Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2375: Hit 1 cut!

"Dare you dare!"

   Above the sky!

   A rage!

  It seems that the creatures hiding under the sky did not expect anyone to dare to resist!



   Next second!

  The hands of the gods and demons penetrated the magical sky created by the mysterious method!

  In an instant!

   I saw that a man like a demon was caught!


   This man with a divine and demon face was sullen and angry, and wanted to explode again, but Chen Zhengshen with a big grasp, the man with a divine and demon body was squeezed!


   Golden blood sky!


   Those gods and demons around the dark giant mountain!

   Wake up suddenly at this moment!

   instantly looks ashamed!

  This child!

   This human race!

   He turned into a demon!

   He squeezed the real master of the tenth largest domain!

and many more!


   is not the real master!

   should be the strong man of the real master of the tenth largest domain!


  No matter what kind of title!

   The crushed man of the gods and demons is indeed one of the masters behind the tenth largest domain!

   In the tenth largest domain, the gods all obey his orders!


Between the horrors of the two demons and demons, only a low roar was heard, and a Yuanshen appeared. It was the Yuanshen who was squeezed by Chen Zheng's flesh man. At this moment, a layer of blue light around the Yuanshen sheltered and stared at Chen. positive!

"Do you know......!"

   He roared again!

   just stopped abruptly!


  The **** and the demon slap in the hand!

  He Yuanshen burst into a sparse rotten!



   is not dead yet!

   There are still souls!

   "This seat is...!"

   He roars again!


  The big hands of the gods and demons are coming again!

   This time!

   Its remnant soul also burst!

   exploded into nothingness!

   thoroughly nothingness!


   A man like a god!

   was completely exploded!

   "This Nima..."

   The lord of the **** of heaven below shivered, and the whole **** of trembling was trembling madly!

very scary!

   This humanoid kid is so scary!

To know!

  The group behind the gods!

   Although there is no supreme being!

   But the great **** of the God Race can't hurt that race!

   That family is very special!



   An unknown kid!

   Blowed up one of the clan's heirs!

   The scariest thing is!

   This kid seems not to be afraid of that family at all!

   "You killed Jun Daoxie..."

   This time!

   A figure appeared under the earth!

   This is a boy in black!

   "Master Mu Xin!"

   "Twilight Son!"

   "See you Mu Xinzi!"

   As soon as the black man appeared, the demons around the dark mountain quickly shouted and greeted the black man quickly!

   "Jun... Mu... Is this the surname of those two mysterious races... Jun Mu..."

  Distance of thoughts in the distance is thoughtful. Shengzidao specifically investigated the two proto-ethnic races in the tenth largest domain. The first person of Shengzidao died a hundred years ago because of this incident, but he could not detect any useful information.

   It turns out!

   These two groups!

   Do you name Jun and Mu respectively?

"Even if these guys control the way outside Yu, they can suppress ordinary supreme beings. However, in front of Chen Zu, they are really nothing. They simply don't know what level of mystery "Wu" my master and Chen Zu practiced. "

   Tianpan Taoist smiled faintly.

   "Kill and kill."

  Chen Zheng, the body of the gods and deities, swept down with a faint glance, and said that the big hands of the gods and deities caught the young man in black.

   "Well? You still want to kill me? I am not supreme, but it is not so easy to be killed."

   The black kid raised his eyebrows, then chuckled, and his figure disappeared!


  The two families of gods and demons around the dark giant mountain held their breaths!

   They are very clear!

   Those two families who are the real masters of the tenth largest domain today!

  If you can't suppress this unknown boy!

   Then the gods and demons in the tenth largest domain must all suffer!

   The secret method of this humanoid kid's incarnation of the demon seems to be the nine changes of that demon!

   And that secret method devours the power of gods and demons!


  While they held their breath and countless thoughts flashed in their hearts, Chen Zhengshen's big hand was facing the land of the tenth domain!




   The earth is cracking!

   The land of thousands of miles to the east of the dark giant!

   Two huge buildings emerged from the ground!


what is this!

   The two families of gods and demons are shocked!

   Because even they are!

   has never seen these two huge buildings!

   These two huge buildings are like two giant eggs!

   Could it be!

   Is this the ancestral mountain gate of those two races!

   Various guesses!


   It was also at this moment that the boy in black appeared, but his face was indifferent before his face disappeared!


  Chen Zheng ignored the black man!

  The big hands of gods and demons swept away at two huge buildings thousands of miles away!


   Two huge buildings lit up at the same time!

   turned into two giant demon!


   Two giant demon roars shot at the same time!



   One face to face!




   The boy in black exclaimed. This time his face changed completely. What else did he want to call? Chen Zheng's devil's big hands have been swept on two huge buildings!

  In an instant!


   Those two huge buildings!

  Huge buildings sheltered by a tyrannical circle!

   instantly shattered!




   On the sky!

   Figures emerged one after another!

   line up at the moment!

   The ancient and vast breath is released!

   There is a supernatural detachment!


   A glance at the gods and demons around the gloomy giant mountain revealed a look of awe. They knew that the figure lined up on the sky was the real master of the tenth domain!


at the moment!

   This is not reality!

   This was forced out!

   was forced out by the humanoid kid who was transformed into a deity!

   The ancestral ancestors of those two groups were smashed!

   "Jun clan mu clan......"

In the distance, the imagination swept across the figure lined up on the sky, and his eyes flashed with shock, although none of the two races were supreme, but he glanced at this supreme being, even I feel a little guilty, some dare not read more!

This feeling!

   is really weird!

   Who are these two races?

   Even the supreme realm did not dare to see more of these two groups!

   also gave birth to awe!

"The people of these two tribes have Yuwai Dao on their bodies. In fact, they are not very arrogant. They rely on the Yuwai Dao to deter the gods and demons in the tenth domain. These two tribes should still have powerful cards. Now You can also be absolutely sure that these two groups are aliens. But they are not the alien creatures who entered the Hongmeng universe before the first it is the first era, they are absolutely impossible to live to the present. I Master, will not allow these guys to make trouble."

  Tenpan Taoist glanced and smiled lightly.


   Bu Shiming is silent, thinking at this moment, are all the extraterrestrial spirits so defiant, aren't they supernatural beings, relying on the path outside the universe, they can suppress the supernatural beings in the vast universe.


   This seems very unfair!

   "Sin obstacles!"

   "You dare to ruin our ancestors!"

   "Your sin barrier is really damn, we have been intolerable, you sin death yourself, then don't blame our two families for being cruel!"


   Two families lined up on the sky!

The two middle-aged men in the middle of the word   !

   stared at Chen Zheng while roaring!

   also spit out a real blood at the same time!

   also presented a magic weapon at the same time!

   Half a magic weapon!

  Two people sacrifice half magic weapon at the same time!


  Half piece magic weapon is one!


   The tenth largest concussion!

   seems to be because this magic weapon appeared!

   The Tao of the tenth largest domain is about to collapse!

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