Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1836: Magic Shadow! Emperor Shadow!

Chapter 1833 Demon Shadow! Emperor Shadow! (Two more)


A terrible tear sounded!

The creatures before the abyss of the heavens have not yet recovered from the shock of the death of the five culminations, and they looked subconsciously, and when they saw it, they saw another crack on Chen Zheng!

"Master... woo woo!"

The purple beast is crying!

"Chen Zu..."

Luo Xian, Ji Yun, etc. whispered again, still unable to understand, why Chen Zu didn't fight back, and why he had to be hit by the horrifying ghost shadow twice. The monks of the Ji family, the Lu family, and the Fengshen Temple were also filled with doubts.

Is this debt repayment?

Some monks thought of this, and only this thought came up, and the terrible shadow of the terrifying shadow's third giant palm burst into the air again!


Loud noise!


The broken humanoid creature's face shook away with a smile on his face, and he used his secret method to escape from the broken upper abyss. Although he escaped, his flesh was gone!


Only Yuanshen is left!


Human form creature, that is, God in the eyes of Wu Jue, and Tai Yuan in Tai Yi's mouth, at this moment Yuanshen is staring at the broken God's abyss! He remembered it now, he knew what the horror shadow was, it seemed to be the great devil in the first era!


Not the devil deity!

It is a very evil thing left by the great devil!

And that young man should be the reincarnation of the original devil!

The ghost-like woman in front of the Great Abyss is a disciple of the Great Devil!

At the beginning of the First Age, she was also a famous female nun!



Another terrible tear!

At the moment, Chen Zheng's flesh is fragmented!

Luo Xian!

Ji Family!



Yunyan Qiluozong and other monks!

All are silent at this moment!

Why did Chen Zu not fight back at this stage!

"His mana... is gone..."

"The mana is gone by the second palm...not exhausted but bombarded...just like mortals at this moment..."

"His flesh is broken, as if he has lost his vitality..."

Some monk monks whispered that they could not understand the truth. This is because the horror shadow is too tyrannical. This mysterious Chen Zu gave up his resistance, or is it because of others. It is really impossible to judge now.


Qitian Saint King Beast opened his mouth, and the person inside him, Gu Guyin, could not control it, it seemed that he wanted to protect Chen Zu!

"Wu Jue Pin... dead... Wu Jue Pin is gone..." Feng Luo genius was really awake on the Fengjia warship at this moment, shouting at the moment, suddenly puffed Knelt on the deck of the warship with a cry of strength as if drained!

The rest of the Feng family are all frowning at the moment, no one has taken care of Feng Luotian, and they are all staring at the broken Abyss of Abyss at this moment, waiting for a result at this moment!

Whether the mysterious young man is alive or dead, because it is also related to the life and death of the Feng Family!

"The old ancestor... is gone..." Liu Fangkong fully recovered from this moment on the Liu family warship. After whispering, he fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng and saw Chen Zheng's body. Already shattered, a face suddenly became terrible: "Dead! You must die! Your mana is completely lost, the flesh is fragmented, you are going to die, you have to be buried with the ancestors!"


He just roared!

The flash of light on Chen Zheng!

The broken flesh healed instantly!


Zhong Xiu's eyes widened!

"It seems that you are hesitating, what are you hesitating, you have not released your most terrifying power, take out your terrible power, you are just a bad thought, you can not kill me today, then your evil thought is stronger, It will eventually be erased!"

Chen Zheng ignored anyone outside the abyss and only smiled at the horror shadow!


This laugh!

It seems to anger the horror shadow completely!

Just listen to a roar!

The horror of the shadows has soared again!




A terrible tear sounded!

Visible to the naked eye!

The vast world of Sifang Juejie broke into a cobweb!


The pupils in the Sifang Jueji shrank suddenly at this moment. At this moment, only one thing was felt. That kind of thing was called despair!


Real despair!

That horror shadow is just a roar!

The Quartet's Extinction is about to burst!



A ruinous palm!

The horror shadows blasted under a huge palm!


In the eyes of the Gods in the Gods who have completely abandoned their resistance, that giant palm blasted Chen Zheng again, and Chen Zheng still did not fight back, let the giant palm blast on him!


The horrible tearing sounded again!


This time Chen Zheng's body did not split!


There was another shattering sound inside it!

Something seems to be broken!


Liu Fangkong stared at Chen Zheng with a roar!



Chen Zhengfei was not dead!

Instead, a black shadow appeared in the body!



This dark shadow turned into a huge magic shadow!


The magic power!

More magnificent than that horror shadow!

"Big Lord!"

The quatern creatures were shocked, only Taiyuan, who was left with the Yuanshen, glanced at the magnificent shadow, and uttered three words in a low voice!

"Big Lord!"

On the Jijia warship, Taiyi stared at the magnificent magic shadow, and at the moment, his expression was very complicated and he pronounced three words!

"You're visiting the Supreme!"

Before the abyss, the ghost-like woman respected Chen Zheng respectfully at the moment!

Big devil?

What do you mean?

Is this the original identity of Chen Zu?

The monks such as Luo Xian, Ji Yun, Zilei Beast Venerable, Ji Family, Lu Family, Fengshen Temple and so on, stared at the magnificent shadow at this moment!



The majestic shadow has changed!

The bright divine light is on!

The shadow is gone!


Not gone!

Instead, the demon becomes a huge phantom exuding no power!



The majesty radiating invisible is not under the shadow!


Who is this phantom?

Is it also Chen Zu's past!

Countless guesses!

"This is... this turned out to be... it turns out that the Great Devil Master and... turned out to be the same person!"

Only Yuan Yuan, Taiyuan, was left for a moment, and said something that the Quartet's utter creatures could not understand, but Taiyi understood it!

"Brother Taiyuan... If you know Brother Chen still has a identity..."

Taiyi smiled suddenly, this smile seemed to be relieved!

A few people beside Luo Xian heard the whisper. He felt a shock at the moment. There is no doubt that Tai Yi must know that Chen Zu still has a heavy identity, and that heavy identity may be related to God!

Chen Zu!

It is likely to be one of the gods!

It’s just that Taiyi and Taiyuan haven’t seen it before, just know that such a **** exists, but they have never seen the true body!

"You helped me get through the Emperor's Barrier, how can I thank you?"

Before the Sifang Juexi was shocked by all the practitioners, the huge phantom behind Chen Zheng disappeared. He looked at the horror shadow and smiled at the horror shadow!


Opened the barrier of Heaven Emperor!

What does it mean!

The Cultivator once again showed his doubts!



The horror and the dark shadow only roared incomprehensible, UU reading www.uukanshu. com stared at Chen Zheng very fiercely, as if he had received a call, he blasted into the sky, and smashed the heavenly vault of the Quartet's extinct already like a cobweb, disappeared in a blink of an eye!


Before the Abyss!

The Quartet's extinct creatures looked at the broken world and all were silent!


They are really confused!

What the **** is today?

The Quartet is ruined!

But it doesn't seem to have much to do with Sifang's extinct native creatures!

What the **** is this?

(End of this chapter)

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