Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2461: Make up for the unfulfilled duties at 1 o'clock

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The rabbit suspended next to Bai Nishang burst into another sloppy tongue, and the half-turned radish in his hand fell!


Bai Nishang, Ye Qingcheng, God Without Tears, Chu Hongyi, Cangsheng, Qi Ruyi also suddenly returned to God, and then all were silent!


Is this the strength of Chen Zu's personal disciples!

Ignore the punishment of horror!

A kick kicked the future Holy Emperor!

Even the seal of the Holy Emperor is cracked!

And its mana cultivation is definitely not arrogant in this era!

But this combat power is too scary!

"Do not!"


Lei Jing screams!

He can't accept it!

I am the future emperor!

I am the only son of the heavens!

How could I not even get this little girl to catch a foot!

"Heaven saves me, he saves me, he kills her for me!"

Lei Ji howling remnant soul!


Thunder phantom above the giant mountain!

All are still!

There is no response!

"How could this be... Lei Jingsheng Son is already the future Holy Emperor, Lei Jingsheng Son has already obtained the supreme destiny, which is one level higher than the heavenly order of Taishang Zhongyuan Shi Tianzun. Ah, how could it be beaten by such a little girl!"

On the audience stage, the old man in purple robe shouted!


The rest of the creatures who entered the Heavenly Dao Yuan Realm retreated instinctively. At this moment, they only felt that the cognition suffered an unprecedented huge impact!

Mark of the Holy Emperor!

Maybe someone can break it!

It's just that it's impossible to be broken by a little girl!

What's that little girl doing?

Is the mark of the Holy Emperor false?

In their cognition, the dispute between the sons of the heavens and the future Holy Emperor is that the Supreme Heavenly Path grants the Supreme Destiny, and the Supreme Heavenly Path is the ultimate supremacy, overriding any soul in this heaven and earth, the Supreme Heavenly Path is invincible!

That is to say!

There can be no creatures that challenge the Supreme Heavenly Path!



A little girl!

Split the mark of the Holy Emperor!

This little girl was swallowed by the horror day punishment just now. It stands to reason that it will be wiped out by the horror day punishment in an instant, but this little girl is harmless!

Isn’t Supreme Heaven invincible!

"Master, Master... I... I went back to practice first..."


Zhongxiu heard the little panic of the girl again!


next moment!

The girl turned into a fairy light and fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


Everyone's eyes moved!

Staring at Chen Zheng!

"My Master is a little incompetent, and I haven't figured out the combat power of my apprentice, but you, the future Holy Emperor, are too weak. The girl just didn't exert much effort on that foot, and you are gone. "

Chen Zheng, who was sitting in the Taishi chair, watched Lei Jijing shake his head gently.

"You you must be dried up!" On the audience stand, the old man in the purple robe stared at Chen Zheng's back with an angry look, and then roared again: "The last choice of the sons of the heavens today, is The world-leading Panhuang host, you are provoking Panhuang, Panhuang must suppress you!"


Will Panhuang show up?

Cultivation was shocked!

On Xingcha, Lan Ling, Lan Jiang, Tai Xiao and other subconsciously looked at Panhuang on the deck of Xingcha!


Panhuang chuckled and swept down Xingcha in one step. The next moment appeared in front of the giant mountain, just beside Chen Zheng!

" this Panhuang!"

"Supreme breath, vast and sacred, this is Panhuang!"

"Meet Panhuang!"

The Cultivation first was a stunned, one perceptively looked at the solemn salute!

"I wish Lord Panpan to do justice!"

The old man in purple robe shouted, and then he kneeled!

"Panhuang...a terrific holy this son has become a future holy emperor, why did you, as the predecessor of this son, not show up just now, Why not suppress that kid and this kid! Did you choose this son as the future holy emperor, did you deliberately make this son ugly! Or that you Panhuang colluded with this kid and defied the Supreme Heavenly Path!"

Lei Jihou shouts!


This is blame!

This Hongmeng Heavenly Thunder should not say such things!

Crowd frowned!


This thunder swelled!

Not a general swell!

Panhuang is a recognized holy emperor!

And this thunder has no merit to dare to slander Panhuang!

"Leiqin Shengzi.... I haven't encountered any setbacks before, and I lost my mind for a while. Don't worry about it! Lord Leiqin Shengzi, apologize quickly!"

The old man in the purple robe shook his body, and did not expect that the young man in the purple robe actually swelled to this point, and shouted quickly!

"Apologize? Huh! The age of the Holy Royal Plate has long passed, and the Holy Royal Plate should not be resurrected. Since this Son has been chosen by the Supreme Heaven as the future Holy King, then this Holy Son will naturally replace the Holy Royal Plate, this Holy Why should the son apologize! This son has the highest heavenly protection, who dares to really kill this son, even he will not dare!

Lei Ji responded with remnants!


This is swollen to the limit!

The practitioners startled and shook their heads again and again!


The old man in purple robe is also ignorant!

"Future Saint Emperor...Oh." Pan Huang chuckled, and also invited a Taishi chair. He took a seat next to Chen Zheng, and then made a sip to Chen Zheng's good tea, and took a sip and said: "If you think I colluded with Chen Zu, then I will tell you now that I really want to collude with Chen Zu."



What Panhuang is saying!

Is Chen Zu that young man?

Panhuang said he wanted to collude with the young man!


Deal with the Supreme God!

Cultivation trembling!

"Sure enough, this prince was right, your Panhuang is not a good thing! Supreme Heaven Dao heard, this Panhuang is no longer qualified to be called the Holy Emperor, please Supreme Heaven Dao to deprive the Holy Emperor's life!"

Lei Ji grinned with horror, and then Wang Tian called out to the Thunder phantom above the giant mountain!


Thunder phantom above the giant mountain has no response!

"Supreme Heavenly Dao, Panhuang wants to turn against you, do you want to let him go!"

Lei Ji's remnant soul calls again!


Still no response!

"Choosing this kind of merchandise as the future emperor, your eyes are too trashy, what kind of merchandise remains, this kind of mercy has no future. If you can’t do it because of Hongmeng, then I will make up a little bit Unfinished duties, help you erase him."

At this moment, Chen Zheng raised his head and glanced at the purest and vastest part of the dense thunder phantom above the giant mountain.

This, this!

Is this talking to the Supreme Heaven?

How does this tone seem to be reprimanding the highest heaven!

and many more!

What is meant to make up for the responsibilities that were not done at the beginning!

This young man, who was called Chen Zu by Panhuang, could have been a spokesperson for Heaven!

The Cultivator is in doubt!

"Don't you dare to kill Ben You can't scare Ben Son!"

And Lei Ji's residual soul heard this sentence and stared at Chen Zhengxun with a grin!


Chen Zheng shook his head gently, with a flick of his finger, Lei Ji's remnant soul was wiped out directly, and the cracked Saint Emperor's Mark was completely shattered!


In between the dumbstruck dudes, Chen Zheng swept across the innumerable marks of the Holy Emperor, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and then a smile appeared, and a seven-color light flashed in his eyebrows, sweeping over the fragments of the Holy Emperor's imprint, the fragments of the Holy Emperor's imprint were instantaneous For the particles, then divided into six Saint Emperor particles, and hit the direction of Chu Hongyi several people!

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