura that belonged to the Corpse King.

And how could Warwick resist

Jiang Yuan's terrifying aura? There was no doubt that under the influence of Jiang Yuan's terrifying aura, he was directly stupid.

Even the shovel that was close to him didn't have the slightest sense of defense, and was directly knocked to the ground.

And at this time.

After Sister Bao'er saw Warwick's previous actions, she also understood that this was Jiang Yuan's operation behind the scenes.

After glancing at Jiang Yuan, Sister Bao'er walked to Tie Qi with an expressionless face.

After holding the shovel in her hand, Sister Bo'er walked in front of Warwick in a muffled voice.

At this moment.

Warwick's body had stopped twitching, and he lay motionless.

Apparently those who are already dead cannot be dead.

"Tell you to follow the nest!" Sister Bao'er squinted at Warwick who fell to the ground without any sound, and thrust the shovel in her hand fiercely, directly grazing Warwick's scalp and inserting it into the ground.

"Hmph!" Sister

Bao'er snorted coldly, and an earthy yellow light surged out of the shovel.

The earthy glow and the dull yellow earth echo and intertwine.

Render a brilliant brilliance.



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