Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2013: The change of the ancient fairy road!

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I was scared again!

Destiny weapon!

That is a magic weapon of fate!

Destiny magic weapon is broken in one click!

It seems that none of them did it!

"Let the guardian of the fairy road roll over..."

A monk whispered, he was not scared by the magic weapon of fate, he was scared by the sentence Chen Zheng said!

Let the guardian of the fairy road roll over?


The guardian of fairy road is equal to the master of ancient fairy road!

Let the guardian of the fairy road roll over!

How dare this confidence make me say this!


Between the cultivators, Gu Xianlu suddenly shook, and then the cultivators only felt a sudden change in the world!


"What happened to Guxian Road!"

"Guxian Road seems to be sinking!"

"Is it out of the realm!"

"Where is Guxian Road going?"



Right now this situation!

The monks on Guxian Road never thought about it!

This Nima!

Guxian Road has not changed in the past years!

Today it suddenly sinks!

It seems to have been out of the domain!

It seems to sink into another world!


Another loud noise!

Guxian Road stopped sinking!


Fairy light flashes!

The creatures in the fairy city scanned the surroundings frantically with divine thoughts, and this scan showed one by one surprise, because this place is indeed no longer outside the territory, and it doesn't even look like the ancient fairy road!

Although Guxian Road is still there, Guxian Road seems to be embedded in the land of a certain world. The world in front of me feels boundless! However, it seems that there are no other creatures in this world, and only the creatures on the ancient immortal road under the perception!


This world is extremely empty!

" this the guardian of the fairy road to... respond to your Excellency?"

An old man on the ground looked up and looked at Chen Zheng and asked in a low voice!




He just asked!

The empty surroundings!

There was no sign of illusion!


"who are you!"

"It doesn't seem to be a creature, it seems to be the reappearance of ancient **** shadows... it's not just that ancient **** shadows are so simple, these seem to be real souls, this is the creatures of ancient times, they seem to be alive! They are really alive, they are rushing towards us!"

The faces of all the practitioners are sinking, and Shen Nian perceives the changes of his complexions one by one!


I thought it was just the reappearance of the **** shadow left by the ancient times!

But those phantoms suddenly came alive!

Cultivation in the fairy city is another rush!


In the Fifth Immortal City, the ancient immortal beast opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to retreat the creatures transformed by the strange virtual shadow, but its roar did not have any effect!


It's coming!

All rushed!

"That girl is the legendary lucky body!"


A person turned into a ghost stared at Yan Nu and then growled!


Those ghosts transformed into the ghost image of the monks in the fairy city stared at them instantly!



All the creatures transformed by these phantoms pounced towards Yan Nu!


Yan Nu opened her mouth with a curse. One raised her hand and sacrificed something. It was a bronze sculpture. The fairy light of the bronze sculpture turned into a superb war beast!


The war beast roared!

A brilliant force broke out!


All the creatures transformed by the ghost are flying!

"Huh? Can't get these monsters?"

Yan female frowned!

"Master, these should be the remnant souls of the decay era. I could not stand my roar, but this world is a little special, and the power of the world given me by the Lord Emperor has been suppressed!"

At this moment, the war beast mouth spit people!


The power of the world?

Emperor Geshi?

When the creatures in the fairy city heard it, they subconsciously associate, and this association reveals shock!

This girl!

There are more than lucky bodies!

There seems to be a godly war beast from the legendary God of Heaven!


and many more!

Isn't this girl a disciple of that young man!

Could it be that the young man is the Emperor Gaishi!

in this way!

It seems that all of the above can be explained!

There are two kinds of God!

One is called God of Heaven!

The other is called other!

Legend has it that the power of the world possessed by the emperor of the world can not only suppress the souls under the overlord of the era!

Can also fight the era overlord!

There are even rumors that the Emperor Gaishi is further the Holy Emperor!

Therefore, the Emperor of the World is also called Young Saint Emperor!

"Lucky Dao body plus the eternal war beast, this girl is perfect! You must not miss this girl, as long as you win this girl, we can not only be truly reborn, but even hit the era of dominance!"


"Seize the little girl!"


Those weird creatures that were blown away by the gods and beasts rushed again!


Yan Nu whispered!


Chen Zheng snapped his fingers!


Those strange creatures that fluttered in an instant disappeared!


The creatures in the fairy city, the ancient fairy beasts of the fourth fairy city and the fifth fairy city, suddenly opened their mouths!


What a supernatural power this is!

Just snap your fingers and erase those strange creatures!

Is this called finger magic!

"Relentless Dao disciple escapes!"

After a short silence, the ruthless witch spirit gritted his teeth violently, turned into a ghost, and escaped, rushed out of the ancient fairy road and poured into the endless strange world!


Wu Xinxin escaped!

And this one doesn't seem to stop the witch spirit!

The creatures in the fairy city were shocked!

I noticed that Chen Zheng didn't look at Wu Xin's soul!

I thought Chen Zheng did not intend to pursue!

"Do not!"


In the strange world outside the ancient fairy road!

Suddenly came a terrified scream!


This is witchcraft!


Among the astonishments of the practitioners, something smashed towards the ancient immortal road, spread out in the air, and then the bones fell!

"Witch spirit!"

"A flesh and blood is swallowed!"

"That's the bones of the witch spirit!"

Fairy City creatures are horrified!



"so big!"

Then it was exclaimed again!




Both sides of Guxian Road!

There are huge footprints on the ground visible to the naked eye!

That's not human footprints!

But there is nothing under perception!



Just listen to the beast roar!

A giant monster appeared on both sides of Guxian Road!

Although the monster is staring at Chen Zheng!

But the creatures in the fairy city tremble involuntarily!

What a terrible breath!

Why do the monsters on both sides of Guxian Road feel like a heavenly breath!

Is this a heavenly beast!

All kinds of doubts!

"Master, these giant beasts are not simple, they all have the breath of God!"

At this time!

The war beast from Yan Mai's maiden said in a deep voice!


The war beast just shouted!

The giant beast also roared!

Then it rises to the sky!




Bright light!

Illuminated the strange world of this side!

But at this moment the creatures in the fairy city did not go to see this strange world!

Just stare at the divine light above!


That beast turned into a heavenly book!

no more, no less!

Just ten volumes!

And these ten volumes of heavenly books come out!

The creatures in the fairy city instantly feel that they are imprisoned!

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