Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2337: Isn’t this simple?


   is located in the center of Liuyutianyiyu.

   This is a dead city.

   used to be the imperial capital of the Holocaust in six days.

   Later the holy dynasty broke down.

   left a dead city.

   Although it is a dead city.

   But there are also living people.

  Living people are monks from various avenues in this area.

There is only one purpose for   .

   That is to find the relics of the Obsidian Shrine.

"A day ago, a female sword was built into Taodu, and he successively beheaded the three emperors above the five ring overlords. Now he has gone to Taodu Underground Palace. I don’t know if it can be opened. If the underground palace is opened, then Taodu’s The secret should also be able to be solved. Is there any treasure left, is it really related to the sixth robbery master, everything depends on the means of the female sword repair."

"Hopefully she will succeed, the mystery of the annihilation has been dragged on for too long, and the Taixu has entered the age of supremacy. Many of the top immortal Daoist supremacy have already taken their respective Daoist people to explore the ruined land, Compared with the Broken Land, Taodu is not a level at all! It is a pity that our Taoism is not supreme. We dare not enter the Broken Land, and we can only come to Taodu to see it!"

"Huh? There is movement! There is swordsman! This is the atmosphere of chaos! The ancestral ancestors of the Obsidian dynasty are all transformed into sins. The prince of Obsidian dynasty would not have evolved into a supreme bar. How could this breath be so terrible! "

There are many monks outside the city of 怮戮, originally whispering, suddenly felt the terrible vibration, and then felt the terrifying atmosphere of terror, all of them looked down!


   is in the next moment!


  One was blasted out!

"is her!"

   "She lost!"

   "Is the Lord of Obsidian really become supreme!"

   Zhongxiu clearly saw the figure that was being bombarded. Seeing that it was the female swordxiu before, seeing the terrible evil forces surrounding the female swordxiu, she could not help exclaiming! When someone unconsciously went to explore the list, there was an instant scream!

   "Lying trough!"

   "The Lord of Oblivion!"

   "The name of the Lord Obsidian appeared on the list!"

   "Wait! It fell again! The name of the Lord of Obsidian fell off the list! The name of the Lord of Obsidian appeared on the list of overlords. In what case, it seems that it fell out of the list of overlords. Was it seriously injured?"

   "If this is the case, wouldn't our opportunity come!"

   After exclaiming!

   changes again!

  Various thoughts popped up in the mind of the public!




  The time of three interest is not enough!

  Hundreds of people plundered into the capital!


   "There are monsters!"

   "A lot of eyes!"

  It was only the next second. Hundreds of people who plundered into the capital were withdrawn and their faces were horrified, as if they were terribly frightened!

   "All out!"

   "Sin! It's all evil! These guys are all coming out!"

"There's a **** thing, at least tens of thousands of eyes, although it's not too arrogant, but it looks like it's infiltrating! I don't know if you found it, these wicked things suddenly became strange, and there was still a humanoid before, now It all became strange! It wouldn’t be the female sword repair who opened up the formation, so that the evil thing had changed!"

   at this moment!

   Visible to the naked eye!

  Within the capital!

  Dense and dense are all evil things!

   Although most of the breath is not too strong!

   One more look as if Yuanshen would encounter a strange attack!

   Many people quickly looked at the female sword repair, seeing that the female sword repair has been sitting on the ground and recuperating, and now the whole body is surrounded by chaotic breath, so these people looked again, looking at the tall man in a **** armor holding a huge stone sword!

at the moment!

   Out of the capital!

   The strongest man is this tall man!

"The people of the Chaos Lu tribe do not explore the broken land, what they do when they come to Xiaoyao. The chaotic breath of this girl has caused the change of the evil thing, and the emptiness lord in the palace of Taodu is also stepping into The supreme realm. If you let the Lord of the Airborne continue to mutate, I am afraid that it will not be long before our major avenues will suffer, so now one must enter the Dudu Underground Palace and paste this magical sign on the main entrance of the Underground Palace In order to temporarily block the underground palace. Although this seat is a rune, the practice is an ancient mystery, but this body is too fragile, so you choose one to do this."

   At this time, a voice sounded, and then a gray-robed middle-aged man appeared, and as soon as the man appeared, he played a black charm!


   Zhongxiu stared over!

   "Chaotic Lu Clan?"

   "This woman sword repair turned out to be!"

   "Master Beiyou!"

   "Master Beiyou gave us peace of mind!"

   "Just find one person to paste this rune on the main entrance of the underground palace!"

   is another burst of exclamation, after the exclamation! The practitioners revealed the color of thinking. They all knew that all the evil things in the capital were coming out at this moment. The average person went in and feared that they would be swallowed by the evil things in an instant. Let them go in and apply the rune. Find the target!


   It seems!

someone is coming!

   It was a single young man!

   The ninth realm!

   That is a young Taoist!

and many more!

   This kid is alone!

   Isn't this the best person!

   "This kid is good!"

   "I recommend this kid!"

   "Master Beiyou, we all recommend this kid!"

   Many people looked at the back of a young man coming, his eyes lit up, and after a thought in his heart, he shouted to the man who claimed to be a magician!

"Huh?" The gray-robed man turned around, looked at the person who came, and thought for a moment to move the black rune to his front: "Young man, this seat is the elder of the three temples in the six-day desire, the northern quiet, now there is A mission to save the souls of Liuyutian and Yuyu is given to you. How do you take it? This is your chance to move Liuyutian. I missed this opportunity, and I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future!"


   "Ming Yiyi!"

   "You have done this great event, and every avenue will meet in the next six days, I believe that it will not be long before you can make a name for Taixu!"

   The eyes of the people of all major roads turn and open again!

   "So what exactly is this task?"

   is Chen Zheng. He glanced at the black symbols and asked with a smile.

"The Lord of Obsidian in the Palace of Obedience, because of the confusion of the chaotic atmosphere of the little girl of the Chaos Lu family, has now undergone a terrible change, and has stepped into the supreme realm. If you let the Lord of Obsidian rush from the inner palace Come out, the six major avenues in this area will suffer, and no one of us has suppressed the Lord of Obsidian, and can only temporarily seal the palace with the magical symbol of this refining. This flesh is too fragile~ So one person is needed to carry out this mission."

   The gray robe man's expression was right.

   "Isn't it enough to directly enter the rune into the underground palace with your cultivation practice."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"If this can be as simple as this seat has already been done, why would you find someone to carry out this mission. The evil in the capital has undergone a change. This seat is afraid that even the underground palace can't get close, people will be torn by the evil. "

   Gray robe man frowned slightly and shook his head.

   "Well, let me try."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

"it is good!"

   "Good for young people!"

   "You can rest assured that if you fail, we will always remember you!"

  The people of all major lines saw Chen Zheng nodded, one by one heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and the secret road didn't need to be his own. This kid didn't know anyway, and he swallowed it by sinful things!


Just when everyone thought that Chen Zheng was about to take the black charm into Taodu, he saw his right hand lifted up, and he snapped his fingers, and all the evil things that came out of Taodu shattered, and then he saw him a little bit, The black rune flew into the entrance of the underground palace deep in Taodu, and posted on the entrance of the underground palace!

   "Isn't this easy?"

next moment!

   Zhongxiu heard a light laughter!


   All ignorant!

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