Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 851: Do you know Daji?

"Yaoyao is so scared, can the younger brother hug Yaoyao!"

A murmur!

A graceful body embraced Chen Zheng from behind!

At the next moment, I saw that the tail of the nine white foxes wrapped Chen Zheng and also the woman. A white enchantment emerged, isolating the outside world!

"Huh! Desire of the Six Desire Tianyao, it really is the reincarnation of the nine-tailed Tianhu! The boy fell for eight years of blood mold, and he met the demon girl as soon as he entered the real demon inheritance. It must be sucked within ten breaths! But I heard Tian Yao, the demon girl, is still a virgin, and the kid has earned it! Damn! If it’s not Lao Tzu who hasn’t gone through the Golden Fairy Tribulation, Lao Tzu really wants to take this demon girl! Unfortunately, our Black Fox family is not as good as Jiu Wei Tian Fox, Lao Tzu is now at the level of Xuanxian, and dare not move this demon girl! And Mrs. Green Pearl's beautiful woman, when one day Lao Tzu becomes a Daojun, you must take this! Tian Yao, the master and the disciples have done it together!"

On a hill a few miles away, a fox-eared demon sees this scene here, his eyes flashing, and then he starts counting down.


When ten breaths have passed!

The white enchantment still exists!

The tail of the nine white foxes has not spread out!

The fox-ear demon raised her eyebrows instantly!

"This kid... isn't it the middle of the fit? Isn't it the one who is the weakest in True Demon Ridge? This kid can actually survive ten breaths, could it be a talent? Wait a minute! Then talent is different, right On the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, a monk in a fit period can’t survive ten breaths, not to mention Tian Yao himself is Xuan Xian! No! Very wrong! Hmm? Let Lao Tzu use his magical power to hear what is happening in the enchantment!"

The fox demon repaired his face, and immediately secretly urged his talents to eavesdrop on the situation inside the enchantment!


This one!

He heard a slap!

This slap is clearly a fan of meat!


What does it mean?

Could it be that the kid is a masochist?

"Yes!" The Fox Demon Xiu suddenly thought of a bit, focusing on the head: "Lady Liuzhu Mozong Luzhu, good at training, it is said that the favorite is to use a whip to pump men, Tian Yao is Mrs. Luzhu's personal disciple , Must have learned the technique of training, at this moment it must be torture the kid! After the torture is finished, then slowly enjoy! Demon girl! Sure enough is the demon girl! Six Demon Devil Sect has no good thing! Our demon fairy house, although they are all demon Monks can never kill innocents indiscriminately! The fit period is a ant, I Hu Guang will never do it for a fit period monk! Tian Yao is not as good as Laozi alone!"


Under the eavesdropping of the fox demon repair supernatural power, he heard a slap again. At the moment, the kid secretly said that the boy could bear it. He was slapped by Tian Yao, but he didn't make a sound. It was really a masochist. The boy was afraid I really enjoy being tortured by a demon!



The fox-eared demon Hu Guang frowned suddenly, and his supernatural powers could not see the situation inside the enchantment!

"Has it been discovered? I found it when I found it. At most half a scent of incense, that kid would have to be drained into a bone! After half a scent of incense, I will talk about cooperation with Tian Yao again! The place of inheritance is full of fog and strangeness. I feel more than a pair of eyes staring at Lao Tzu! I believe Tian Yao also understands that Xuan Xian wants to live and want to inherit the true demon, only to join hands!"

The thought of the demon Hu Xiu flashed again and again, and applied a secret method to integrate himself into the air. It seemed to disappear, but he was actually still in the same place, observing the surrounding situation at the moment.


The tail of the Nine Dao white foxes is not what the demon Hu Hu imagined.

The demon girl Tian Yao bit her lip and stared at Chen Zheng. She was staring at Chen Zheng when she was outside the real demon ridge, because Chen Zheng had a very strange breath on her body, which was more than any man she had ever seen. The breath must be special! She was sent in by Mo Ying just now, and she was immediately sent to Chen Zheng. She directly used her talents and showed her talents. She wanted to study Chen Zheng thoroughly!

But he performed all the spells of enchantment himself, and he was almost immaculate. The man didn't blink from start to finish! I just wanted to be strong, and I was slapped by this man. The two slaps were still hit...

This man!

Is it natural that she is not interested in women!

Is it that there is a so-called Long Yang who likes men!

So that his body of Jiuwei Tianhu makes this guy too lazy to move!


If this guy is not interested in himself, the two slaps just now will not fan himself... hum! This guy is teasing himself from beginning to end, this guy is intentional!

"Little brother... Which senior is posing, why come to tease Tian Yao, Tian Yao is in his humble beginnings, so he is teased by his seniors, Tian Yao can't see anyone in the future!"

Tian Yao's thoughts moved, tears in his eyes, a pitiful look.


Also at the moment when Chen Zhenggang was about to speak, Tian Yao suddenly gritted his teeth, and turned into nine, nine figures smirked, and the graceful and swaying figure, invisibly connected a puzzle!

This maze!

Psychedelic magic!

It seems that even the most determined Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Lingshan can be confused!

"Little brother, come or not!"

The demon girl is feminine!

"The Jiuwei Youtian array you put out is outdated."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The demon girl was stunned, and the other eight incarnations were directly destroyed, and the maze was also destroyed!

"What does it mean...too outdated?"

The demon girl stayed for a moment, opened her eyes wide and stared at Chen Zheng to ask!

"The routine is too old, there is nothing new, and it's okay to confuse the general monk, and it confuses me. I don't even feel it at all."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

When the demon girl heard it, Qiao's face was full of unbelief, and she bit her lip and said: "Nine tails confuse the sky, but it is the secret of the Tianhu family. Although the younger brother's breath is very special, the younger brother is even a golden fairy Dao in disguise As a result, it should be impossible to see Jiuwei confused genius right!"

"Do you know Daji?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the demon When the demon girl heard the name, the Divine Son trembled slightly, but she still didn't believe her face, and once again stared at Chen Zheng with her lips: "Although my previous life was not in the Hongmeng Heavenly Demon Realm, my previous life was in the Holy Land of the Fox Race, Of course I know that the Tianhu family has a dad! Daji...She inherited the purest blood of Jiuwei Tianhu, haven't you seen her use Jiuwei Tianyu? Yaoyao do not believe it! "

"More than three thousand years ago, there was a little fox that had used Jiuwei for me, and the total number of times was eight or nine hundred times. I have been tired of this old routine for a long time."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"More than three thousand years ago... the little fox... you... what you said is true!"

The demon girl widened her eyes when she heard it!

Because she knew that when Daji was sent out of Qingqiu, it was just over three thousand years ago!

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