Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2433: Can't laugh!

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"Can't..." When the little demon girl heard it, her eyes turned and asked again: "You said you want to destroy a few Taoisms. In this legend, Hongyu's strongest Taoism ruins the mountain, will it not be among them?"


Chen Zheng raised his hand, grabbed the dark giant mountain, and saw a dark enchantment emerged, turned into a gigantic behemoth, and threw it over, but it was destroyed in one click in the air!


"Which one of the supremacy is joking with us about robbery!"

"It's better not to make such a joke!"


Several figures flew out of the dark giant mountain!


Thick clouds above the dark giant mountain!

A dragon claw came out!

Then a huge dragon head looked down!

This is a big thunder dragon!

At the moment ruthlessly stared at Chen Zheng several people!


The little demon girl and the old man of Mount Huangshan in Yunling Mountain instantly looked pale and stayed on the spot, because the few people who appeared were the weakest and also the eighth ring overlord!

As for this big Thunder Dragon!

This seems to be a supreme creature!

A horrible beast!


and many more!

Just now!

This guy who brought himself and others to Hongyu Robbery Mountain... It seems that if he just raised his hand, he broke the guardianship of Hongyu Robbery Mountain!

I drop turtle!

This guy seems to be more perverted than he thought!

Suddenly the little demon girl noticed a little bit, and she began to call for the bottom card again, so that the bottom card quickly showed up, and took her and the old Huangshan to leave!


Her hole card seemed to be lethargic!

"Yihuan Overlord.... The strongest among you is just a Yihuan Overlord...Hmm? Wait! You, you, are you like God Yanti? The person you have you, you have come to Hongyu!"

The few people who flew out of the dark giant mountain had a flower-faced old man who stared at Chen Zheng for a moment and suddenly remembered something. His panic flashed in his eyes and stared at Chen Zhengdao: "I know who you are, Shen Yan Mentioned you, you helped the Lord of the Sea Hall in the sea of ​​Cang Qing, right? Your cultivation is not high, but the means are indeed powerful, and once destroyed, we ruined the mountain to protect the large formation! But this is useless, even now It’s useless to kill us, even to destroy the mountain robbery! Our mountain robbery master, the supreme treasure, the mountain robbery master does not die, then our mountain robbery monks can be resurrected indefinitely!"


Unlimited rebirth!

Will this work!

Yunling Mountain Huangshan old man a few shocked!

"Isn't it better than my hole card? My hole card only gave me three chances to resurrect. I have already used it twice. My hole card is really picky!"

The little demon girl was extremely shocked, then murmured, and again silently called the showdown in her heart!

"Since you came to Hongyu and found us to rob the mountain, then I am not afraid to tell you! Lord Canghai also returned to Hongyu, and that place was opened again. Lord Canghai was the only person who had entered that place, too In that place, you will get no inheritance, and you can only be promoted to supremacy by that inheritance!

But that was before. This time our host of the Mountain Robber got help from a mysterious person and has already entered the place. Now we must have received no uploads! Don't look at our robbery master's ranking on the top list is ten, but that's because the robbery master deliberately suppressed the cultivation behavior!

You wait and see, the master of Mountain Robbing will definitely shake the 13th domain of Taixu in today, and the name of Master Mountain Robbing will definitely appear in the top ten or even the top five of the top list! "

The old man of Huamian saw Chen's face without fluctuations, his thoughts flashed quickly, and he drank again and again!


The big thunder dragon overlooking from the thick thundercloud opened his mouth at the moment!

A horrifying dragon roar!

It seems to be warning Chen Zheng!

The old Huangshan shuddered again!

"Adult... this place is really too dangerous... or first... temporarily go to our Yunling Mountain to rest?"

The old Huang Shan took a deep breath, then trembling and speaking, and secretly said in his heart, this is really not a joke!

This Hongyu robbery mountain is definitely not much weaker than the most top-level Taoism in the palm of the world, such as the Eternal Path Daoism, the vertical and horizontal killing Dao, the Great Chaos Sword Palace, the Cathode Demon Palace, and so on. It may even be much weaker than the Great Chaos Sword Palace. The top ethics outside are stronger!


This is Hongyu!

This big domain is the strongest Hongmeng robber in the world!

Maybe this robbery mountain is the **** of Hongmeng robbery master!

Hongmeng Lord created this era!

Taixu is nothing but its chessboard!

The existence of its creation fell in the Taixu!

Who dares to play against Hongmeng!

"This Taoist ancestor is clever. Although you are arrogant, you may not be afraid of us robbing the master of the mountain, but if you want to kill the master of robbing the mountain, even if you think too much! So you will take these people away. As for your destruction, we ruined us. We will not pursue this matter when the mountain guards the great formation!"

The old man glanced at the old Huang Shan, and then smiled!



He smiled!

The flesh is destroyed!

The flesh of the era overlords from several other robbery mountains is also destroyed!


this moment!

Big Thunder Dragon roar!


Big Thunder Dragon!

A horrible purple thunder blasted towards Chen Zheng!

"Oh my god! Save me!"

The little demon girl screamed in horror, and the old Huang Shan was also terrified!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly and waved his finger at the big thunder dragon, the horror purple thunder and the big thunder dragon annihilated instantly!


Little demon girl is stupid!

Several old Huangshan people are stupid!

Monk Robber in the dark giant mountain is also stupid!

and many more!


Can be resurrected!

Several lords and the big thunder dragon can also be resurrected!

Monk Robber suddenly thought of something, shouting one by one in their hearts, but also between the shouts, they heard a shattering sound!


Glorious Giant Mountain!

Collapsed into ashes!


next moment!

Several ghost images and a dragon image emerged!

The old faceted man who was just erased is resurrected with the big thunder dragon!


"Hahaha, the Flower Hall Master and several other Hall Masters and the Great Thunder Dragon are back!"

"Useless, useless, you can't kill us!"

Monk Robber changed his face instantly and laughed loudly!


The old man of Huamian and the big thunder dragon were silent!

Not happy because of resurrection!

Can't laugh at the moment!

Because the mountains are gone!

Robbery Mountain has been erased!

They remember very owner of the Mountain Robber once said that no one in this Taixu could wipe the Mountain Robber!


If one day there really appears a person who wiped the mountain off, then that person can also wipe that supreme treasure that can make people infinitely reborn!

So at this moment they really can't laugh!

If you let this guy find the master of Mountain Robbery!

In addition to the supreme treasure, the Master of Mountain Robbing has another hole card!

Master Robber is not afraid of this guy!

But once the treasure that can be resurrected indefinitely is destroyed!

Then wait for others to be completely finished!

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