Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1839: Netherworld

Chapter 1836 Nether World (One More)

"Did Ji Yun's father have the inheritance of the oldest human king... that should have long been out of the Sifang Jurisdiction. It may have gone outside the territory, it may have gone to the Taixu, or the chaotic realm."

Jijiadonghuangshan ancestral land, Qitian Shengwang beast said Ji Yun's father Ji Renwang has been inherited in the human king's secret world.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, thought for a while, then smiled: "Although Sifang Jueji can cultivate the creatures of the half-step era hegemony level, but it has reached the top. If you want to go further, you can only be in the field of ruins or chaos. Of course this There are also restrictions in two places. Once it becomes an era overlord, the ontology basically cannot come out, and even if it can come out, it has to pay a great price. The chaotic field is even more restrictive, and it cannot go out if it is entered, unless there are extremely special means or The ultimate creation-level magic weapon. So if several of you want to go further, you should consider it yourself."

"Taixu... Sister Feixuan should have gone to Taixu too."

Lu Jiuxuan, the ancestor of the Lu tribe, also whispered.

"She should have gone to Taixu, and she had to go to Taixu to restore her state."

Chen Zheng glanced at Lu Jiuxuan.

"Lu Fei Xuan... Actually, Ren Wang Guyin was originally stored in Ren Wang Lu Clan for a while, but later because of Chaos Lu Clan..."

Qitian Saint King Beast remembered something, whispered at the moment, but didn't go on with it after only half of it.

"Chaotic Lu Clan..."

Lu Jiuxuan's eyes were shocked. Perhaps the descendants of Lu Xinyi in the Quartet had never heard of it, but he, a child of the king Lu family who had been with Lu Fei for an era, naturally knew the Chaos Lu family.

King Lu!

Chaos Land!

Chaos Land is even higher than King Lu!


Thinking of some past!

A sigh in Lu Jiuxuan's heart!

Times have changed!

Many things have changed!

It is basically impossible for the human king Lu family to return to the peak!

What's more, the terrible creatures who were suppressed by the Wanglu tribe at the beginning were the ghosts of the world and Chen Zu...

"Then...Are Chen Zu leaving the Sifang Kingdom? After he left, where would he go? Shouldn't he go to the Daqian World, as if there are many Daqian Worlds now, only Hongmeng is too high? It is the most mysterious. I heard that Hongmeng Taitian has undergone many divine changes recently. Although the spirits at the level of Taoist ancestors have been lifted, it seems that they are preventing some creatures from going to Hongmeng Heaven..."

Elder Ji Jia thought about it for a while, and he didn't finish his words, because he suddenly thought a little bit, will the change of Hongmeng's God be related to the Chen Zu in front of him!

"Too heaven...I'm not in a hurry to go back. I walked through the heavens and the world. In addition to recovering the lost power, I also need to complete some things. After leaving the Sifang Extinction, I should go back to the Nether Realm to see it. Go to the Underworld."

Chen Zheng chuckled lightly.


"Underworld... There are a lot of legends about underworld...but even though underworld is not in the world, it seems that it doesn't exceed the level of the world..."

"Underworld... people do not feel uneasy, maybe even if they become Dao ancestors, Shou Yuan still has a limit. Once it falls, it will still fall into the six reincarnations, only the era overlord is the real non-reincarnation. ."

A whisper sounded, and the Nether Earth also had a very mysterious color in the eyes of the Taoist ancestors of the Sifang Kingdom, because the fall of the Taoist ancestor still had to enter the reincarnation, and it was the era overlord that really did not enter the reincarnation.

of course.

This is their perception.


In Chen Zheng's mind, the little doll made an extremely contemptuous smile after listening to Lu Jiuxuan's sigh. Her contemptuous laughter can only be heard by Chen Zheng, who knows what Xiaohua Xiaohua is laughing.

The so-called non-reincarnation is only confined to the Hongmeng universe. After learning about the Hongmeng universe and the great reincarnation, especially after learning the nine major reincarnations, Hongmeng universe’s non-reincarnation can be said to be worthless. .

The little doll, the vision is no longer high. Of course, she was originally the future lord of the Hongmeng universe and the ultimate lord. It is the end point of the fate and time of the Hongmeng universe, and the high vision is normal.

"Can you still see Chen Zu after that?"

Lu Xinyi asked softly, at this moment there was some uneasiness.

Chen Zheng looked at Lu Xinyi with a smile, and did not answer this question. After sweeping Luo Xian and Ji Yun, he invisiblely branded the two first major reincarnations in the two female Yuanshen.

"Thirteen thunderlords, thirteen holy emperors, thirteen gods, thirteen **** candidates, and they should all finally appear in the same place. I hope you all have the opportunity to see that day."

With a faint word, Chen Zheng got up and stepped out, and everyone stared out. This time, Chen Zheng was gone. Everyone froze for a moment, and then showed their thoughts.




The black clouds are rolling!


A black dragon in the black cloud protruded down!


"Be careful!"

"This annihilating dragon is here again, don't be stared at by it, you will die if you stare at it!"

"Fortunately, Master Lord chopped another annihilating dragon that hasn't grown up, and cut off the promotion of this annihilating dragon, otherwise Netherworld has been occupied by these ancient creatures who have been resurrected!"

"Ah! Who would have thought that this earth-shattering change will occur in the Nine Tribulation Devil's Cave, and that the Divine Light does not know which powerful means to promote the Nether Realm directly! But there are rumors that the Nether Realm's change and that one The imperial palace is related to the Liuying girl brought back by the Lord Master over a year ago!"

Under the earth!

The dragon and demons shivered!

At this moment, staring at the terrifying black dragon above!

Secretly communicate with Yuanshen!



Black Dragon hides!

The talents of the Dragon Devil family are relieved!

Although the black dragon is also a dragon family, and it should be regarded as a real dragon, the dragon demon family also has dragon blood, but it is not the same thing at all! I thought that the patriarch of the old ancestral realm was swallowed by the black dragon a few days ago, and even one bone was not spit out. The dragon and demon family shuddered again!

"Master Lord blocked the Immortal City. I don't know how long it can last. The most powerful creature that Jiujie Demon Cave is currently free of is the annihilation dragon, but just an annihilation dragon has crushed the underworld, if there is no power Help, I am afraid..."

"Before the Netherworld encountered two major disasters, one was Hongmeng, who was in the heavenly palace, and the second elder took the monk of the heavenly palace to attack our netherworld, and the other was the forces outside the world a few months ago, both of which resolved. This time I am afraid it is difficult!"

"Master Lord is ranked second in Nine Tribulation. This time Lord Lord can't stand it. I should invite the legendary head of Nine Tribulation...Huh? Look! There are creatures coming! Um? A young man? It seems like a Daojun? Which young man from a thousand worlds can actually pass through the magic barrier and enter our nether world?"

The dragon and demons whispered Suddenly there was an exclaimation, a group of dragons and demons under the ground looked towards the ground, and this one saw a young man and a purple beast!

The young man seemed to be remembering something at the moment, and the purple beast was curious about what he sniffed with his nose, and suddenly stared at the special space where the underground dragon and demons hide!


The face of the dragon and demons has changed!

"No, we were found!"

"Don't scare yourself, this young man is just Daojun, it can't be the ancient creatures resurrected in the Nine Tribulation Cave!"

"The cup bow snake shadow, the startled bird, was bitten by a snake, and was afraid of the well rope for ten years.

"Damn what are you talking about!"

"That... I recite some sayings and want to relax the atmosphere..."

(End of this chapter)

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