Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2572: Confrontation

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What sail?

The Emperor Zhang Tian froze for a moment, and wanted to continue to ask, feeling that someone had come outside the Nameless Hill, and he looked towards the Nameless Hill, and his face instantly sank!

Come here!

More than one person!

One tall and one short!


This should not be said!

It is an adult woman and a girl in her tens!

That adult woman!

It's like the one who killed a lot in the first era!

"Found by you... Come in and're my grandson too..."

The metal villain raised his eyebrows, thinking for a moment and falling down, opening the unknown enchantment that enveloped the nameless hill.


The Emperor Zhang Tian was surprised, but he didn't dare to ask more. He stood up silently at this moment and gave up his seat. He knows very well that any one of these two people can easily kill his own first emperor.


The Taiyin family.

Inside Qingyue Ancient Temple.

The Lord of Taiyin meditated on the ancient language, and saw that the Qingyue Ancient Temple changed in an instant, and between the surging Qingmang, a remnant moon emerged.


at the same time!

The Taixu Sky Dome instantly dim and dull!

The night came in an instant!

And at the moment at night, there is a huge round moon hanging high!


"What is this?"

"Is there something to show in this world?"

In the thirteen great territories of Taixu, the creatures immediately sensed the change of heaven and earth, raising their heads one by one involuntarily, staring at the huge remnant moon in the sky!

This crescent moon!

Certainly not easy!

This crescent moon!

It must be a sign of something powerful in this world!

"Lunar Moon..."

In the ancient court of the ancient ancient city of Longcheng, after a long silence, Taichung Tianlong whispered. He thought of some things that had been mentioned in the early days. This lunar moon appeared in the first era. According to the early days, the lunar moon fell from the sky.

And the heavens mentioned at the beginning actually refer to the outer space, that is, the outer space.


Who summoned this lunar moon.

Is it the Lord of Taiyin?

"The Moon of Taiyin... Did Chen Zu go to the ancestral land of the Taiyin family..."

In Emperor Emperor Zong, Tai Xiao thought deeply.

"Lunar Moon."

In the anode temple, the red Zhaodian showed a smile.



Above night!

Suddenly twisted!

I saw a big golden hand grabbed it!

It's a catch against that crescent moon!


Is this the supreme being outside the Taixu to forcibly take this remnant moon out of the Taixu?

Seeing this scene, a world of creatures was shocked. The golden hand was undoubtedly the supreme creature in the chaos outside the Taixu!


The creatures in chaos outside the Taixu!

Don't you know that Taixu has only experienced a major reshuffle!

Hong Wangu!

Yi Qianhan!

Emperor Dragon Emperor!

God of Heaven!

The First God of Everlasting Mountain!

All these famous creatures have been cut!

Didn't those creatures in Chaos know that there is a terrifying horror in Taixu!



That round of broken moon is broken!


The creatures in the world were shocked again, thinking that it was the golden hand that killed the remnant moon, but when another big hand suddenly appeared above the night, the big hand grabbed the golden hand, and a pull down!


This pull!

The big golden hand was pulled down!


Golden blood splatter!

and many more!

It seems more than that big golden hand was pulled down!

It seems that there is still a behemoth being pulled down!


It seemed that the supreme beings outside the Taixu were forced into the Taixu!

Who is this!

Who is this huge supreme man painted with gold paint all over his body!

Is this a Buddha!

Do not!

This is not Buddha!

This should be a supreme being in chaos outside Taixu!


at the moment!

He was pulled in from the outside of the Taixu alive!


Can't break free!

Its vast body has begun to fall apart!

and many more!

To know who this is!

Wouldn't it be good to look at the top list!

Many people suddenly thought of something, Shen Nian quickly moved to explore the top list, this investigation really saw the strange name in the top ten of the top list!


At the moment it ranks fourth on the list!

This creature that was forced into Taixu was called gold!

hold on!



Gold and silver!

I remembered!

Up to two months ago!

Suddenly there is a silver airborne top ten on the **** list!

That day fell in the Taixu!

This gold and that silver should come from the same tradition!


Whose magical power is the other big hand that pulls this gold into the Taixu!

Is this the magical power at the top of the list!


Among all kinds of speculations, a ruthless cold hum rang above the sky dome, and a big hand emerged, grabbing the supreme creature named Jin, and pulled toward the sky!


This is to force the gold out of Taixu!



At the next moment!

Golden huge upper body!



The golden blood is like the melted liquid gold spilled towards the Taixu land!


This scene!

Taixu creatures are dumbfounded!


The airborne paradise beyond the fourth ruined Taixu supernatural beings!

It was like being divided by two big hands!


No. 4 on the list!

This cultivation is terrifying enough for this state!

But in front of these two big hands!

This gold is completely fish meat on the cutting board!


Supreme body!

Half was pulled down!

The half of the supreme body pulled down by the mysterious big hand is broken!

"The flesh of this seat!"


The other half of the supreme body has been pulled out of Taixu!


Suddenly a giant face flooded into Taixu!

At this moment, roaring roar!


Only shouted!

This huge face was slapped by a slap!


This giant face!

Just by will!

Not its body!

At this moment, the creatures in Taixu could not help but tremble again. After the tremor, they watched the big hand shattered and watched the night retreat, everything recovered as before, and various thoughts in my heart came out!

Just now!

In addition to the golden big hands, two big hands!

Who is fighting with who?

At this the ancient moon palace of the Taiyin family.

In addition to the Lord of the Taiyin, the Taiyin family was horrified and inexplicably looking at Chen Zheng. Just now they saw the most clearly. This Chen Zu raised his hand casually and transformed that big hand, forcibly dragging the supernatural beings outside the Taixu. Enter Taixu!

If it wasn't for another mysterious big hand to appear in the world, the supreme creature just now should have fallen!

"This Moon is too old to dare to unlock the ban if it is not Chen Zu. The people who are out of line are looking for the Moon, and they have sent people to try many times before. They were dragged into the Taixu by Chen Zu just now. The gold, the old deceased had dealt with it, but he was not afraid of him.

However, the old creature who had just fought with Chen Zu was the first to know that there was such a creature in the same vein. Just old doubts, since he is so arrogant, why didn't he come to Taixu to seize the lunar moon before.

If it was the era of overlord before, visit the Taixu with its cultivation base, the Taiyin family should not be able to stop him. "

The Lord of Taiyin thought for a moment, looking at Chen Zheng in a low voice.

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