Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2481: Your majesty seems to have grown up!

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"Historical Market?"

"Suddenly emerged supernatural beings!"

"The one that just made the top list disappeared, saying that I have seen it once in the distance. It was really a terrible woman. I don't know if it fell or other conditions... One fell out of the top list, and one suddenly entered the top ten of the top list, all with robbery in the name. This is not as simple as coincidence."

There are whispers of souls in the major domains of Taixu. This sudden change on the list makes people have to have some associations.

"Market... How dare you guys."

At the same time, Chen Zheng chuckled, and with the two disciples around him, disappeared out of thin air.


The dozen people who dare not move in the distance, that is, the dozen people who remained in the space of the **** tree before, are completely relieved at this moment!

"We are safe, but someone is going to be bad!"

"I just secretly listened with Shen Nian. The little girl said that Wan Tribulation was planted by this one. There was no change on the list just now. Someone moved Wan Tribulation!"

"Do you want to rob the Shuxu? If you really rob the Shuxu, then you will be ranked ninth on the list. I'm afraid it will fall! The drop is actually okay. If it falls, it will be miserable!"

"Are we going back to each case now or are we looking at the top list here?"

"I think I can stare at the top of the list for a while. If the ruins of the ruins within half an hour have really fallen, then there is no doubt that the identity of the one just now is a real hammer!"


These dozens of people did not disperse!

After a short thought, one after another stared at the sky-high list hanging on the sky!


Yinxu dynasty.

Old and mysterious.

It is said that the ancient Yin dynasty was only created by a tribe separated from the Yin ruins.


"That's... the queen! God is really the queen. The queen who left the gods 100,000 years ago appeared!"

"Worship the God!"


The gods of Yin Ruins are shrouded in the ancient and peaceful divine light!

But a figure suddenly appeared above the gods!

The creatures in the gods looked up subconsciously, only one glance, and all of a sudden exclaimed, many people bowed and saluted on the spot!


The phoenix robe woman with the first bird!

The woman with no emotion like a stone sculpture is the **** who left the Yinxu dynasty 100,000 years ago!

The queen suddenly returned!

"The queen of 100,000 years ago..."

"The moment she left Yin Ruin 100,000 years ago, she was no longer a god, or she practiced strange magic and turned herself into a monster that was neither human nor demon. She had been abolished. Now!"

"Here comes to me to take her down!"

"Not your majesty, this ancestor who was 100,000 years ago, no matter how much blood flows from this queen in your body!"

"Your Majesty please think twice!"

In the ancient temple, a sound of consternation sounded, and the Emperor Yinxu's face was coldly ordered, but almost all the courtiers knelt down and admonished!


It is at this moment!

The expressionless woman above the gods disappeared!

"She was abolished 100,000 years ago. She was no longer a **** after 100,000 years ago. She practiced demon mystery and depravity. She is not worthy of my first ancestor! She is now the incarnation of calamity. She appears above the gods. , Will definitely bring disaster to the Yinxu Divine Dynasty, she **** it!"

The Yinxu God Emperor brushed his sleeves, and his indifferent and merciless eyes swept across the ministers!


"The Queen appeared over the Yin Ruins!"

"Already alarmed the awakened ancestor!"

At this time!

There was a sudden panic among the jade pillars in the court!

"What! She went to Yinxu!"

The Yinxu God Emperor was furious, his big hand was facing the jade pillar, and a light curtain emerged. Inside the light curtain was an ancient ruin shrouded by a divine light. At this moment, a figure hangs above the ancient ruin!

That figure was the queen of Yin Ruin, the first bird with a big phoenix robe!

"Well, if you want to die yourself, then it's no wonder that others! Because of your depravity, let us be ashamed of the Yinxu divinity. This time it happened to suppress you completely! No! It's not suppression! It's eradicating this time! Erase you!"

The ruthless voice of Yinxu God Emperor sounded through the court!

The courtier shivered in the court!


At this time!

A change in the light curtain!

Three more figures suddenly appeared in the light curtain!

One man and two women!

Three young people!


"What are these three young people?"

"The overlord of the Three Rings era... how can this man and two women pass through the desperate miasma, and how can they reach the ancient ruins of the ancient ruins..."

The courtiers in the court of God showed doubts!

"It's him!"

There was a young man in the shrine, and his body shouted in shock, staring at one man and two women in the light curtain!

"His Highness Taixu...know this child?"

An old man quickly asked!

"This son... I have seen it in the universe, when I went outside Taixu and worshipped under the main seat of Shinto League! My Master... My Master got it that day The power of detachment has reached the extreme level of Hongmeng, and the guy with a half-step detachment extreme battles with this guy! As a result, my master fell, this guy was only knocked out of mana, just out of the universe. By the way, this guy is called Chen Zheng. I remember very clearly that this guy is called Chen Zheng, and is called Chen Zu by the life master of the universe!"

Shen Shen replied!


"Chen Zheng?"

"He is on the top list... the top of the list? This and this... how did he cultivate this way? The three lines of the overlord **** pattern, in the supreme age, is nothing, how could he be No top on the list?"

There was a moment of silence, followed by a cry of exclamation!

"Chen Zheng!"

Shen Sheng, the Emperor of Yin Ruins, pronounced these two words, and the divine light flashed and disappeared directly from the court!

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty Taixu, is this really the top of the list? Will His Majesty Taixu admit it wrong?"

"His Highness Taixu..."

The old man and the other courtiers were startled, their eyes moved, and they all looked towards the youth!

"When he battled with my Master Shinto League leader that day, my Master reached the extreme level of Hongmeng with the power of detachment. His cultivation practice is not even a golden fairy!"

Focus on youth!

"Your Majesty appeared above the Yin Ruins!"

"Your Majesty, this is preparation... Are you ready to confirm the identity of this child? Wait! Your Majesty's attitude seems a bit... a bit too tough... this... . Will this..."

"Not good! Your majesty exploded! Your majesty exploded into a blood mist! My God! Your majesty was hit by a slap!"

The old man and the other courtiers heard what the youth said. UU read a book in his eyes and flashed in shock. When he saw the light curtain out of Yuzhu, the figure of Yinxu Emperor appeared. When he saw the flesh of Yinxu Emperor, he suddenly exploded. Open, burst into blood mist!

They froze!

His Majesty!


It seems that the young man who was majored in the action of the three ring tyrants slap it!

My Nima!

This young man is really top of the list!

His Majesty!

Your majesty seems to have grown up!

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