On the other hand, the National Fortune Chest incident has just been confirmed, and the method of using the treasure chest has just been established, and it is time to prepare for action.

There was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room.

Knock knock.

"Enter. Many of the official members in the conference room fell silent when they heard the knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, they all stopped discussing and looked at each other, their eyes were not disturbed with unhappiness, on the contrary, their eyes were filled with a sense of surprise.

At this juncture, especially when they are all in a meeting.

If there is nothing important, no one will disturb them at this juncture.

And now someone is disturbing, even if they think about it with their toes, they all know that something is definitely wrong.

And it's not an ordinary big deal!


As the official boss's voice fell, the door in the conference room was pushed open.

It was a middle-aged man with a solemn look who came in.

This person is known to everyone in the conference room, and it is he who is fully responsible for the affairs in the official live broadcast room.

As soon as this person came in, their hearts sank.

"Could it be that something big happened in the live broadcast room outside the territory of the Dragon Kingdom?"

And the person who had just come in first saluted everyone in the conference room as a sign of respect.

Then, he said in a deep tone: "Bosses, now I have discovered a shocking event in the extraterritorial

live broadcast room...... and soon the middle-aged man told what happened in the extraterritorial live broadcast room in very fast and fluent words.

His tone became more and more heavy, and when the last word fell, his face was already gloomy and dripping.

"What! how dare they?"

and his words also made everyone in the room look different.

An official member of the highest rank slapped the table directly, and rebuked angrily with a blue face: "Is it really impossible for us to set up a group of old guys?"

"If we can defeat them the first time, we can defeat the second time!" "If

they really dare to do this, then just come directly, who is afraid of whom!"

Gang Qiang's voice fell completely, and his chest pain rose and fell violently, obviously angered by this news.

And when his words fell, the faces of the rest of the people did not improve in the slightest, and there was a hint of thought in their eyebrows.

"Sit down. After hearing the news, the official boss's smile gradually faded because of the national fortune treasure chest, but his expression was relatively calm.

Just supporting his chin with one hand, he kept rubbing, and his brows were twisted fiercely, obviously thinking about the countermeasures.

However, they don't think of any good ideas for a while.

On the contrary, the more I thought about it, the deeper my brows wrinkled, and the more gloomy my face became.

What the officer had said earlier was indeed a method, but no one wanted to do it directly unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all

, although the Dragon Kingdom is powerful, it is still a little unbearable to go to war with so many countries.

And if it is once the war is entered, then this war will definitely not be able to be quelled so easily.

It is very likely that as the dragon kingdom and the rest of the countries go to war, more and more people will get involved!,

but ......

If that happens, the whole world will be in chaos.

You must know that in the Divine Cult Country, there is still a group of aliens stationed, if they take advantage of this time to enter.

Every time they recalled the tragic situation they had seen through the video, a wave of fear swelled up in their hearts.

Those creatures, but they were terrible!

An old voice suddenly rang in the ears of everyone in the conference room.

"They haven't started to act on this matter yet, have they?"

The voice was old, but it was full of energy, and there was a calmness that ordinary people did not have.

And when this voice sounded, everyone in the conference room turned their eyes to Elder Long next to the official boss.

In the conference room, there was no doubt that the only person who could have this kind of voice was Elder Long!

Hearing this, the person who had just come in to report shook his head: "Elder Long, they haven't started to act yet. "

Oh. Long Lao nodded slightly, his eyes looked around at everyone in the venue, and finally landed on the S-class National Fortune Treasure Chest placed on the table for a few seconds.

Then he looked away, slowly stood up, and walked towards the outside of the conference room.

While walking, Long Lao turned his back to everyone, still sighing: "Alas, people are old, they just don't use it, and if you sit for a while, your bones will fall apart." "

Don't send it.

"I'll just go outside and move my hands and feet.

As the voice sounded, Long Lao had already walked out of the door of the conference room, leaving only his voice still echoing in the conference room.

Inside the conference room.

Everyone watched the back of Long Lao leaving.

The venue also echoed with Long Lao's strong but old voice.


everyone in the conference room froze slightly.

Their eyes fell on the S-class National Fortune Treasure Chest that Long Lao was looking at before.


! The longer they watched, the more intense the golden light flashed in

their eyes! It wasn't until a moment before their eyes moved away from the S-class National Fortune Chest.

At this moment

, the gloom of their faces had all disappeared, and only the Dao Essence Light was left circulating in it.

When Long Lao's voice disappeared into the conference room, they also completely understood what Long Lao said.

At the same time, I thought of a great way to solve this matter!

"Everyone, first of all, tell me what you think about this matter. The official boss said solemnly.

At this time, his complexion had completely returned to normal.

Even on his face, there was a faint smile on his face.

And as soon as the words of the official boss fell.

Everyone in the conference room immediately started a heated discussion about this.

Everyone is blushing over this, like a vegetable market.

But looking at this scene, the official boss did not stop it, but let them do it.

Now Elder Long has already made a good start for them!


, if they can't do it beautifully, the next thing will be done.

Then what reason do they have to sit in this position.

What reason do they have to be able to deal with the hard work of the old man!

The other side.

Jiang Yuan and Sister Bao'er are directly in front of them.

The yellow sand is flying all over the sky!

And under the yellow sand, faintly.

I could see that two beast shadows were coming at a rapid


! What puzzled Jiang Yuan and Sister Bao'er was that after they saw the beast shadow, they didn't be reminded that they had encountered an extraterritorial creature in the extraterritorial forbidden land!

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