Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 879: Didn’t you have a point in your heart!

Chen... Chen Zu!

Elder Luo Tian is drunk!

How could a quasi-sacred person call a Malay alien race as Chen Zu!

Is he suitable for this alien race?

Nanming Shenzi roared in his heart, he wished to personally kill Chen Zheng, but when he saw Luo Tian kneeling on the ground, he did not dare to have any movement! In the slap just now, Elder Luo Tian didn't make much effort. If Elder Luo Tian contributed, he wouldn't turn his face into a pig's head, but his head would explode!

Elder Luo Tian!

Road to kill!

The four elders of the five elders of the gods have been pressed!

Elder Luo Tian's combat power is recognized as the No. 1 Divine City!

"Huh? Was this old man awake? This old man seems to have some skill, but the drunkenness of the drink before, it is really difficult to give a good impression."

The Dao Beast looked at the old man kneeling on the ground and commented.


Taiyin Goddess opened her mouth slightly, and her eyes were full of surprise. At the moment, she thought of the poem that Chen Zheng read before, and thought of something, and her mind was shocked again. This son really has a remarkable history. I am afraid that only the son can answer the doubts in his own mind.

"Luo Tian, ​​you are a little drunk."

Chen Zheng looked at the old man who was kneeling on the ground and counted his eyes. He smiled softly and spoke.

"Luo Tian is ashamed!"

The old man kneeling on the ground immediately put his head on the ground, as if he dare not look at Chen Zheng!

This scene!

Nan Ming Shenzi Muronghai and others saw it, and they all took a deep breath subconsciously, because the scene in front of them is really unbelievable! Elder Luo Tian, ​​the first in the city's combat power, was so awesome to an alien race in the Mahayana period!

This is not normal!

"Shen Ruin... It's really a place like gentle township."

Chen Zheng raised his head, swept through the ruins and across the city of God, and across the area shrouded in divine light, and chuckled again.


This time the old man kneeling on the ground raised his head and looked at Chen Zheng with ashamed face, but he didn't dare to say the same thing.

"It seems that there are VIPs coming to Shenxu, Brother Luo Tian will also bring them to Shencheng."

"Elder Luo Tian, ​​invite your guests into the Shencheng!"

"Guests please enter the God City!"

"To make Elder Luo Tian so awesome, it must be the most distinguished person in the world, and the guests please come to the City of God!"

It was also at this time that four voices of one woman, three men sounded in the city of God!

"Four other elders!"

In the heart of Nanming Divine Son, the four voices are the other four elders of the Divine Ruins, including his own master! At this moment he heard his master say so, his face instantly turned white, his teeth clenched and he kneeled on the ground!



Muronghai waited for Tianwei to kneel down to the ground!

Heads down one by one!

I dare not look at Chen Zheng at all!

"Chen Zu..."

Luo Tian kneeling on the ground spoke in a tone of instruction.

"Go check it out."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Chen Zu please!"

Luo Tian immediately answered and got up to lead the way.

"Master, have these guys let it go?"

The Daoist Beast's gaze swept across the Nanming Divine Son Muronghai and others, and the Nanming Divine Son Muronghai and others suddenly froze in their hearts! At the moment when Nanming Shenzi was about to ask for mercy, Luo Tian raised his hand and slaps out the fan, completely exploding Nanming Shenzi and the others!

"Go away and reflect on it!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, then smiled at Chen Zhengdao: "The **** ruins are too special, and a native creature will lose one point of divine power. Luo Tian has punished Nanming Godson and others, Chen Zu followed me Go to God City."


Chen Zheng responded lightly.


A flash of light!

A few people flew to Shencheng!


Murong Haiyuan God trembles and trembles.


Nanming Shenzi Yuanshen stared at the direction of Shencheng and only returned a word indifferently.

After a moment.

Inside the God City Ancestral Hall.

"Chen Zu, this is Dongyue God Ji, this is Elder Nightfall, this is Elder Yao Kun, this is Elder Wu Shen, all four are local gods of the gods, and they are all quasi-holy levels, Luo Tian and four The elders are collectively known as the five elders of the **** market."

Luo Tian took the initiative to introduce the four quasi-Saints in the hall. The four quasi-Saints looked at Chen Zheng, and their faces were full of curiosity, because they felt that Chen Zhengzheng was only a Mahayana monk. And Luo Tian, ​​the strongest of the five gods in the gods market, since Chen Chen is called Chen Zu, it must be a great prospect. At the level of Luo Tian, ​​it is impossible to admit the wrong person.


At this time, the goddess Taiyin shouted at the winter moon **** Ji.


Dongyue Shenji responded, although she is one of the five elders of the goddess, in fact, her appearance is not the form of an old woman, but the form of a middle-aged beautiful woman. There is nothing to hide at this moment, the flashes of light flashed in one pair of eyes, as if to see something different from Chen Zheng.

"The four are all native gods of the gods' ruins. Can anyone recognize the gods on this thing?"

Chen Zheng's eyes swept the four elders, and an extra rune appeared before his hand. The rune flowed, and the ancient rune was imprinted on the rune. The Goddess Taiyin glanced, and her brows were frowned. She knew that the rune was full of divine writing, but she didn't know a word.

"Ancestral God!"

"Chen Zu...there is an ancestor rune!"

"Where did Chen Zu get the ancestor amulet? The ancestor is the strongest creature in the Shinto world, the predecessor of the **** ruins, and the divine power alone is better than the saints in the world!"

"Ancestral Rune... Is this the legendary Ancestral Rune!"

Dongyue Shenji and the other three elders were all surprised when they saw the rune!

"Ancestral Rune... Why have I never heard it?"

Luo Tian looked puzzled.

"Four Shenxu native gods, since they recognized this as an ancestor rune, they should also know the ancestral script on the ancestor rune. Can the four of them help me recognize what is written on the ancestor rune?"

Chen Zheng said casually.


Dongyue Shenji hesitated.

The other three elders are almost the same.

"Four Taoists, this is..."

Luo Tiancha said, seeing that the four local gods of the Shenxu all showed hesitant colors, and at this moment his turbid eyes awoke.

"I know this is the ancestral scripture, but the ancestral scripture has been lost for too long, so I only know that this is the ancestral scripture, but I don't know what these ancestral scriptures really mean."

Winter Moon God Ji sighed.

"Wait for me."

"I only know that this is the ancestral script, I don't understand the meaning of the ancestral script."

"This son also forgive me."

The other three elders also spoke one after another.

"I don’t know the meaning of the ancestral script on the ancestor rune, but the person who gave it to the ancestor rune told me that as long as the ancestor rune sees the ancestor rune, the ancestor rune will sense it. The ancestor rune sees four people, but there is Any response, don’t the four hearts have any points?"

Chen Zheng!

Say this sentence!

Dongyue Shenji and the other three old faces all changed dramatically!

They all stared at Chen Zheng!


Soaring sky!

Ancestral Hall blocked!


The Taiyin goddess opened her mouth wide, and there was only one voice left in her heart. Sure enough, she had been seen through this Chen Gongzi at a glance! This Master Chen not only saw through himself, but also his master and the other three elders!


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