Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2006: Ancient God of War? You are so weak!

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and so!

Just now Master Wan suddenly turned to ashes!

In fact, it is not that the mysterious man shot secretly or was erased by heaven!

It was erased by this young man on the ancient tower of Guantian!

There was also the little girl who said just now that Tiandao was afraid of the young man, and he and others felt ridiculous, but now it seems that the eye of the punishment is really scared away by the young man!


What is the origin of this young man!

"In the future this kind of little hello, you just cut it. If you meet someone with a little means, you will directly suppress the war beast that An Jing gave you."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"It's Master, Tu'er understand!"

The goddess Yan's look focused on her head.




Is the merciless help of the wolf gang leader just a little bit in his eyes!

The creatures in the first fairy city heard this sentence one by one, and then thought about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed just a small one!

Yan Lang Gangzhu!

Although it is a half-track ancestor!

Can be glanced away!

This young man's supernatural powers are terrible!

and many more!

In the eyes of the first immortal city, the ruthless gang master is a little hello. In the second immortal city, is the lord of the heartless palace and the rest of the Taoist ancestors also in the eyes of this young man?

Many people suddenly thought of this, and there was a sudden expectation in their hearts, because the Flame Wolf Gang died, the Ruthless Hall of the Second Fairy City must have known it for the first time, and will definitely send Daozu-level creatures to find out the situation!



A black torrent rushed in!

This black torrent turned into a man in a battle armor!

This man appeared above the first fairy city!

The creatures in the first fairy city showed horror!

"Ancient God of War Armor!"

"He is the ancient **** of war in the merciless palace!"

"The ancient war **** immortal armor is the most defensive magic weapon that can be dug from the second immortal road. It is said that it ignores all the mysterious magical powers under the ninth realm ancestors, and the ancient war gods were sent directly from the ruthless temple! In fact, the position of the ancient God of War in the entire ruthless Tao is actually higher than that of the ruthless palace lord!"




Coming here is not easy!

There is a lot of people here!

The set of armor of the ancient **** of war on Lai Ren is even bigger!

no doubt!

The ancient gods of war are here!

It must be to directly kill the person who killed the scorching wolf gang master and Wan Gongzi!

That is, the young man on the Tianxian Tower!


There should be a war next!

The ancient God of War wore that set of immortal armor, ignoring the mysterious magic power under the ninth realm of the Taoist ancestor, the young man of unknown origin should not be able to wipe out the ancient God of War with another glance!

For a while!

The creatures in the first fairy city suddenly felt the blood in the body boil!


Let yourself and others open your eyes!



Ancient God of War snorted!

"This seat ignores all mysterious magical powers under the ninth state Taoist ancestors. What means do you two have to use? This seat will give you two and a half hours!"



The ancient **** of war has the arrogance of the ancient **** of war!

The creature in the first fairy city heard this sentence!

One by one with great emotion!

Ancient God of War!

This is the Ancient God of War in the Relentless Hall wearing the ancient God of War armor!

He does have arrogant capital!


On the Tianxian Tower, Yan Nu frowned and whispered, she was asking if she would do it herself! General means should not be able to deal with this ancient war god, but he has the eternal war beast given by sister An Jing!

If you sacrifice the eternal war beast, you should be able to fight this ancient war god!

"Relying on a good magic weapon, do you feel invincible? Without this magic weapon, you're just a little buddy."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Boy? Huh! The magic weapon is also a part of the strength. There is an ancient warlord armor in your seat. Your kid doesn't have an ancient warlord armor. You naturally bow your head in front of this seat! Don't talk nonsense, kid, whatever means come out! As soon as half an hour arrives, this seat will pinch you to death!"

The ancient God of War disdains sneer!

"I wanted to give you half an hour to show all your magical powers, but since you have said that you don't waste time, then I will satisfy you."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


The creatures in the first fairy city held their breath!

Eyes widened one by one and stared at the top!


The ancient God of War only spit out a word!


Chen Zheng raised his hand and fanned out!


Applause first!

Then came the tearing sound!

The ancient God of War suspended above the first fairy city was originally full of disdain on his face, but his body suddenly shook, then looked down and saw a crack on the ancient armor of the ancient God of War!



He looked up!

He stared at Chen Zheng!



I only stared at Chen Zheng!

The ancient armor of the God of War broke on his body!


What the subconsciously opened his mouth to say!

But this time I couldn't say a word!



The flesh spirit is instantly destroyed!


Above the first fairy city!

Ancient armor of the God of War turned into countless fragments!

The creatures in the first fairy city looked at the scattered fragments!

In addition to horror!

At this moment, I still felt that the scattered fragments were gorgeous!



Another burst of sound sounded, and this burst of sound awakened the creatures in the fairy city. These creatures looked around according to the sound, and all were dumbfounded after only a glance!



The young man demolished the Tianxian Tower!


The young man found a piece of divine jade from Guan Tian Xian Pagoda!


The shattering sound rang again!

Everyone was stunned to see Chen Zheng crushing Shenyu, watching Chen Zheng devour the power of Shenyu, and watching Chen Zheng take Yanyan towards the second fairy city!



At this moment, the first fairy city seems to be a dead city!


"My God!"

"My Lord!"


A scream sounded!


The creatures in the first fairy city came back to After they came back, they rubbed their eyes fiercely, making sure that what they just saw was not an illusion, and sure that the standing in the first fairy city did not know how many years. There are only a pile of ashes left in Guantianxian Pagoda, one by one breathing cold air again!

And then!

A horrified whisper sounded!

"Who is he!"

"Who is he!"

"It’s terrible. Is he some of the top Daoist tyrants outside the region? This Nima squeezed the ancient God of War. The ancient God of War ignoring all the mysterious magical powers under the Ninth Realm Dao Zu, just in front of him. Broken! I remember hearing a rumor that it seems that the ancient God of War in the Relentless Temple a hundred years ago provokes a half-step era overlord, and the armament of the half-step era is hardened by the ancient warlord armor without dying. The ancient warlord armor has no damage. The ancient God of War only recovered after a few months of rest!"

"He...he went to the second fairy city, he will not destroy the ruthless palace of the second fairy city!"

"It's not surprising that it's gone. I'm only curious now, that is, will he go to the third fairy city to wipe out the ruthless Tao!"

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