
A little-known area of the Forbidden Territories.

A group of dry territories.

A huge extraterrestrial creature was lying limply on the ground.

It was covered in blood, and its massive body was covered with criss-crossing wounds.

Not only that, but there are many cysts in the area near its wounds, which look very shocking.

And at this time, it was trembling slightly, as if it was not dead.

But if there are people here, they can see it.

In fact, this extraterritorial creature has long since died.

And the reason why it still trembles is because it is underneath its massive body.

On the yellow sand, it was squirming slightly.

If you look closely, you can see that the wriggling figures on the ground are gnawing at its rotting body.

Some of the wriggling figures had slipped through its wounds, gnawing at the flesh inside.

And this is the root cause of the death of this dead extraterritorial creature after it dies and wriggles.

If this terrifying scene is seen by others.

I'm afraid you will feel your scalp tingle and shudder.

The whole body became terrifying.

Thankfully, though.

This scene was not seen by the savior on the blue star.

After all, ......

In this area, there is no shadow of a national savior at all.



At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the heavenly dome.

When these wriggling figures heard the voice.

They all stopped gnawing and raised their heads high like snakes about to attack.

When all the voices from afar fall, they continue to spread in the farther direction.

They turned their heads slightly, looked at each other, and a scarlet light flashed in their eyes.

Followed by.

After locking on the source of the sound, they put down the giant beast in their hands one after another, and quickly escaped into the ground, like migrating beasts, rushing towards the place where the sound originated.


At the same time, the other side of the extraterritorial forbidden land.

Jiang Yuan was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes slightly closed.

It doesn't seem to be the slightest bit of a concern for Sister Bao'er.

When the audience of the Dragon Kingdom in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were already a little impatient in their hearts.

"Jiang Shen, what the hell are you doing! Hurry up and find

Sister Bao'er!" "Sister Bao'er doesn't know what is going on now, I'm so

worried about Sister Bao'er's ......" "I'm worried about a devil, I haven't reported it now, Sister Bao'er must be fine, don't worry."

"Steady, steady, Jiang Shen must be more worried than us, he must have his own reason!" In

the live broadcast room, many viewers looked a little anxious.


At this moment,

their eyes suddenly widened as they stared at the live broadcast room.

I saw it in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, a thick layer of yellow sand rushed towards the direction of Jiangyuan from afar.


Everyone can see it, under the thick yellow sand.

There are terrifying figures several meters long that are squirming rapidly.

Looking at this group of rapidly rushing shadows, everyone's hearts were shocked.

For this extraterritorial creature that appeared in the live broadcast room.

They are very familiar!

I had seen it once in the extraterritorial live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom, and I had also watched it once in the live broadcast room of the Goju Kingdom after that.

I saw it once in the real world, counting this time.

It's the fourth time they've seen this terrifying extraterrestrial creature!"

"That's the desert poisonous insect!" Sister Bao'er and Jiang Shen encountered an extraterritorial creature for the first time.

"Why are they coming here again now, do they want to find death? They dare to harass

Jiang Shen, they are really brave!" "Desert Poisonous Insects: Don't worry, I'm super brave

!" "It's boring, it's to send points to Jiang Shen again, with a little more points, which country can surpass us!" "

What are you comparing here, isn't the key now to let Jiang Shen save Sister Bao'er?"


After the initial shock, many viewers in the live broadcast room looked very relaxed.

After all, ......

This creature, for the rest of the people, is considered to be a particularly powerful creature.

But compared with Jiang Yuan.

Forget it......

There is no comparison at all!


When the desert poisonous insect appears in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Yuan's closed eyes also opened slightly.

Naturally, at the moment of the appearance of the desert poisonous insects.

Jiang Yuan also felt the breath of the desert poisonous insects.

He stood up slightly, facing in the direction that the desert insects would be on.

The corners of his mouth also hung a smile at this time.


In front of Jiang Yuan, the original desert was covered by a dark yellow sea of sand.

Looking at the sea of sand in the distance, Jiang Yuan stayed in place expressionlessly.


The sea of sand turned by the desert poisonous insects is very fast, in the blink of an eye.

It was from afar that he sprinted to Jiang Yuan's side.

And then.

Under everyone's astonished gaze.

The sea of sand that was rushing at a rapid pace was actually an area a few meters in front of Jiang Yuan.

It was like a sudden braking, and it all stopped.

"Not bad, not bad!" At

the moment when the desert poisonous insect stopped, data about the desert poisonous insect suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

[Warning!The savior from the Dragon Kingdom, Jiang Yuan, you have encountered an attack by a desert beast!] The data of the beast is being analyzed!】

[Analysis successful

] [Name: Mutant Desert Poisonous Insect (E)

] [Kill points: 200 points each!] There is a certain probability of opening an E-level treasure chest when killed. [

Characteristics: E extraterritorial forbidden land creatures, living in groups.

They have no fixed place to live and are a large number of predators in the desert. Everywhere

it passes, it is destroyed! But any creature that is bitten by it will have swollen skin and fever, and at worst paralyzed.

[A single one may not be able to cause much damage, but when they appear in groups, they are creatures that represent death

in the desert!] [The mutated desert poisonous insects are more poisonous, and their temperament will be more ferocious, they are invincible!]

Glancing at the data that appeared, Jiang Yuan looked at the desert poisonous insects with a satisfied look in his eyes.

For these desert poisonous insects, Jiang Yuan himself did not let them integrate into too much corpse brother plague.

He really didn't expect that this group of desert poisonous insects would be able to develop quite well now.

Although it is not as good as the several corpse brothers who were infected by himself in the follow-up.

But you know, you didn't implement the most important part of the plan.

And now the most powerful one has already gone from F- to E-class.

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