Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 803: I am before the ages!


Chen Zheng said nothing.

He wiped it out, the artificial lotus seeds emerged, and the chaos of the artificial lotus seeds disappeared. The little girl in the lotus appeared, and the little girl instantly chilled at the strange man on the dark throne!

"This guy... is a little impressed, not a good thing!"

The little girl is indifferent!

"The future tribulation master, you... seems to have been born too early, and many things have not been awakened, even I can't recognize it." On the dark throne, the demon man glanced at the little girl and made a look. , And looked at Chen Zheng again: "The palm of the Heavenly Emperor's Mask, the Linglong Ancient Daotai, all have the means I left behind. And today I also just woke up, you said it was a coincidence, you said it was not God has given me a chance to take you, you, and a premature future robbery master who has not yet awakened! Haha! Hahaha!"

The strange men laughed for a while!

"Who are you? Still a pot? You are a chicken!"

The little girl was disdainful!

"No impression."

Chen Zheng also casually said.

"Humph!" The strange man snorted coldly, and suddenly got up from the dark throne. The dark cloak behind him flew behind him at this moment, only to hear him roar in the sky: "I'm before the ages!"



This roar!

The dark city is shaking!

The next moment becomes nothing transparent!

I saw all kinds of turbulent turbulence in the mysterious fear. The power released by any turbulence is above the saint. The law of the secret space collapsed!

See also time and space change!

It seems as if all the broken eras in the past are repeated at this moment!

I am before the ages!

This sentence is indeed domineering!


It's just that Chen Zheng's eyes didn't blink, and he returned a word!


The little girl was also indifferent.

"Oh!" the demon man chuckled, sat on the dark throne, stared at the little girl of the chemical industry, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "Do you know who this eternal palace was built for!"

"There's so much nonsense, I'm going to hurry up, I'm very busy! You are a bad thing, pretend to be Nima here!"

Chen Zheng hadn't spoken yet, and the little girl of Cultivation came out with a rash!

"It's a lot more nonsense. If you want to kill me, hurry up. I'm also looking forward to you killing me. If you can't kill me, when I find you one day, it's not me who died but you who died. "

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"I will make you die!"

The fascinating man showed a wicked smile, his right hand was raised, the transparent and emptiness of the giant city slammed, traversed the entire mysterious space with a breath, and fell suddenly in front of a giant mountain!

Giant mountain!

Can't see the top!

Seems infinitely high!

The giant city was already very large, but in front of this giant mountain, it can only be regarded as a small embellishment!

"This is... the first place!"

The little girl looked at the giant mountain and drank coldly!

"In the future, although you are a premature baby, you still awakened a lot of things and recognized this place as the first place at a glance. Now that you have recognized the first place, can you see the **** that belongs to you?"

The demon man laughed evilly again!


The little baby girl raised her head and looked over the giant mountain where the top could not be seen. The cloud of the sky spread out. The mountain top seemed to be infinity, and a huge statue was carved, more accurately, the head of the god!

There are not many colossals, just thirteen!

She glanced at the colossus in the middle, and her eyebrows twisted into a line in no time! Because the colossus in the middle is her, not her now, but her grown up!

The future robbery!

Thirteen Lords!

The last master!

The face of the Colossus was indifferent to the extreme!

The look seemed to tell everyone that she had no mercy!

She was born for destruction!

She was born to die!



A crack appeared in that colossus!

A little surprise flashed in the eyes of the little girl, but the next moment he regained his indifference and stared at the demon man: "Do you think your blind eyes can deceive the character? The character has thought of the original place, thirteen The colossus corresponds to the thirteen robbers, and the thirteen colossus is the ultimate creation. No one can leave a mark on the thirteen colossus unless it is the creature who took the last step! You are more than the era. The overlord is over half a level, do you think you have taken the last step? Huh! You are a long way from the level of Chen Zheng, you are not even qualified to be close to the original place!"


The voice of the little girl was just dropped, and the thirteen giant statues, or the giant mountain that seemed to be taller than the sky, disappeared directly at this moment, the mysterious space reappeared, and the transparent and emptiness of the giant city also restored the dark essence!

as if!

It was just a dream!

The dark giant city seems to have crossed the mysterious fear, in fact, it stayed in place from beginning to end without moving, and the giant mountain or the giant image is a vision transformed by a mysterious man with a mysterious means!

"Unfortunately, I haven't fooled you. If I fooled you and made you crack, then I'll make a lot of money." On the dark throne, the bizarre man chuckled and said a handful, and an extra bone came out of his hand. The flute and bone flute are very magical. The demon man turned the bone flute with one hand, facing Chen Zhengdao: "I still look down on you, thinking that you have erased yourself, it's not as good as it was at the time, I didn't expect you to still bite the bones! I wanted to use the dream method It seems that it will not work to cut you and the future robber. But now that I am awake, I will take a thought to try how much you have left!"


The demon man smiled and picked up the bone flute and suddenly blew!


The flute sounded!

Except for Chen Zhenghe and the little girl of creation, everything in the mysterious space, including the demon man and the mysterious space, is instantly destroyed, and instantly becomes nothingness!

"he came."

"he came!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng and Taohua little girl spoke at the same time, but one was indifferent and the other was indifferent!


Asura world!

The sky dome is twisted!

A whistle rang through the world!



At this moment almost all kneeling!


Blood spurts!


Outside the Scarlet Temple!

Xiao Bone saw Xin Meng suddenly kneeling and spurting Suddenly raised his head, the power of the reverse road circulated on his body, but the power of the reverse road could not support the terrible pressure, this time the reverse road The power is off!


In the Scarlet Temple, a red figure flew out, this figure in red is the emperor Shura! Empress Asura looked up and saw only the sky above the twisted sky, a figure was slowly falling!

this moment!

Even her cultivation practice produced an unbeatable idea!

This person!

It is more than a little bit stronger than the Stygian Ancestor who appeared in that day!


The slowly falling figure smiled faintly and opened his mouth to ask!

"Where are you at this moment before I am eternal?"

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