Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2489: I've seen this kind of stuff

   Is this about to start!

   This is to forcibly extract the magical powers of the creatures of Taixu!

   Are you ready to hit the top of the list!

   The world held their breath!

  The Lord of Feng Mo Di Is this forcibly abducting the creatures of Taixu's world to stand on his side!



  Billion eyes!

  Eight eyes swept the entire Taixu!

   This moment!

   Visible to the naked eye!

  Countless lights are on!

   Influent towards the palm of the sky!

  Flocked to the direction of Fengmo Caves!

Although billions of hands and hundreds of eyes are connected in a horizontal and vertical direction, and the Fengmo cave is locked, although the original demon palace cannot be seen, the world knows that this endless light spot is the mana of the Taixu creatures, and there is no doubt that it is all To the eyes of Jingshi God!


  Jingshi God's Eye!

  Rush to the top of the top list!

  The world looks to the sky!

   Looking at the top list hanging on the sky!

   When I saw that the name of the top of the list did not change, they were still the two words, instead of four words, they instantly opened their eyes, and at this moment there was a sense of inexplicability!




   The mind is so complicated at this moment!

of course!

  The world quickly came back to God. At this moment, only emotion left. The top of the list is still strong or mysterious. The second list has been exceeded, and the top of the list remains still!

no doubt!

   The eyes of Jingshi, who extracted the magic power of Taixu creatures, are definitely more powerful than before!


   No more than the top!

   The eyes of Jingshi God are still like this, but they are beyond the top!

   The leaderboard is stronger than you and others imagine!

   I thought that the gap between the top five on the list is not very big!

   Understand this moment!

   Maybe the gap between list 2 and list 4 is not big!

  Can be far from the top!

   The top of the list pulled all the supreme creatures behind into a position!

   "Perhaps only when the Hongmeng Lord himself visits Taixu, it is possible to surpass the top of today's list, and no other creature can surpass the top of the list even if it is arrogant!"

  Someone's emotion!


  In the original magic hall!

   The main face of the Devil's Cave is gloomy!


   The results are different from what he expected!

  He expected!

  Eye of 100 million hands and 100 million eyes extracts the power of the souls of the Taixu world, even if the broken land is not included, the extractable power is enough to make the eyes of the Jingshi God top the list!



   No more!

   In front of the top list of the reincarnation of the great devil, his mana has not reached the level of the sage, and has degraded to the level of the ancestor, but it still dominates the top of the list!



  The undefeated monument created Taixu No.1!

   Could it be that the undefeated Shenbe cheated!

   Mana Mana!

   Cannon fodder level only!

  This mana is also eligible to continue to occupy the top position on the list!

of course!

   The master of Feng Mo Di Cave also knows that the ranking on the top list is actually not the most important point, but this guy has only the ancestors of the ancestor, but he is still occupying the top of the list, which is really eye-catching!

To know!

   Not on the list now!

   Except those guys whose deity is in the Broken Land, except the faceless demons, except the thirteen, except the Li, and the fearless sky, almost all of them fell out of the top list!


  On the top of the list, there are less than fifteen names left!

   At least twenty supernatural beings have fallen off the list!

   Why does this guy dominate the top of the list!


  This makes the Lord of the Devil's Cave feel extremely uncomfortable!

"Do you think the ancestral mana at the top of the list really deserves the name?" The Lord of the Demon Grotto chuckled, then shook his head gently, the black scepter once again: "I am too lazy to waste time with you, this time, please come to the eyes of the **** of cleansing Before, I have checked you clearly. You are a mortal spirit that is far more than ordinary supernatural beings, but you can still be driven by mana or mana. Now you only have mana level mana, and the eyes of the pure **** are already vast The ultimate supremacy within, the outcome of this battle has been determined!"



   A little black scepter!

   A flash of awesomeness!

   A human head-sized eyeball emerges!

   This eyeball emerged!

  The family of Fengmo Di Cave all knelt at the eyes!

   "Welcome to the eyes of Jingshi God!"

   It turns out!

   This skull-sized eyeball is the eye of Jingshi God!

   "This thing is really spiritual pollution"

  Lan Ling glanced away and immediately looked away. The eyeballs are not pure colors, the eyeballs are colorful, and just one glance feels like the Yuanshen is about to collapse!

and so!

   This thing is definitely not a god's eye!

   This thing is a magic eye in itself!

   "Yu Wai Magic Eye"

  The golden gleam flashed between the female pupils of Yan and her brows whispered. The strange magic weapon of her fusion swept the first glance of this so-called Jingshi God's eye, and it was already determined that it was a foreign thing!


  This is a creature outside Yuwai!

   Created a magic eye!

   Threw into Hongmeng!

"The little girl seems to have merged interesting toys, but unfortunately it was too low." The colorful Jingshi glanced at Yan Nu, and said something, and then fixed her eyes on Chen Zheng: "Taixu Wu At the top of the list, it should be almost the first person in the Hongmeng universe, but your mana is too bad. Of course, your physical body and Yuanshen are very unusual. I admit that your physical body should be detached. Well, it’s already the first major reincarnation."


The Lord of the Devil's Cave was shocked, and the thought flashed in my heart. At this moment, I vaguely understood why the body of the reincarnation of the great devil in front of me, the mana realm has fallen to the ancestral realm, but it still ranks at the top of the list. .


   It turns out!

   The body is detached!


   No problem!

  The tone of God's Eye is obviously that everything is under control!

   It's just detached!

   is not really detached!

   is not really invincible!

   God's eyes will definitely suppress it!


   Everything about Heavenly Devil!

  The Great Devil Lord!

  The Master of the Heavenly Demon Road!

  The evil spirits are very evil!

  The original magic hall of the heavenly magic road!

   Everything will disappear!

"The Great Devil Master, the extremely evil meditation has been fixed by the power of Lord God's Eye. You have also been seen through Lord God's Eye. Do you want to continue to support it! Admit it, Lord God's Eye comes from Yuwai, Lord God's Eye hasn't seen anything. You are the strongest devil, no matter how strong you are, even if your flesh is detached, how can your eyes be as powerful as God's Eye!"

   So he gave a low growl!

"If you can't say this, be humble. But one thing is right, this top leader, there really is no need to continue anymore. Physical detachment is just the beginning. Physical detachment is more than a major reincarnation. "God's eyes smiled faintly, and then paused and then looked at Chen Zheng and continued to smile and said: "I won't hide Although I'm not a powerful creator, my master is a respect The new creator, my host is very interested in the Hongmeng universe, and I will give you two options now!"


  Jianming interrupted God's eyes!


  It didn't interrupt the eyes of God!

  Pierced the eyes of God!

   The voice of God's eyes stopped abruptly!

   God's eyes can't believe it!


next moment!

   God's eyes broken!

   The original magic temple is silent!

   "I've seen this kind of merchandise more than I have ever seen. It's really disappointing."

Between the fear of the Lord of the Devil's Cave and other inexplicable fears, Chen Zheng shook his head lightly, and then a flash of gloom, a stone egg emerged, which directly swallowed the colorful and mysterious fragments left after the god's eye broke !


next moment!

   A female voice came from the stone egg!


   The Lord of the Sealed Devil's Cave knelt down!

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