Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2304: Where is the little hairy hair!

Chapter 2301 Where's The Little Miscellaneous Hair! (Four more)


The creatures in Bamboo Flute and Fulong City are a little ignorant!



The fairy light on the white hair old man is on again!

In the eyebrows, the overlord **** pattern instantly appeared several times!

"Ten Ring Overlord!"

Yan Nu was surprised!

"Ten Ring Overlord..."

"One step further is supreme!"

"Can it be done!"

The creatures of Fulong City suddenly recovered and stared at the old man with white hair. At this moment, there was an excitement, as if he was excited because he could witness the birth of a supreme supreme!


Zhu Xiaozi shouted!


The fairy light on the white hair old man is on again!

The breath has changed again!

This is no longer the domineering kind of era overlord!

Instead, it evolved into a supreme aura that is more transcendent than the era overlord!

It's done!


The old man stepped into the supremacy!



Witnessed a miracle!

Witnessed that the old man stepped into the supremacy from the mortal in the time of incense incense!

Fu Longcheng is very excited!

After all, witnessing the birth of a supreme being!


Bamboo flute old tears!


Outside Fu Longcheng, the imprisoned blue-crowned youth Yuanshen, opened his mouth at the moment, but still could not make a sound, he was shocked! Although he is the deity of the Temple of Merit, although he thinks that he is first-class, but the Temple of Merit is first-class, he is only the level of the three-ring overlord, and it is impossible to provoke the supreme beings at will!

Oh shit!


By what!

That old man can enter the supremacy!

He scolded in his heart!

Very unbalanced at the moment!

"Hum! Supreme Realm, deep enough to hide, you, the lord of the Sacred Heart Immortal Sect, Mrs. Xi set you up to confuse you, and left a pole Dao ghost to plant in your Yuanshen, the original intention is to insert the next The chess piece is among the human races, but I didn't expect you to be free today!"


Above Fulong City!

A dark shadow emerged!

Staring at the old man with white hair is a sneer!

"Who is this?"

"This...this breath is supreme....This must be the supreme being in the heaven and earth!"

"Only one person on the top of the list belongs to Fengtian Ghost Land...Ghost! He is Ghost! Fengtian Ghost Land!"

The creatures of Fulong City raised their heads violently, first revealing the color of doubt. The man in Immortal Armor suddenly thought of someone, and after a cry, the appearance of the creatures of Fulong City changed greatly!


This is a ghost!

Ranked in the top twenty of the list!

"Goblin... this man seems to be not the body... just an incarnation or something similar to the previous era of the **** tree... ranked in the top twenty... let I look at the top list... um? Now this guy is ranked in the 20th place? That is to say, if the virtual fish demon does not fall, this guy can not enter the top 20!"

Yan girl frowned slightly, probed the list, and then shook her head gently. This kind of ghost is almost at the same level as Crazy Immortal. What's more, it's not the body, but the incarnation.

This kind of stuff, Master is afraid to be lazy.


All hair white old men!

That is the master of bamboo flute!

Eyes opened at this moment!


Open your eyes!

Its people soar!

Instantly passed through the ghost body!

"Oh!" But the ghost's body was reshaped in an instant, and I saw the ghost's disdainful color: "Sacred Heart Immortal Sect Mu Linfeng, how do you enter the supreme realm, half the hanging level! Even my incarnation is destroyed No, you don’t even have the courage to enter Fengtian Ghost Land! I’m telling you good news, Madam Xi is about to step into the supreme realm. If you return to Lin Fengfeng, maybe Madam Xi will take you as her The first minister under the skirt! Mu Linfeng, do you want to think about it, after all, you were very coveted by Mrs. Xi’s barefoot! Oh yes, there is one more point, who said that he was willing to be a lick to Mrs. Xi. Dog! Haha! Hahaha!"




Licking the dog?

This, this!

The creatures of Fulong City were shocked!


Zhu Xiaozi opened his mouth and could not refute it for a while. His master was really obsessed with Fengtian Guidi's sage, that is, Xizi of Aso Guimen, so that he did something wrong, but later he made up for it. Mistakes, but also completely cut off everything with that woman!


Think of these!

Zhu Xiaozi sighed!

In fact, his own master didn't even touch that woman's body!

Just caught a foot of that woman's puppet!


Because of that mistake!

Master's reputation is ruined!

However, today the master has realized and stepped into the supreme realm, then the Sacred Heart Sect may rise again!



The old man moved!

Turn into a bright torrent!

Hit the ghost!

A face-to-face!

The ghost was smashed into countless ghosts!


It was also in an instant!

The body of the ghost is reshaped again!


The old man sighed, and the supreme breath suddenly degraded, falling down to the ten ring dominance level!


The creatures of Fulong City were shocked!


Zhu Xiaozi quickly shouted!


Outside the Fulong City, the blue-crowned youth who was imprisoned by the Yuanshen, his eyes flashed with a change in his eyes, and he snorted in his heart. He understood that the old man’s state was not stable at all, although he had just stepped into the supreme state. , But it will take time to consolidate! At this moment, fighting with the ghosts, the realm fell down and could not enter the supreme realm again in a short time!

it is good!

fair enough!

This old thing and the people of Fulong City were all killed by the ghost!

A fierce thought flashed in his heart!

I am a deity of merit temple!

Even if the elders suppressed the spirits of Fengtian and Ghosts!

This ghost must not dare to move himself!

"It turns out that the state is unstable, Mu Linfeng, Mu Linfeng, what secret method your sacred heart immortal inherited is really unreliable. At that time, Mrs. Xi set out the secret method from your mouth, I thought it was the supreme secret method, Later, I learned that the thing is completely out of stock! You look at you, and you have maintained almost ten interest time. The ten interest time is too short, and Mrs. Xi may not give you a chance! Hey!"

Ghost ghost evil smile!

The old man is silent!

Bamboo flute is silent!

The creatures of Fulong City are also silent!

"I thought that the soul-splitting Taoist and the evil-looking boy were all the hands of death and you. Now it seems that it is no longer, so who can tell me, who killed me, Fengtian ghostly sent me to split the dragon city. Soul Daoren and Nietian? By the way, who took away the Dragon of the Eternal Tribulation?" The ghost saw the silence of everyone, and the ghost claws lifted a black enchantment, swept across the crowd, and then laughed evilly. : "Although I am just an incarnation, but there are also 70% monks on the body, I don't want to break free of the enchantment I laid down. Now I wait for me to search for souls one by one, or which kind-hearted person stands up and tells My answer? I don’t have much patience, so I only give you three breaths, and once the three breaths arrive, don’t blame the ruthlessness of the ghost!"


The voice has not completely dropped!

Chen Zheng slapped out!


The ghost turned into a sparse rotten!

I saw a ghost face appear!

He stared at Chen Zheng!

This is the ghost will!

"Where is the little hairy hair, here is twitter, don't you know that you are disturbing me to see the interest of others to realize the Tao."

Chen Zheng shook his head casually said, grabbed the will of the angry ghost, and that ghost's will was completely destroyed, and he was sent into the Taisu stone egg!

of course!

In the eyes of others!

Chen Zheng underestimated the incarnation of the ghost!


After a brief horror!

Kneeling involuntarily!


The Xianjia man knelt down on the ground and shouted!

"Adult is so fierce!"

The creatures of Fulong City have lost their thinking at this moment, and they shouted for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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