Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2594: ?Complete Chaos Bone Tower

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Inside the road map.

Hanging over land.

In front of the Purple Palace.

The Red Dust Fairy House was restored as before.

In addition to the Red Dust Fairy Mansion, in front of the Purple Palace, there is a chaotic bone tower and a cantilevered city. The Seven Princesses are now in the cantilevered city.

She comes from beyond the realm and knows what a cantilever city is, but it also takes some time to become familiar with it before she can truly control the cantilever city.

Chen Zheng is now in the Red Dust Fairy Mansion.

"Master Dust... Still not awakening..."

On the lakeside of the Red Dust Fairy House, the wind lady said softly. At first, Feng Niang and the Blue Bird went to the Red Dust Fairy Mansion outside the territory. Later they hunted into the Taixu Ruins and finally found the Red Dust Fairy Mansion. They also saw the owner of the Xian Mansion, but the Xian Mansion Master did not know them either.

"That... the master, she... seems to have been sleeping longer every day recently."

The Nuxue Demon Emperor was also there. He used to be Chen Zheng’s order to find the dust girl. He found it, but he couldn’t control Xianfu at all. Xianfu flew into the broken land and was later taken by the mysterious man. Out of the Taixu, into this constant region of chaos.

"Awake when you fall asleep, no problem."

Chen Zheng glanced at the sleeping girl, whispered something, and then turned to look at the lotus pond, a move to the lotus pond, a green lotus flew to the front.

Everyone was a little puzzled, and he wiped out a piece of flesh with Qinglian, which was exactly the same as Yan Yi with only the spirit.

Everyone immediately understood that this was to reshape the girl's body.

"You are practicing the devil's magic path, and you have the pupil of the real devil. I will squeeze a flesh for you. It is not the best, but it is also the most suitable for you."

Chen Zheng took it easy, flesh flew to Yan Yi.

"Thank you Chen Zu for giving me flesh!"

Yan Yi worshipped deeply and merged with her body.

"The uncle pinched it out. Isn't that uncle know all the measurements?"

Lan Ling blurted out subconsciously.


Everyone stared at me!

"Um... I was indoctrinated by a guy with some weird things, and from time to time weird things, don't worry about it."

Lan Ling froze for a moment, and his face was right.

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, thinking of something, a move, a magic lotus emerged, and when the lotus appeared, he swaggered, and after a while, he plunged into the lotus pond.


Bright light!

Immortal lotus in the lotus pond suddenly bloomed!

In this scene, everyone only feels pleasing to the eyes. Although they don't know the origin of Shenlian, they just have to look good.

"Hey, hello, when will I be transformed into a human being, I want to look prettier than these women!"

At this time!

In the lotus pond!

A young voice inside Shenlian suddenly sounded!

"Before they are transformed, they are thinking of being more beautiful than others. Do you have the beauty of the Queen of Bliss and the beauty of the Empress Yu Xiao?"

Lan Ling hums!

"Anyway better than you!"

The immature creatures in the lotus responded instantly!

"Huh? You dare to confess, believe it or not, I will destroy you!"

Lan Ling hum again!

"You dare?"

Shenlian came back instantly!


Lan Ling had nothing to say for a while. If he met this divine lotus in the first era, he had to stir it up and eat it! A little thing, just jump like this before it's transformed into a shape.

Although this little thing cannot be extinguished, there is still a lesson to be given to this little thing!

Thoughts moved!

Blue Spirit hit a chaotic force!

"The power of chaos? Huh! Am I afraid!"

Shen Lian snorted, and directly consumed the power of chaos!


Everyone was surprised!

"What's the point of this little thing?"

Lan Ling frowned and asked Chen Zheng!

"When the time is up, you can naturally transform into a person." Chen Zheng didn't answer, only glanced at Shenlian, and then at Yan Yi, who had begun to integrate Qinglian's body, and took Yanyan and Lanling out. Red Dust Fairy House.

"To Chen Zu!"

The wind lady and the blue bird, immediately worship!

"To Chen Zu!"

The angry Snow Demon Emperor reacted and immediately bowed!


Chaotic bone tower.

"Why are Sister Yanluo and Sister Tianjiao so defiant, this important cycle of reincarnation, I can only look at the first one, and the second one is dizzy.

But the two sisters have already begun to understand the fifth major cycle of reincarnation. My first life is still a chaotic goddess, and now I have awakened the memory of the first life, why the gap is so big. "

Lan Ling was full of emotion and a little sad.

He was the reincarnation of the Chaos Celestial Girl, but he had a magic card from the Creator of Heaven, and he was even instilled with strange knowledge by a guy who did not even know the other party.


Not worth mentioning in front of these two sisters.

"Because Sister Three and Sister Tianjiao, like Master, they are all detached bodies."

Yan Nu said with a smile.

"The detached body... is it really so strong... After I awakened the memory of the Chaos Celestial Lady, my physique has turned into a chaotic body, and it is still the ultimate chaotic body, and my ultimate chaotic body Not bad?"

Lan Ling said with emotion.

"Since the detached body, it is above everything."

Yan Nu said softly.

"The detached body... I haven't heard of it before... No one in Taixu has this kind of physique. Within Hongmeng, apart from Uncle, only Sister Yanluo and Sister Tianjiao are Is it detached?

If so, what is the relationship between the two sisters and the uncle? It doesn’t matter. It’s just that this constitution can only be passed down through blood?

Huh? I remembered that there was another person who was detached, and she was also detached! When I checked the uncle with the original guide, I found that the uncle had a daughter named Chen Lingsu, and the uncle's daughter was also detached! I didn't pay attention to it before, and I remembered this from Sister Yan! "

Lan Ling showed his thoughts, and then suddenly thought of something!


The original guide!

It seems that only Chen Lingsu has a daughter!

"Nine major reincarnations, this chaotic bone tower has only nine floors, no wonder it is not comparable to the universe cantilever and infinite hourglass."

At this time, Chen Zheng on the ninth floor of the Chaos Bone Tower branded the nine major reincarnation veins. Originally, the Chaos Bone Tower only had five major reincarnation veins, missing the next few weights. Now he has completed the next few.

of course.

This is only for the chaotic bone tower.

Chaos Bone Tower itself has only nine floors.

In fact, there is one more than the ninth.


And at this moment!

Above the ninth floor!

This chaotic bone tower dome!

Suddenly turned into nothingness!



Yan Nu and Lan Ling stared up!

Yan Luo and Tian Jiao, who had been practicing on the fifth floor, also opened their eyes!

This moment is also awakened!

"Master This seems to be the context of the Great Reincarnation...Huh? Right? This chaotic bone tower knows that it wasn't too powerful at first, how could it... .No! Master is careful! Something is reaching down!"

The shock of the Macross Roulette sounded, and he exclaimed suddenly!


In the void above the bone tower!

One hand stretched out!

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