Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 819: 3 Dragon Wars!

? Whoo!



A lot of immortal light glanced in, but they didn't dare to get close to the sacred tomb. Whether it was a warship, a chariot, or a single monk, they were all far away.

"Mo Di!"

"The white dragon is the white emperor!"

"That's Tianlong Emperor! Tianguan City destroyed Tianlong Emperor of Tianjia and the Six Saints! The man on Tianlong Emperor's back was the man who was the most crucial to the change of Tianguan City. He didn't think he really only had a fit period!"

The weakest of these monks was also Xuan Xian. He glanced at the top of the holy mound from afar, and after seeing the two giant creatures over a thousand feet, they all couldn't help but step back!

Emperor Mo!

Emperor Tianlong!

It's all irresistible!


What surprised them most was that the young man standing on the back of Tianlong Emperor at the moment was actually exactly the same as the rumors, it was really just a fit period! The rumor actually came out of the Sky Crown City half an hour ago. At this moment, when I saw the Lord, these monks could not believe it!

"Don't the Holy Mound Spirit Appear!"

"The Holy Mound has been closed. The Holy Mound should want to fight Emperor Mo with the Dragon Emperor. They are all horrible creatures at the level of the Heaven Emperor. If both defeats, the Holy Mound will just take advantage of it!"

"Dragon Emperor and Emperor Mo should not have been so stupid to take the initiative to fight? The Emperor Mo Emperor came to the sacred mound directly, there is no doubt that it came from the things in the sacred mound, what is the sacred mound hiding!"

The monks whispered again. ~sui~梦~小~说~щ~suimеng~com

"This white dragon? Huh! Boy! Last time in Tianhai City, you sacrificed a battle flag to a white dragon, so the power of that battle flag came from this white dragon? Huh! My father has already awakened, waiting for my father Take the stuff in the sacred tomb, it is the end of your kid and the white dragon! If you have a kid, you will stay, if you don’t, you will get out now!"

On Emperor Mo's back, there was a person standing on the back of the Emperor Mirage. His eyes moved at the moment and landed on Chen Zheng's face, with an open mouth that was extremely mocking!

"Mo Di"

Chen Zheng didn't glance at Mirage. He only smiled at Mo Di.

"Crazy boy! Good! Very good! Ignore Lao Tzu right now, you will know what is beautiful in a moment!" Mirage sneered, then glanced at the closed Holy Mound: "The Holy Mound Lord, if you just get out of your own, and obediently offer that thing, my father can keep you alive! Otherwise, you, Lord Holy Spirit Mound? You dare to resist!"


Inside the blocked sacred mound!

A behemoth rises into the sky!

Just listen to the dragon roar!

A violent and tyrannical atmosphere is rising!



"Holy Spirit of Heavenly Emperor Level!"

In an instant!

The monks who watched from a distance withdrew on the spot!

In the blink of an eye!

Withdrew dozens of miles!


Above the Holy Tomb!

The war has broken out!

Emperor Tianlong!

Emperor Mo!

The fierce holy spirit rushing out of that holy mound!

Three-party chaos at the moment!

"What kind of holy spirit is this, and why the emperor has never seen it! Why is this ugly thing on the same level as my father, my father is the Emperor Mo, the master of the starry sea, is the oldest age to this age of immortality Black Dragon!"

Poseidon Mirage has swept to the other side, staring at the behemoth in chaos, and gave a low growl!

"Blow Nima!"

Chen Zheng Xiao Gu Ji Yuwei is also not far away, Xiao Gu opened his mouth back!

"Stupid and ignorant!"

Mirage glanced indifferently!


Xiao Gu snorted extremely disdainfully, and looked at the three parties in chaos. Emperor Mo is a black dragon, Emperor Tianlong is a white dragon, and the murderous holy spirit rushing out of the holy mound is also a dragon shape, but it is crazy to switch between nothingness and reality. This is not terrible. What is terrible is the released evil. The breath is stronger than the breath released by Emperor Modi.


And this breath made Xiao Gu think of the weird saint phantom that he saw in the ancient palace of Tianjia in Tianguan City!


Have the same breath!

"Is there really a saint buried in this pit?"

Xiao Gu grunted.

"I remembered."

Chen Zheng suddenly smiled.

"Ah? What did the master think of?"

The small bone showed a doubtful color.

"A moment of breath."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"In a moment?" Xiao Gu blinked and thought of a guy: "The black robe that the master of the blood prison called last time? The master means that the breath of the dragon-shaped holy spirit and the breath of the strange saint, and the black The breath of the robe is exactly the same?"


Blood prison?

Ji Yuwei looked puzzled.

Who is that moment?

"The other side of the moment." Chen Zheng nodded lightly. "When I went to Kuhai, I saw the other side of the moment. I said why he was so indifferent to anyone. It turned out that he was also a hard-working guy. The boat, but you can't cross the bitter sea, you can't reach the other side."

"The bitter sea? The boat on the other shore? Blow! Blow hard! Boy! You can really blow!"

Over there, the sea **** Mirage has been eavesdropping, hearing the bitter sea and the ship on the other side, and immediately showing a mocking look. A monk in a fit period, closed his mouth and talked about the boat on the other side of the bitter sea and the other side. Is this kid thinking of himself as a saint in the world?

Chen Zheng ignored the Mirage and didn't even bother to look at it. He glanced at the three giant behemoths in chaos and looked at the holy mound, then a mysterious smile appeared: "No wonder he wants to ask I was originally blocked here. It is no wonder that Emperor Mo came to the sacred mound, and the things inside did indeed have the power to resist the sky. But the sacred lord of the sacred mound dare to play like this, be careful to take off yourself."

"Hum! Pretend to be a ghost! Pretend! Pretend!"

Poseidon Mirage overheard again, sneering with open mouth!

"Huh? You guys still learn idioms well, why don't they seem to have much IQ?"

Xiao Gu asked Mirage.

"You dare to dare to come here! The emperor is too lazy to care about you. When my father defeats the white dragon and the overcast dragon, when my father takes the things in the sacred mound, all of you will die!"

Poseidon Mirage snorted coldly, and stared at the chaotic three-headed monster.



this moment!

Over the Holy Mound!

The three giant behemoths were entangled and smashed from the air, with a terrifying atmosphere of destruction to the world, and smashed towards the sacred mound!

"Oh my god!"

"Escape! Hurry!"

"Spirit Lord saves life!"

Inside the Holy Tomb!

The sacred monk screamed!

At this moment, more than a dozen figures flew out!


At the moment when he swept out of the sacred There was a black manssage suddenly at the deepest part of the sacred tomb, and he immediately caught up with the dozen or so figures, and bit like the poisonous snake on the dozen or so figures. !


Those more than ten figures shuddered!


Then a face became dull and white, and a strange breath on his body was released, and the state suddenly rose! It took only one breathing time to pass, and all these dozens of figures entered the realm of heaven!

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