Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2394: Fire Charm

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"Old Decay suddenly felt a little cold in the three inches..."

The old man said after a moment of silence.

"This...actually there are some things outside the world. I have worked on hands and feet and created a lot of very special mysteries. For example, after some secret women practice, and then with know Although the man’s cultivation will not be lost, it is no different from the walking dead... I used this move a few years ago, but it failed. Of course, you can rest assured that I don’t even have a gold fairy mana , I can’t do anything if I want to do it."

The metal villain pondered a little, and said something again.


The old man opened his mouth and could only shake his head.

"I hurt the most fundamental thing because of the battle of the Great Destruction, and the most fundamental thing was smashed. It is impossible for me to restore this mana. But after all, I am the first pole in the ninth reincarnation, I can say It is the longest living creature in the Ninth Reincarnation, and I still want to continue to live. Now, by some means left at that time, I can still barely maintain the balance of the Ninth Reincarnation, but unfortunately once Chen Zheng surpasses, this balance should be To be completely broken."

The metal villain sighed again.

"Then... are you the ultimate behind-the-scenes hand?"

The old man pondered and asked.

"If the ultimate behind-the-scenes black hand doesn't even have Jinxianxiu behavior, do you think it's a word? There is a word called blue out of blue and better than blue. I live longer than her, but the means are far inferior to her, although she is in a situation now. Not great, but at least there is still a chance to return to the top."

The metal villain shook his head gently.

"Like this."

The old man whispered back.




This is the third largest domain of Changsheng Tianhuo Road Houshan!

At this moment the fire is bright!

"Eternal Life Divine Fire is finally made!"

"Congratulations to the Holy Girl who grows up to be a **** of fire, our Skyfire finally has hope!"

"Those Fuyue demon, I am afraid that we have a long history of Heavenly Fire Dao, on the surface it is just a three-stream system, but in fact our heritage can be traced back to the first era! It is only because the longevity Shenhuo has never been cultivated, so it has been enduring to this day! The woman has become an eternal fire, and the outer demon of Fuyue can kill them with a fire!"

The long-lived monks around the fire, looking at the figure in the **** fire, all showed their joy!


This is the moment!

Suddenly a loud noise came from Qianshan!

"Not good! The guardian team is broken! The sage girl wakes up!"

Everyone in Houshan changed his face instantly and exclaimed one by one, but the figure in Shenhuo didn't seem to be in control of Shenhuo for a while, and he couldn't wake up at the moment!




I saw a shadow coming from Qianshan immediately!


"Is it useful to hide behind the mountain?"

"Your patriarch and several elders have been abolished, relying on a so-called saint girl to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, do you think you can be saved?"

Black shadow grinning!

These shadows are all born with magic wings!

Morph above the face is born!

This is the family of Fuyue demon in the third largest domain!

"We...We Tianhuo Dao and your Fuyue Demon clan have always been well water and don't violate the river water, why... why are we suddenly making trouble to our Tianhuo Dao!"

Tian Huo Dao Zhong Xiu panicked, a middle-aged man gritted his teeth and stared at the headed demon asked!

"Anyway, you are all dead. It's okay to tell you this." The first demon raised his right hand and hit a black net. The black net covered the back mountain at once, and the purple fire of the Heavenly Fire Dao Lady was suddenly dark. Go on!


Tianhuodao middle-aged man and other disciples saw this scene!

Instant face ashes!

Originally wanted to put time for the Virgin!

Now the last fire of hope is gone!

"Several days later, there will be a big change in the domain of Tianhuo, and the source is your Tianhuo Dao. This is calculated by the Shengyang Taoist of your human race. It’s just that there are internal rules of your human race. I float the devil, let us do it. All the human races in the domain of Tianhuo respect the Shengyang Daoist as the Great Master, respect and respect the Shengyang Daoist, and your Tianhuo Dao is no exception. However, you can’t think of it, to destroy your Tianhuo Dao It’s actually the Shengyang Taoist and other human races. They all say that our devil is inferior, but compared with your human race, our devil is still far away.”

Smile as the first demon evil!


"How could this be!"

"Our Skyfire Road is just a three-stream system. How could it cause a big change in Skyfire, and how could it be the source of the big change!"

Tianhuodao middle-aged man and his disciples were ignorant!


To destroy them!

It was the supreme man they respected and aweed!


Skyfire Road!

Is this abandoned?

"I... don't believe it, our Tianhuo Road can't be the source of any big changes!"

The middle-aged man recovered and gritted his teeth at the head demon!

"This is indeed the source of the great changes in this domain."

Open the mouth subconsciously for the first demon, but the words have not been spoken, and suddenly a light laughter sounded!


Tianhuo Dao Cultivation!

Fuyue demon side!

Raised his head violently!


See the Tianhuo Road behind the mountain that had been isolated by the black net!

Suddenly an extra figure appeared!

A young man!

"One Ring Overlord? Young people, you know, it is not our Fuyue Demon clan that wants to destroy the sky fire, but the supreme being of your human race, the Shengyang Taoist, and all the other avenues will destroy the sky fire! If you come to see Drama, this seat is very welcome, if you are here to do things, don’t blame the ruthlessness of this man!"

The voice of the first floating Yue demon changed, Shen Sheng sipped!



The young man did not respond as the first demon!

Just sit on the ground below and sit on the ground below!

"what are you going to do!"

The first demon roared subconsciously, raised his hand and instantly condensed a black spear, and the black spear was killed at the young man above!


Only the black spear was killed in midair!

The black spear burst out!

The body of the first demon burst into blood mist instantly!

"Elder Shadow!"

The rest of the demon face changed greatly, exclaimed subconsciously, seeing the demon primordial body flesh exploded into blood mist, also shattered, and stared at the young man above with horror!

Who is this child?

Elder Shadow is the overlord of Three Rings!

Why did Elder Shadow disappear?

"it has started."

The young man above, that is, Chen Zheng, who felt a familiar breath appeared, smiled at the moment.


it has started?

What started!

The devil was startled!

Tianhuo Dao monk is also stunned!



Heavenly Fire Dao!

Originally Shenhuo has been suppressed by the black net!

Suddenly broke out at this moment!

I saw the blazing flames rising into the sky!

Behind the Heavenly Fire Dao!

There is an extra ghost at this moment!

That is the phantom of a woman!

It looks exactly the same as the Holy Girl of Heavenly Fire!

There is just an unspeakable wildness!

Not a saint!

And what kind of charm fire spirit!

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