Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2378: Harvest

"Well... It's possible, but Hong Meng's robbery owner is no longer afraid of Chen Zu, let alone the creatures in Hongmeng's universe, even those outside the universe, those who know "Wu" There are very few. As far as the souls who made up the first and second chapters of "Wu", so far, there should be only Chen Zu."

  Tenpan Taoist thought a little, then smiled.

"No... that mysterious method... The ancestor showed his body within the bounds of the Taoism before. The middle-aged man of the Taoist family and I only glanced at it, and the Tao heart was about to collapse. Extermination... This mystery is too terrible. I don’t know what kind of constitution it is to practice this mystery..."

   Bu sighed and said, looking towards the dark giant mountain.

   "The Supreme Destiny..."

  Chen Zheng is holding the fate supreme, the sound of the roulette device spirit sounded in his mind.

According to Qi Ling, the Supreme Destiny of Destiny should not be the device of detachment refined by Desperate Heaven, it should be the device of detachment left by some fallen creator. Desperate Heaven only got this detachment by chance. Device.

"This thing... reminded me of something. I also saw something with the mystery of tracing the source, but I still can't be sure at the moment. After the master is detached, I should be able to completely calculate the origin of fate. This The supremacy of destiny involves not only the battle of great annihilation of that year, but also something else. Among the transcendental objects within the nine major reincarnations, I can only be ranked at the middle level, and the master’s universe cantilever is the top transcendence. It’s just a pity that the owner hasn’t completely repaired and unsealed it. If it’s completely repaired and unblocked, then the glance of the universe can see the foundation of the Supreme Destiny.”

  The sound of the organ spirit sounded again.

   "Cosmic Cantilever... It's not much different. It shouldn't take long to completely repair the unsealing."

  Chen Zhengshennian responded.


   The universe cantilever directly hit a colorful light!

   Decompose the destiny supreme instantly!


   The suspicion of the roulette wheel sounded, but I dared not ask more.

  Chen Zheng smiled and didn't go deeper. Anyway, the universe cantilever is like the future master, it is impossible to break free of his primordial spirit. He glanced at the cracked tenth territories, glanced at the Divine Heaven Demon Formation that enveloped the tenth territories, his thoughts flickered, and the girl appeared.

   "Huh? Is it so fast? Is the domain eye swallowed in less than a day?"

   Zhengyue was a little surprised. She glanced at Chen Zheng, her eyes swept across the cracked ground of the tenth domain, and she stared in one direction suddenly, and flew out into a giant dragon in the air!

   is like diving!

   Dive into the ground!


   two groups of gods and demons are shocked!

  How can this huge dragon look like Emperor Dragon's Emperor!

   Isn't the body of Emperor Demon Dragon Going to the Broken Land?

   Could it be that the immortal dragon emperor is the mount of this terrible young man!

   "Magic Dragon..."

   The ground consciousness twice saw the giant magic dragon incarnation of Zhengyue girl twice in a day. Thinking of the scene I saw before in the underground of Wugou Xiancheng in the Futu domain, I knew that this magic dragon was the domain eye to devour the tenth domain. When I think of it again within a day, Chen Zu has done several major events. Any major event or event will definitely shake the Taixu world.


  Chen Zu spent less than an hour.

   unlocked the secrets of the mysterious two races in the tenth largest domain.

   suppressed the two races.

   suppressed the tenth largest domain.

   What if Chen Zu went to the first big domain, the palm domain?

Will    suppress the numerous immortal Taoisms in the palm of the world with the destructive trend!

   Grand Chaos Sword Palace!

  Emperor Dao Fa Zong!

  Cross killing!

  Eternal God Mountain!

   Cathode Magic Palace!

  Anode Temple!

   Taiyin family!

   Alien and so on!

   If Chen Zu wants to destroy these traditions!

  Can these Taoisms be held up!

   Count it!

  The tenth largest domain demon, Junmu, the two clan masters!

   has its own way outside Yu!

   is in control of the Supreme Destiny again!

   is really not weaker than the most top-ranking ethics in the era of overlord in the domain of the palm!

"The domain of the gods and demons... the place that breeds the gods and demons... the power of the gods and demons... The girl in Chu Hongyi called my name several times, and the girl also came Taixu, also entered the Emperor Sect of the Heavenly Emperor...Emperor Sect... That girl doesn't know if she will be bullied..."

   Zhengyue went to devour the tenth domain's eyes underground, Chen Zheng's eyes once again swept through the tenth domain, thought of something, and lifted her right hand casually, the power of the demon in the tenth domain was instantly harvested!


  The two groups of gods and demons feel something!

   Only feel the power of the devil in the body is deprived!

   One face at a time is ashamed!


  Dare not make any sound!

   "Chen Zu... has harvested the power of the demon in the tenth largest domain...Chen Zu... Is this ready to use the power of the demon to restore mana?"

   Bu Shiming also sensed this, and asked in a low voice.

   "This mana...what's enough, Chen Zu's flesh is bigger than the Hongmeng universe, this mana is like hitting a drop of water into the ocean, to no avail."

   Tianpan Taoist smiled.

   "Ah? The flesh... is bigger than Hongmeng universe...this...

   Bu Shiming was full of doubts, and I didn't understand it for a while. But soon he thought of detachment, and in a moment he realized that the Master of the Underworld Master should refer to this meaning.

"go with."

   At this time, above the dark giant mountain, Chen Zheng sealed the power of the harvested demon into a spirit ball, and he shot against the west.


   That direction!

   seems to be the direction of the palm domain!

  The two families of gods and demons kneeling on the ground were surprised to see this scene!

   I don’t understand!

  Why deprive the power of a field of demon!

   To be sent to the palm domain!

   "Zhang Tian Da Yu......"

   Bu was also surprised.

   "Chen Zu took care of his juniors and deceased, this has not changed, even if he hasn't cultivated the past because he has no practice, but this has never changed."

  Tianpan Taoist seemed to know everything and smiled slightly.


   is also at this time!

  Under the earth!

   A roar came!

  I saw a giant dragon flying out of the ground!

   The body of the giant dragon suddenly skyrocketed!

   is already a behemoth!

   At this moment the wings of the magic dragon unfold!

   seems to block the entire tenth largest domain!

   The entire tenth largest domain fell into a huge shadow!

   The tenth largest territories are terrifying!

   "This... where is this man?"

Bu Zhiming couldn't help but which situation... which situation is not important, this girl swallowed the master's real blood, and really absorbed and digested her own things, Relying on this alone is enough to make this girl immortal. Chen Zu... is very strong... but Chen Zu should not be able to absorb my master’s real blood, nor can it be said to be unable to absorb it. It’s because Chen Zu and my master’s real blood are too much Overbearing, neither can absorb the other's real blood. You may not know that Chen Zu and my master are a little closer and have a little contact, and this Hongmeng universe can't stand it. "

   Tianpan Taoist smiled again, thought of something, and said a few more words.


   Bu Shiming was stunned.

  Hongmeng universe can't stand it?

  How to understand this?

   Is Hongmeng universe jealous of Master Chen Zu and his grandfather?

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