Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2403: Just like more people like you!

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"I'm not interested in you."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and another seven-color divine light was shot in his eyebrows. The seven-color divine light hit the dark crystal, and the dark crystal burst into a particle in a flash!

"You... you know, that is the source of darkness left by the dark creator, even if you have a real cosmic cantilever, but if you forcibly absorb it with this mana right now, there is absolutely no benefit to you! If you are The source of darkness has eroded, and you will definitely be abandoned by the cantilever of the universe! After the cantilever of the universe abandons you, you will find a new host! Everything you have is given by the cantilever of the universe. Without the cantilever of the universe, you will ban the devil!"

The face of the man who calls himself a box has changed drastically, and it is a roar!


The seven-color **** light instantly absorbs all the particles transformed by the dark crystals!

"You! You, you! You don't listen to persuasion, do you? You think that you can be unscrupulously selected by the cantilever as the host, right? Your kid is just a tool person selected by the cantilever!"

The man roared again!

However, Chen Zheng ignored the man directly and swept across the mysterious space. He grabbed the stone monument floating in the center of the mysterious space. The stone monument flew over and glanced at the stone monument. He smiled: "The Epoch Monument, corresponding to the third The Epoch Monument of the Epoch, it turns out to be here with you, not bad."

The man showed displeasure and opened his mouth to say something, only to hear a click, Chen Zheng crushed the monument directly!


The stele turned to ashes!

A divine light poured into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

The man froze for a moment, then shook his head and gritted his teeth: "You kid, don't even know the magical use of this era monument in Taixu, your kid is really... really a thief who only knows about destruction !You are a thief, you are a thief!"

"Huh? This is the eye of Tianhuoyuyu? It's not bad, I need this thing."

However, Chen Zheng still ignored the man. His eyes moved to the fire eye sealed in a transparent container. He arbitrarily pointed at the transparent container and only heard a clatter. The transparent container shattered.



The sealed fire eye suddenly skyrocketed!


This is the moment!

A magic dragon head appears!

A big mouth swallowed that soaring fire eye!


The man who claimed to be a box was stunned for a while, then he heard a hiccup, and then watched the giant magic dragon's head become a little girl. The little girl gave him a white eye and You Mang flashed back to Chen Zhengyuan!

and many more!

This girl!

How can I swallow the eyes of the Taixu domain!

You can only suppress the domain eyes!

This little girl can't even reach the supremacy!

How could it swallow the domain eye!

hold on!

The little girl seemed to have the power of the bloodline she once felt!

Oh shit!

Whose blood power is that!

miss you!

Think for Lao Tzu!

Must come up with it!

The man’s mind flashed wildly, his body shook suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and then his body shook again, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "I don’t believe that in this vast universe, there are creatures that can absorb her real blood. !"

"Yudu, Cangqing, Aurora, Six Desire, Futu, Tenth, Fifth, and Third Territories, there are thirteen domain eyes in Taixu, and the Zhengyue girl has swallowed eight, leaving five.

The Epoch Monument was won by Youyou, Cang Qing and the third largest domain, the Three Epochs Monument, and only the Three Epochs Monument...but at least four of them were taken out of Taixu by the detachment, and then go It's not a big problem to detach from the nest. As for the ancient order of the robbery master, I also got eight, and there are still five left. "

Chen Zheng said to himself as he said to himself, suddenly stopped, and looked at the man: "If only a few more people like you would be fine, the era monument, the eye of the domain, the master of the robbery Lingdu helped me collect them in advance, and I don’t have to find them at Mantaixu."

"..." The man heard this sentence, froze for a moment, and suddenly recovered, and opened his mouth with a swearing: "Fuck! This seat is not your tool person, this seat is a creator, even if the realm falls Now, this seat also has the pride of the creator! You said that these seats are not interested, you tell this seat whether you are her successor, you know who this seat refers to!"

"I'm not her successor. What is my relationship with her? It's difficult to make clear in a few words." Chen Zheng smiled, then raised his right hand and pointed at the man a little.

"You... what are you going to do to this seat, what are you going to do to a creator, don't think you can kill this seat with the cantilever of the universe, you can't hurt this seat with too low mana!"

Men drink low!


In the blink of an eye!

He became a ball!

It should be said that it was sealed into a ball!

"I send you out of the Hongmeng universe."

Chen Zheng smiled kindly.

"Unbelief in this seat, you must have some conspiracy, you can't be so kind!"

The man inside the ball screamed!

"I will send you out of the Hongmeng universe, and I will never lie to you." Chen Zheng smiled in good faith again, and he made a move, and a stone monument appeared!

"This stuff... how does this stuff look like that stuff!"

The man who sealed the ball stared subconsciously, screaming again!

"I don't know its origin. I only know that this thing used to be a one-way teleportation, and it can transport things from beyond the sky to the Hongmeng universe. I used to have poor eyesight and looked at something. This thing is not as simple as one-way teleportation. I I guess this thing should be able to be exchanged for something. I haven’t tried it before. I want to try it with you today."

Chen Zheng smiled and said that the man who turned the seal into a ball threw it at the stele.

"No! jerk! You can't do this! You are in the pit!"

Men roar!


Instantly swallowed by the stele!


In the blink of an eye!

The stele spit out something!

"This is... the source of darkness? Another relic of the dark creator! I have never heard of this thing, and I should not have heard of this thing with my experience! This thing takes a detached state of detachment It’s even more magical than I, and it’s more valuable than the master and your transcendental objects other than the cantilever of the universe."

The shocked voice of Macross Roulette sounded!


In the heart of Chen Zhengmei's heart, the seven-color light flashed through The black beads spit out from the stone tablet were swept, and the black beads were instantly decomposed into particles, and were instantly received by the seven-color light!


It was at this time!

Stele Huaguang flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

"Is there a cooldown time for this teleportation monument?"

Chen Zheng raised his brow slightly.

"Cooling time... Uh... These four words reminded me of something. The master just spoke like a creator I had seen before. But the master should That creator does not matter, because the creator does not have the master’s ability to perceive the context of the Great Reincarnation at a glance."

Macross Roulette said with emotion.

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