Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1831: 1 Can't find the North with a slap!

Chapter 1828: You Can't Find The North With A Slap! (Five more)


Feng Luotian and Liu Fangkong were eliminated!

Feng Luotian ranked fourth was also eliminated!

Because the selection has not been completed!

Is there such a rule!

"This seat is not accepted!"


The master of the wind family roared!


In the light curtain!

A behemoth emerged!

"You can come in and challenge me if you are not convinced!"

The behemoth responded to the master of the Feng family!

The master of the wind family shuddered!

Sit back in position!

Monkey King Beast!

That behemoth is Qitian Saint King Beast!

Not convinced?

Who dares not accept!

Go in and challenge the Qitian Saint King Beast, isn't it death?

Even the principal of the Feng family is the ninth state ancestor!

But Qitian Saint Beast King condensed a semi-overlord **** pattern!

"Ji Yun, Lu Xinyi, Kuixing River and Dongfang Qingshuang won the title of Quartet Envoy, and they will be rewarded by King Gu Yin!"

The thick voice of Qitian Saint King Beast sounded again, saying that when the giant claws caught, the four had not yet reacted, and they were teleported to the cliff where Chen Zheng was. The people outside saw clearly through the light curtain. Qingshuang is also ignorant at the moment!


Did not expect at all!

She ranked sixth in merits and she could get the title of Quartet!



The light curtain burst!

Outsiders can no longer see the internal situation in the king's secret world!


No need to read it!

The four Ji Yun must be accepting the reward from the ancient seal of King Ren!

After coming out!

One by one is bound to skyrocket!

And there are quarantine titles asylum!


did not expect!

The Feng family and the Liu family joined forces and wanted to push Lu Xinyi of the Lu family out of the Sifang envoy, but finally wiped out the Sifang enlistment candidate of his family!

What is the saying?

By the way, that sentence is called stealing chickens without killing rice!

Fengjia and Liujia could perfectly reproduce the meaning of that sentence!


Feng Luotian hangs in the air!

Liu Fangkong hangs in the air!

At this moment, staring at the light door of the secret world of the human king!

I wish I could rush in and kill!

Just dare not!

The Qitian Saint King beast sits in the secret world of the king!

If I go in again, I'm afraid that I can't live for three breaths!




Why deprive yourself of qualifications!

"Qingshuang actually won the title of Quartet...I don't know if it's a blessing or a disaster..."

Han Yuyan, the elder of Dongfang Qingshuang Master, the head of Yunyan Qiluo Zong, frowned at this moment. Yunyan Qiluozong is not weak, and it is also first-class in the Sifang Jue, which can not be compared with the main family and Tianshou family of the four major domains. But, after all, this broke the Quartet’s pattern, and Yunyan Qiluozong was afraid it would be...


Han Yuyan sighed and said in secret that she could only take one step at a time in the future. There was really no way but to move the entire sect out of the Quartet.

With her sigh, many people stared at them, and the monks also had a complicated look. To tell the truth today, I really did not expect that the Liu family of Tianshou may break the default pattern of the Quartet, but I did not expect that the Feng family and the Liu family would give up the title of the younger generation of the Quartet. Dongfang Qingshuang got cheap.

"My family is not married yet, you Yunyan Qiluozong Dongfang Qingshuang and my family are born in a pair, and after coming out of the secret world of the king, follow my family's family to Fengjia!"

At this time!

The master of the Feng family stared at him with cold eyes!

Open mouth is an undeniable sentence!


Han Yuyan froze for a moment, and the rest of Yunyan Qiluozong also froze!



Fengjia is too domineering!

This is to forcefully grab people!

The rest of the Taoist monks froze for a moment, and then shook their heads secretly in their hearts. The principal of the Feng family had already said this, and I am afraid that Yunyan Qiluozong could only accept it silently!

"So... but I can accept it!"

Feng Luotian chuckled!


Liu Fangkong frowned, and Feng Luotian could accept it, but he couldn't accept it. This time it was prepared, but he was pitted, and he didn't expect that there is an unwritten rule in the secret world of King Ren!


Now that it has been clear to break some patterns!

Then there is no need to hide in the future!

Some means can be obvious!

Not to mention!

Today, it is just Sifang's selection!

Today's real big show has not started yet!

Liu Fangkong thought of something. At this moment, Han Mang flashed his eyes, staring at the light door at the entrance of the King's Secret World, waiting for the people inside to come out!

"It's shameless, but also the four domain master families. It's shameful for the old to not respect!"


A very contemptuous voice sounded!


Everyone heard it and looked around. This look saw the purple beast in Luo Xian's arms on the Jijia warship. The purple beast stared contemptuously at the master of the wind house!

"Humph! A young beast that bites the Dao, and dare to say no respect to this seat. This seat will squeeze your little thing today and let the world see what is the majesty of the master of the domain master!"

The master of the wind family looks indifferent and direct, raising his hand to the purple beast is a catch!


Elder Ji Family snorted, but also a means to raise his hand and stop the master of the Feng family!

"You have to maintain this little thing!"

The master of the wind family slowly lifted off into the sky, and a lot of horror and divinity were released, only to hear a clatter, and something in his eyebrows flew out, turning into a banana fan-like magic weapon!

This magic weapon is instant!

Elder Ji Family frowned!

The face of other Taoist monks has also changed!

This banana fan is not simple!

This banana fan can fan out the chaotic wind and initial fire!

Not a low-level chaotic wind and initial fire!

It is high-level chaotic wind and initial fire!

Elder Ji's family is no problem blocking this banana fan!

But the Ji family has more than one big elder!

Is the Feng family ready to tear the face completely with the Ji family!

"Elder Ji, don't press this seat!"

The main house of the Feng family is condescending, holding a banana fan at this moment, awesome!


Elder Ji's face sank, but no concessions!

"It's just a little thing, kill it, kill it, does Ji family want to fight against the Feng family for this little thing? This girl is just a Daojun, let alone kill her little beast, just kill her, also No big deal, right?"

Liu Fangkong smiled indifferently!


The other Taoist monks heard this sentence!

The image of Liu Fangkong, the first person of the younger generation, suddenly collapsed a lot!

This is too contrasted with the tall image that has been passed out before!

"Elder Ji, give you three breaths, don't blame this seat when the three breaths arrive...!"


The master of the wind family spoke coldly!

Only half the word!

Dozens of people in the Light Portal of the Secret World of the King of Man were teleported out!

One of them raised his hand to slap!

This slap fan was directly fanned by the Feng Family Master!


The person who shot was like the mysterious young man!

The creatures who had not seen Chen Zheng before today were stunned!

And those who have seen Chen Zheng means knowing Chen Zheng have only one thought in their hearts at this moment!

That's why the Taoist master's heart is about to be broken next!

(End of this chapter)

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