Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2036: First entry into the fairyland

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City of time.



"I can't complete the exam questions!"

Several ancestors of Gu Tian shook their heads and sighed one by one. When the white light flashed, several people were sent.


At almost the same time, Chen Zheng smiled in the inner temple of the City of Time, and also instantly sent with the beast watching.


In the shrine, the Great Guardian Shiyuan was shocked, and looked at the Eternal Fairy in charge of the city of time.

"It turns out that this Chen Zu is Chen Lingsu's biological father."

Fairy Zhou did not seem to pay attention to these, but thought about other things.

"Chen Lingsu... That girl? That girl's flesh is also very special. The girl can ignore the most terrifying tide in the long river. That girl should not have been born in this era."

Da Hu Fa was startled again.

Maybe the outsider didn’t know who Chen Lingsu was, but he had seen it with his own eyes. It was a little girl who came from the long river of time in the future. At that time, it attracted the most terrible tide in the long river of time. I thought that girl would be swallowed instantly. When the tide passed, the girl was unscathed!


That Chen Zu is the girl's biological father!

in this way!

The two should have the same physique!

Can ignore the power of time tides!

"Immortal Realm...Isn't the Immortal Realm the former Hongtian God Realm, but it was only taken by others. It is said that the Immortal Realm Supreme is the master of the immortal era, and its body is at least the ninth era. The epoch overlord of the ring, this Chen Zu went to Immortal Territory to be afraid that he could not beat the Supreme Immortal Territory!"

Thinking of a little, Da Hu Fa said in a deep voice!

But Fairy Fairy seemed to be lost in contemplation, and did not give any response. He could only shake his head gently and silently withdrew from the temple!


This is a valley.

There is an ethnic group in the valley.

At this moment the tribe gathers.

These people all looked at the old men sitting above.

"We failed."

"If it wasn't for meeting a mysterious young man, we might not be able to return."

"It is destiny, if the messenger really wants our heritage, we can only fight hard."

Several old men shook their heads and whispered.


When the tribe heard it, they showed disappointment, and then they were all silent.

"Uncle Gu Tian, ​​the messenger will come before sunset today. Will our family be completely cut off today? We are unwilling! Our family, once a strong tyrant in Hongtian God Realm, our family really can’t go back. !"

A young man asked with a deep voice.


A few of the elders sighed.

"This family is so strange, the physique of practice is not weak, how is the strongest ancestral realm, and this place is called Hongtian God Realm, which is now the fairy land, the ancestral realm is too weak."

At this time!

Suddenly a voice sounded!


The middle-aged people in the valley were stunned, and then they all followed the sound, staring at the entrance to the valley!


"It's him!"

"It's the mysterious young man, this... how come this came to Xianyu!"

Several old men also looked at it. When they saw one person and one beast, they instantly opened their eyes, but they quickly recovered and quickly rushed to meet each other!


"Brother please come in!"

"When did Brother come...Xianyu?"

Several ancestors of Gu Tian said, to be honest, I did not expect that this mysterious young man would come to the fairy land, and at the same time, his heart was also secretly. This young man could ignore the tides of time in the long river of time, maybe this time the group was saved!


One person and one beast is Chen Zheng and Guan Tian Beast. The voice was just the observation of Tian Tian Beast. Chen Zheng originally wanted to respond with an open mouth, and suddenly there was a demon wind blowing outside the valley!



"The Emperor of the Temple is here!

Gu Tian several people and the rest of the tribe all looked down!


Among the demon winds!

Several figures came out!


Guantian Beast glanced, and subconsciously spit out two words. If it was just ordinary **** mixed blood, it would not frown, but the breath from a few guys coming out, making it feel very uncomfortable!

"Shemale? You little thing is scolding the messenger!" The leading green-faced monk monk stared at him instantly with cold eyes, but only stared at it, and then stared at Gu Tian: "Gu Tian, ​​your god-eared tribe The little beast dare to scold the messenger, this messenger can't bear it! So the chance that the god-ear tribe was originally given to you, the messenger withdrew, you don't have to struggle, just present the inheritance treasure!"


Gu Tian and his face sank again!


Understand instantly!

This messenger took the opportunity to make trouble!

"You guy..."

Tianguan beast also instantly understood, looking at the blue face demon monk with a deep look!

"Why don't you accept it? Since the messenger came to your **** ear tribe on behalf of the emperor palace, it is naturally the messenger of the **** messenger! Well Gu Tian, ​​your **** ear tribe, the strongest is the ancestral realm, although the messenger also At the level of half-walk ancestors, but the messenger has the decree of the temple, you dare not defy it!"

The monk Tsing Yi Yaowen sneered, raised his hand, and got a blue ancient order in his hand!


Gu Tian and his face changed!

Head down one by one!


Still want to fight hard!

But this cyan ancient look is instant!

They knew they had lost the chance to fight hard!


The Emperor of the Temple of Eternity with the blue ancient order!

At this moment, at least also has the power of the eighth level Taoist ancestor level!

This cyan ancient order is extremely rare!

It is said that there are only three temples!

did not expect!

I really didn't expect it!

This time, the Emperor of the Temple of the Emperor came with this divine order!

"Brother can go, let's go, this decree... I have been ashamed of the brother..."

Gu Tian secretly sent a message to Chen Zheng!

"This does this thing feel the power of God..."

Guan Tian Beast frowns!

"Huh! Your little thing is still a bit of an eye. The palace is the ancestor left by Tai Cui. Since you know God, you should have heard the name of Tai Cui and know what kind of creatures Tai Chui is!" The monk stared at him coldly, and after staring at the heavenly beast, the afterglow in the corner of his eyes aimed at Chen Zheng, and when he saw Chen with a faint smile on his face, he also ridiculed: "Your quasi-sanctuary kid, still smiling at the moment. Does it mean that the messenger and the magic order in the hands of the messenger are vulnerable?"

"God order is fine, people are not good."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.

"Huh? Huh!"


The monk Tsing Yi Yaowen looked cold, and raised his left hand to slap directly towards Chen Zheng!


Gu Tian waited for exclamation!


"Stupid boy!"


Several other demon monks In front of them, this kid was going to be blown away with a slap!



Just listen to a tear!

Tsing Yi Yaowen Monk's flesh is broken


Its Yuanshen also shattered in amazement!


Cyan Guling hit the ground!


Several other demon monks immediately knelt!

As for Gu Tian and other people's faces are full of coercion!

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