Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1965: Great engraving

"This is the overlord **** pattern!"

"This is a terrifying magic pupil!"

"This dead bone is also huge!"


One after another!



A scream came from the ancient temple!

This is not the voice of Divine Lord!

This is a voice never heard!


Next second!

A figure rushed out!

Immediate alert for the gods and demons!

Very vigilantly stared at the thing rushed out!

That is a dead bone!

At this moment, go crazy like a beast!


The Dao bite blinked, and it was a little ignorant for a while. What is this stuff?


Divine Deity Venerable also swooped out of the ancient hall, staring at the bones of crazy circles for a moment, lowering his voice and saying: "This thing is lying on a metal table, and suddenly jumped up. Although this thing is mana Xiuwei can be ignored, but it seems that the body is extremely arrogant... The younger brother can't see the origin of this thing, I don't know if Brother Chen can see it."

"It is physically above the era dominance level."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Above the level of era dominance!


In a word!

All the people present were dumbfounded!

A bone shelf!

The flesh is above the level of era dominance!

It’s hard to believe!

"Tianshu, you come to recognize this thing."

Chen Zheng shouted casually, and saw the fairy light flash, a wooden puppet appeared.

This wooden puppet was the undead puppet that was obtained in the Xianwu Great World at the time. At that time, he claimed to be too prime, and his real name was actually in Heavenly Art. It is a special life created by No. 0 with another female puppet Tianxiu, and the flesh is a half-step transcendental level.

"Hey! The master hasn’t seen for a long time. I slept for a long time, but I also recovered a lot of mana! Master, who do you want me to blow, although the master says it is, the era below the master level of the creatures, except the master and the very few Outside of special creatures, I can kill him!"

Wooden puppet hehe smile!


Divine Deity Venerable and others listened, and the color of surprise flashed in their eyes. This wooden puppet and the crazy bone frame, although they can be distinguished at a glance, they can feel the breath when they close their eyes. A race!

"Fuck! Genuine!"

The dry bones circling wildly stopped suddenly, staring at the wooden puppets like that, and they would slip back to the ancient palace with a swish!


What does this mean?

Divine Deity Venerable, Divine Devil Abandoned Clan, and so on!

"My master is here, you can't escape if you want to run away with your bones, and you still obediently came out and said everything you should say."

The wooden puppet shouted at the dry bone. Originally half of the body had returned to the dry bone of the ancient temple, and then slowly turned around, and walked back step by step.

"Alas." Ku Gu looked at Chen Zheng several times and sighed: "As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt your breath. I wanted to pretend to be crazy and find a chance to slip away. I was just cheating myself. Don't be angry, I will confess now."


Has this bone shelf seen Chen Zu before?

God Demon Lord heard this brow slightly and raised it!

"My name is puppet. This lovely name is the name of the person who created me... um... I'll just talk about the point."

"I know what you are here for, and I want to know why the little girl of the divine abandonment clan has the same mana as your mana, right? This is actually not complicated. When the girl was born, my master chose this girl, Take this girl to do an experiment, and use some immature big engraving on this girl."

"Great engraving is a mystery created by the master, but because you are too special, it is not difficult to engrave, so the great engraving used on this girl is only half successful, not called half , It should be called 60% or 70% successful."

Boneless said a lot in one breath.

"Muppet? Fuck! Your bones are so cute!"

Biting the beast heard it, and gave the dry bone an extremely despised look.

"Great engraving... I only listen to big prophecy, big samsara, big immortality, etc. I have never heard of such a mysterious avenue..."

Watching the beast reveals the color of thought.

"Great engraving...Immature..."

Sacred Sacred Lord whispered, and looked at Yin Jia, who was cast aside from the Sacred Devil. At this moment, the girl is also stunned, and there is still some fear in her eyes.

"Great sister..."

Yin Hong's brows were closed, and he remembered that before Chen Zu entered the devil's burial pit, except for the monks who came to trade with the immortal ancestors, in the past few decades, no foreign monk had ever entered the devil's burial pit, his sister was even more Never left the cave house.


Thinking about it!

Yin Hong sighed!

The bones of this self-proclaimed puppet in front of me!

Its owner must be a terrible creature!

In the eyes of creatures of that level, you and others are no different from ants!

You and others are invisiblely controlled like puppets!


Yin Hong was another sigh!

"The re-engraving of the flesh fails, the primal character has been engraved by more than 50%, the level of mana is exactly the same, right."

Chen Zheng looked at the bone shelf of the self-proclaimed puppet and smiled.

"This...almost like this!" The bone shelf groaned slightly, then nodded: "The one who created me... The one who once said that she was uncomfortable looking at someone, so she created A major engraving technique wants to engrave you... Of course, I am not sure if I am unhappy with you!"

"Listening to you, is my master not created by anyone?"

Dao bite thought a little bit!


God Demon Lord stared at the bone shelf with his eyes!

"This...I really don't know, this is beyond my cognition." The bone shelf responded in a low voice: "Although I have been her deputy for a while, I can only do the most basic work, For example, taking the blood of a prince in the Taixu, such as digging the eyeballs of an ancient troll. I am actually a tool for manual work, and I don’t understand those things that involve high levels. , Such as great engraving."

"You must know what your master looks like, let's see what your master looks like!"

The eyeball of the bite beast moved!

"My master's see for yourself."

The bone rack thought for a while, and it seemed to be struggling, but in the end he lifted his dry right hand and touched the air.


A light curtain emerged!


Everyone stared at it!

I saw a figure in the light curtain!


Very strange!

Divine Deity Venerable frowned!

"Lying trough, this is not...!"

Dao bite glanced!

Subconscious is a cry!



Who is this woman?

Divine Deity Venerable and other eyes fixed on the bite beast!

"I... I dare not say it!"

The Dao Beast's eyeball turned, and he didn't dare to say that name!


This is the moment!

A cold hum rang!


Chen Zhengmei's heart!

A flash of light!

Turned into a woman!


Divine Deity Venerable looked over subconsciously!

Just this look!

All froze on the spot!

Because this woman is exactly the same as the woman in the light curtain!


This woman seems to have run out of Chen Zu Yuanshen!

and many more!

Why did you want to kneel down to worship while looking at this woman!

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