Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 841: No phase old magic! Short burst!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"Do you really think of yourself as a powerful monk, can you awaken in a fit period to become a Xuanxian Jinxian by shouting at random? You are afraid of getting mad!"

"This seat is now wide-eyed to see what tricks you are playing! Lu Wuxiao, just a garbage from Wuxingmen, was humiliated by Ziweixing's son riding on his face, and even dared to say nothing of waste!"

"Waste is always..."

The mockery stopped abruptly!

Because Lu Wuwu has changed!

Chen Zheng shouted casually, Lu Wuxang suddenly silenced in the mockery of the elders of the Seven Love Sects after a few hours of silence, and the whole person suddenly became a giant in a blink of an eye!


Monstrous flames!

At this moment, Lu Wuxiao only slightly raised a big hand, and he hadn't really slammed it out. The seven sentiments of the Seven Love Sects and the Seven Great Guardian Mountain Formations were trembling madly, and they were already fragmented!

A horrible tear sounded, and the elders of Seven Love Sects widened their eyes and shivered crazily!

Seven loves and seven great battles!

This is a huge array of anti-Sky from the horror ancient ruins obtained by the early Sect Master. This array can block the spirits of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the spirits of the Heavenly Emperor Realm cannot break through this array in a short time!

But now the young man casually shouted at the landing, shouted casually, and Lu Wuxang turned into a devil with a hundred feet. As soon as the devil raised his hand, the great sentiment of seven sentiments and seven uniques was broken!

Lu Wuxiao!

Is Lu Wucao even more terrible than Heavenly Emperor at this moment!

"Unbelief in this seat! The sword of seven emotions and seven musts!"


In a palace at the top of Longya Mountain, an old man swooped out, and then a million sword lights swooped down and landed on the landing without killing!


Lu Wuwu moved!

The demon body skyrocketed!

A blink!

Three thousand feet demon body!

At this moment, Lu Wuxiao is already higher than the Seven Love Sects of Longya Mountain!

"Oh my God!"

"Thousand Demon Body, this breath is at least the Devil Emperor in the Great Thousand World!"

"Elder Feiyun is coming back!"

The Seven Love Sect monks exclaimed!


Lu Wujiu's body was full of magical energy. At this moment, a face was very indifferent. When he lifted his big hand, the million sword lights he killed would be wiped out!


a slap!

The old man, called Elder Feiyun, was blasted into the sky!

Next second!

Just listen to the big bang!

Elder Feiyun exploded into a blood mist in the air!

The flesh and soul are all destroyed!


The monks of the Seven Love Sects are silent, and they dare not have any changes at this moment!

Elder Feiyun!

A golden fairy!

One of the most powerful elders of the Seven Love Sects!

It was hit directly!

No bones!

Yuanshen has no chance to escape!


At this time Lu Wucao roared again, and the giant devil's palm blasted towards the top of Longya Mountain!

"Do not!"


"Sovereign help! Sovereign help!"

Scream to death!

The monks of the Seven Love Sects have been shrouded in fear and despair!


And just at the moment when Lu Wuxang's horrible magic palm was about to blast on Longya Mountain, and the palaces of the Seven Love Sects of Longya Mountain had been cracked, Lu Wuxang's muddy magic pupil suddenly became clear, and his eyes were amazed, and then wow When Lu Wuxue's huge demon body shrank, he returned to the size of an ordinary person in the blink of an eye!

"..." Lu Wucao looked awkward and touched his head to ask Chen Zheng: "What happened just now... I seemed to have a dream, and I became a horror demon head......."

"Something is wrong." Chen Zheng frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Wuxu's countless eyes, and then shook his head: "It seems that you were beaten to the root of the battle, and the injury was too heavy, otherwise you wake up and want to It’s only a few thoughts to kill all the creatures in the land of extinction, but now you can’t even turn out the devil's body, and the devil's body of thousands of feet will last for about ten breaths."


Lu Wucao looked dazed, he seemed to understand something, but he was more confused.

A few thoughts to kill all creatures in the Barren Land?


That must be done by saints!

Chen Gongzi means that he had a saint-level combat power in his previous life!


Why can't I believe it myself!


At the top of Longya Mountain, the monks of the Seven Love Sects were relieved, and the elders of the Seven Love Sects also recovered! The demon head transformed by Lu Wuxiao was terrible just now, at least it is also a devil emperor!

But fortunately!

Lu Wuxiao was only a fit monk, and he could not maintain that form for a long time. Although it was terrible, it was over! So now, it is the best time to kill Lu Wuxiao and the devil youth!

"Your means is really weird and terrible, but your fit period is limited to your means. Your means can only erupt for a short time. Just now you turned Lu Wuxiao into the devil and failed to destroy our seven emotions. Sect, then it’s our turn to the Seven Love Sects! The Sect Master will go out soon, as soon as the Sect Master exits, you two will die! Not only will you two die, but the Wuxingmen will also be destroyed by you two!"

An elder took a deep breath and gave Chen Zheng a deep look!

"You haven't seen the real seven emotions and seven musts, and you don't understand the details of our seven emotions! The complete seven emotions and seven musts are on display, and the heavenly emperor must avoid it!"

Another elder cold drink!

"Seven loves and seven tricks, the secret of the ultimate killing! Boy, if I leave you now, I can live a few more days!"

And the elders drink cold!


Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to respond, and then looked at Lu Wuxiao a few times and said: "You are indeed a powerful source of collapse, and your phaseless magic species are gone, this is a problem. But the magic phase has no kind of follow-up Master, since you are in a land of exclusion, then the unrelated species must also be in the exclusion zone. You can rest assured that I will definitely help you find the unrepresented species, after all, you guys are not that many Those who can be reincarnated after being killed."


Lu Wucao continued to look dumbfounded!

Unrelated species?

What is that!

And what was his death in his previous life!

"Boy, don't you really take my Seven Love Sects in your eyes!"

"Crazy! Too arrogant! Hum! You are mad now, when you cry later!"

"I don't know if the sky is thick and thick, do you really consider yourself a mighty person? You are afraid that you have hysteria!"

At the top of Longya Mountain, the elders of Seven Love Sects were ignored and snarled in cold voices!


Chen Zheng is still too lazy to respond!


This is also the time!

Suddenly there was a shock in Longya Mountain!


In the middle and largest palace on the top of Longya Mountain, suddenly there were seven fairy lights, and a figure appeared in the fairy light!

"Sovereign is out!"

"Meet the Sect Master!"

"Welcome the Sect Master to go out!"

this moment!

Elder Qiqingzong and disciples of all bowed to that voice!

"Haha! Boy! The Sect Master has already passed the level, you are dead!"

After an elder paid his respects, he stared down at the foot of the mountain suddenly, his face roaring at Chen Zheng with a roaring face!


This time!

Chen Zheng responded to the elder!

He looked cold!


A raised hand!

A giant palm surfaced!

Just listen loudly!

The Sect Master of the Seven Love Sects that had just left the border was slammed into the sky!

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