Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2439: Son is not as good as a dog

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"This is indeed..."

Lan Ling nodded.

"not good!"

"The Blue Book has gone to the enemy!"

"The mountain guard is broken, how could this happen, why do you betray Yunling Mountain in Blue Book!"


There was a cry of exclamation and scream from the hill outside the temple!

"What!" Lan Ling stunned and looked down at the hill outside the temple. This little face suddenly became cold: "Sure enough, we have traitors in Yunling Mountain, otherwise the last trace of the mother-in-law will not be leaked, just I didn’t expect that the traitor turned out to be a kin of a mother!"

"Blue Book..."

Yun Ling Mountain frowned!

"Hahaha! The blue book turned to Ben Shengzi. This is called the good bird chooses the wood to live on. I wait for the monks of Yunling Mountain to rest assured that Ben Shengzi does not mean to destroy you Yunling Mountain. This son just wants to make a deal with Yunling Mountain Lord Friends, friends who are more intimate than ordinary friends! So don’t wait, Ben Shengzi will go up the mountain and enter the palace to make friends with you Yunling Mountain. After finishing making friends, Ben Shengzi has a reward!"

At this time!

Down the mountain!

A big laugh sounded!

I saw a young man in a white robe driving a fairy beast and flew directly towards the top of Yunling Mountain!

In addition to this white robe youth!

There are two Taoists hanging in the air at the moment!

These two Taoists have three lines of domineering gods in their eyebrows!

At this moment, the overlord is suppressing Yunling Mountain!

The old Huangshan in Yunling Mountain can't move at all!

"Lan Jiang, the owner of Yunling Mountain... I ran out of the ancestral land to trust her, and I didn't expect her to be able to pass on my powerful secrets, but I stayed in Yunling Mountain for a hundred years, and then passed on to the ordinary disciples. The secret method of cultivation, why am I also her clan, is she so guarding against me! Oh! My clan, even a little girl who doesn’t know where to come out, is not as good as my clan does not recognize her ?

This ancient formation of Yunling Mountain is indeed powerful. If it were not for the special blood of our family, it was only relying on the last breakage method passed by the Seven Immortal Sons. I am afraid it would take decades of effort to break the formation!

Lan Ling little girl, sneaked away to dig for treasure in the ultimate domain, and invited a ring of overlords to come back, do you a few old things really think that the ring of overlords can handle the Seven Treasures? Ah! Second elder, you old ones are also confused! "


A half-demon in Tsing Yi with bleeding at the corner of the mouth suddenly smiled evilly at the old Huang Shan!


The old Huangshan and other monks from Yunling Mountain glared at the half-demon in Tsing Yi!

"Master Lan Jiangshan, I think of you every day and night, I don’t even want to practice, and today I can only solve this lovesickness. You can rest assured, Lord Lan Jiangshan, you are the only child in the heart of the Holy Son, the little demon you raised. , Son Shengzi will never move any evil thoughts, Ben Shengzi will raise her as a daughter in the future! Haha! Hahaha! Lord Lan Jiangshan, Ben Shengzi is here!"

Mountain top!

There was laughter again!

The young man in white robe driving the fairy beast has flown to the top of Yunling Mountain, and the man who has swept down the immortal queen will directly plunge into the bamboo palace!



The person suddenly burst into blood mist in the air!

Even the screams were too late to send out!

Both flesh and spirit are broken!



Only the fragments of the ring of the era are scattered!


Yunling Mountain removed a few of the old Huangshan, and the rest of the monks were stupid. Like the Seven Immortal Sons of the Seven Treasure Gates, the people disappeared at once, and they were wiped out by a strange power that could not be felt at all!


Could it be that Master Shan has restored his cultivation practice!

But it seems wrong!

Lord Mountain Master restored his cultivation behavior to be not as good as these Seven Immortals!

What is the situation!

For a while!

Very foolish!


That fairy beast was originally mighty and majestic, at this moment a cat-like cry suddenly sounded, shrunk in a swish and turned out of Yunling Mountain!


"Seven Immortals!"

Hearing the call of the fairy beast, the two overlords of the epoch suddenly came back to their minds. The two felt for a while, their faces sinking and raised their hands at the same time, offering the magic weapon of life!



This magic weapon has not yet flown out!

The two also exploded into blood mist in the air!


The magic weapon of life is shattered!


Magic Shard Fragment and Epoch Ring Fragment Drop!


Without the overbearing imprisonment of the overlord, the old Huangshan stared at the other elders. At this moment, he understood that it was not the Lord of the Mountain who killed the son of the Seven Treasures and the two elders, but the Chen Zu!

Only Chen Zu!

A few of you are not surprised, but for others in Yunling Mountain, no one has seen it, even the mana fluctuations are not felt, the Seven Treasure Immortal Son and the Two Ages Overlord instantly fell, which is indeed strange And terrible, just as when several people first saw the means of Chen Zu in the Ultimate Domain!


Really ruthless!

The son of the Seven Treasure Immortals and the two elders had never dreamed that Yunling Mountain had such a terrifying character that killing the era overlord was like slaughtering a dog!


The dog can still bark a few times!

The dog can resist a few times!

It should be like killing the era overlord as if pinching the ants!

The Seven Immortals of the Seven Treasures Gate can't even be seen by anyone, even the reaction, and it is instantly ruthlessly erased!

But think about it!

The supremacy of the level that killed the master of the Mountain Robbery was also a ruthless sword. With a snap of his fingers, the top immortal Taoism of Hongyu Mountain Robbery was exterminated. No!

"Seven Sons of the Seven Treasures...Not as good as a dog!"

All the thoughts flashed, and the old Huangshan sighed at the top of Yunling Mountain!


This is the moment!

Tsing Yi half demon kneel!


Immediately after the mouth spurting blood!


Next time I looked up again!

At this moment there is only a terrible!

"Well, what happened to your injury? Whether you killed the Seven Immortal Son or the blue spirit demon girl, please come back and kill the Seven Immortal Son. Then Yunling Mountain must be finished! That kid might be a tyranny. Orthodox Tianjiao, that kid is not afraid of the Seven Treasures Gate, but what about you at Yunling Mountain? Hey! Sister Lan Jiang, the younger brother won this round!"

Tsing Yi half demon gruesome evil smile!

"In Yunling Mountain, the man who killed my son and the elders of the Seven Immortals came to the Seven Treasures Gate to convict himself!"


Northwest of Yunling Mountain!

A cold and ruthless voice came!

Cross the land like a thunder!

Explode above Yunling Mountain!


"The Seven Immortal Sons and Elders who killed the Seven Treasure Gates by the Master of Yunling Mountain?"

"Don't Yunling Mountain want to live? Yunling Mountain is barely a third-rate Qibaoxianmen has been promoted to first-class Taoism!"

In this land boundary, the eyes of the creatures moved, and they all looked towards Yunling Mountain!


They just looked at Yunling Mountain!

Northwest direction!

Qibaoxian Mountain, where the Qibaoxianmen Taotong Mountain Gate is located!

There is no sign of thunder!


The eyes of this territorial creature stared in the direction of Qibao Xianshan instantly!

This look!

People are numb!

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