Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1953: It's calling me

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at last!

After an hour!

The fantasy sword shadow that stood between heaven and earth was shattered!


this moment!

Emperor Zulong in the Zulong Santing was inexplicably relieved!

"He... he... he must have been abolished, no matter whether it is him or not, he cannot summon that law again! I... I want to find him , I want to find him in the shortest time, and then cut him!"

Jianxiu Aotian gritted his teeth and yelled with a scream!


No one ignored him in the Holy Court!

"His Majesty......"

Murder God frowned and looked at Zulong Emperor.

"Bai Qing follow me to the fantasy world."

Emperor Zulong thought for a moment, nodded at the killing god, and then the two entered a curtain of water.


The middle-aged man who looks like a teacher is thoughtful.

"Uncle Su, you must help me, use your magical calculations to calculate the current position of the guy, you must help me! That guy has become my demon, I must cut him! Uncle Su , Master Gugu said, I’m a very important part of His Majesty’s eternal life plan. You and Master Gugu don’t want to see me tortured by the devil!"

Jian Xiuaotian's eyes moved, staring at the middle-aged man who looked like a master.

"My level is not enough to figure out where Chen Zu is."

The middle-aged man shook his head gently and turned away.

"Liar! You are all liars! You are all liars!"

Jianxiu proudly froze for a while, then knelt to the ground with his head, and then howled.



Not howling yet!

Jinmang flashed!

Jianxiu Aotian was thrown out by a golden dragon claw!

"Calm down for a while, you can't even pass this level, you should fix it yourself!"

A cold and ruthless voice sounded!

That is the voice of Emperor Zulong!


Outside the Holy Court!

Jianxiu Aotian kneels on the ground!

Looking at the vast ancestral dragon holy court like a stone carving at this moment!

Can't say a word!


Purple pole pilgrimage.

Jingshi Xianshan.

In front of the gate of the sword palace sword palace.

The disciples of Jingshi Sword Palace shivering trembling.

Although the person in front of him seemed to be just a mortal, not even a mortal, but the body of the disciple of Jingshi Jian Palace was shaking involuntarily.

People are shaking.

The sword was shaking.

Yuanshen is shaking.

This man!

It seems to be the figure that appeared above the devil's burial pit yesterday!


Didn't he disappear!

How come the Jingshi Sword Palace!

What does he come to Jingshi Jian Palace!

Is it because of the Jingtian Divine Sword of Jingshi Sword Palace!

All thoughts flashed!

However, the disciples of Shoushan dare not say a word!

"Your Excellency, please come back, Jingshi Sword Palace is not open to the outside world, this... is also the decree passed by the first generation of palace masters!"


A figure appeared!

This is a middle-aged sword repair!

Shen Sheng spoke at the moment!

The sound just dropped!

The Pure World Sword Palace is shrouded in a sword world!

Cut off the outside world!


Shoushan disciples breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Jianjie!

This man is terrible!

But that was before!

Right now this man has no mana!

Should not break the sword world!

This sword world can stop even the half-step era overlord!


It's a little weird!

The original palace owner is said to have been sleeping!

How come I suddenly woke up and spread the decree!

"It's calling me."

The man standing in front of the gate of Jingshi Jiangong is Chen Zheng. He disappeared above the burial pit of the **** and demon yesterday. Today comes the Ziji Shengjing Jingshi Jiangong. He smiles at the middle-aged sword repair.


Middle-aged Jianxiu and Shoushan disciples saw Chen Zheng smile!

Somewhat trembling in my heart!

"This is the decree passed by the first-generation palace master. I can only obey it. Your Excellency...please go back!"

Middle-aged Jianxiu Shen Sheng responded!

"Why bother."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and stepped forward. Several disciples of Shoushan retreated instinctively and stared at Chen Zheng step by step!

"Your Mightiness......"

Middle-aged Jian Xiu's face changed, and again he spoke quietly, only spoke two words, and then kept silent!


Sword world is like air!

As if it didn't exist!

Can't stop Chen Zheng!

Middle-aged Jianxiu and several disciples of Shoushan stayed where they were, watching Chen Zheng step by step toward the top, and watching Chen Zheng walk to the closed gate of the sword palace!

this moment!

Middle-aged sword repair subconsciously want to speak!


The stone gate of the sword palace opened!


Middle-aged Jianxiu and Shoushan disciples dumbfounded!


This Nima!

That stone gate looks like a stone gate!

But that pure Yuan stone is made!

That stone gate could not be opened even if the three holy pilgrims came in person!

In front of this one!

Already a mortal!

Why only raise one hand!

The gate of the sword palace opened!


Watching Chen Zheng enter the sword palace, several disciples of Shoushan took a breath. They secretly mentioned that Chen Zu, mentioned by the little sword god, was really terrible, even if he didn't have mana, even if he looked like a mortal, but his As if born with a kind of supernatural power to sword repair!

"Elder Lin, he... did he come to our Jingshi Sword Palace for the purpose of purifying the God of Heaven?"

A disciple of Yishoushan trembles and asks!

"I do not know......"

Middle-aged Jianxiu gently shook his head and took a deep breath to prepare to enter the sword palace. As soon as he lifted a foot, his face changed instantly!


Deep inside the sword palace!

There was a sword sound!


The next moment, the bright sword lights up!

Next moment!

A flash of blood!



One person was thrown out!


Elder Lin and a few Shoushan disciples only glanced, and his face was instantly white, and his neck instincts shrank back, staring at the person who was thrown out!

Palace Master!

This man with a sword wound all over his body is the deputy palace master!


What happened?

Who was the deputy palace master hurt?


On the ground!

The blood-stained deputy palace stared deep into the sword palace with a wry smile!


Elder Lin and several disciples of Shoushan understood instantly that the deputy palace master must have personally tried to stop the man, but the deputy palace master was defeated, and the man who had no power against him instantly lost!



No mana!

The fighting power is still so scary!



"Oh my god!"


Jing Shi Jian Gong screamed with exclamation!


Another person was thrown out!

Then hundreds of people emerged!


Elder Lin and several disciples of Shoushan looked at it subconsciously, and when they saw that the person who was thrown out was the owner of Jingshi Jiangong Palace, he was instantly dumbfounded!


The palace owner also lost!

The palace owner has the magnificent mana of the previous generations except the first generation!

The strength of mana alone can definitely rank in the top three outside the territory!

But the palace owner seems to be defeated by just one face!


The owner of Jingshi Jiangong Palace also showed a bitter smile!


Elder Lin is waiting for the disciple of Jingshi Jiangong to be silent!

"Now... I only hope that the sword master will stop him."

The Deputy Palace Master took a deep breath and lowered his voice!



His words have not fallen!

The dazzling sword awns light up in the sword palace!


There was a terrible crack in the Jingshi Sword Palace!



This ancient pure world sword palace turned into powder!


The palace master outside the sword palace and others waited for a while!

Sword Palace!



Why is that!

What exactly does he want!

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