Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1828: The gap is clear at a glance!

Chapter 1825 The gap is clear at a glance! (Two more)

"It turns out that this is the inside of King Ren's Secret World!"

"Those are the fallen creatures of ancient times!"

"Those should be suppressed in the mysterious world of the devil and evil. The pure devil and evil are not as simple as the devil and evil path. There is no self-consciousness in the devil and evil path. There seems to be only killing and destruction in these dark shadows. !"

"So to get merit points is to kill these shadows!"

"Look, that's Miss Lujiasan. She seems to be in trouble. She is alone. Does Miss Lujiasan want..."



In a light curtain!

Lu Xinyi alone suffered a shadow siege!

The monks of all avenues thought that Lu Xinyi could only urge the life-saving weapon to send it out, and gave up the fight of the Quartet, but Lu Xinyi trembled and pulled out a thing, and the thing appeared, and the shadows were evaporated in an instant!


"That seems to be... the human weapon!"

"No, the Lu family even let the three emperors who did not have the celestial emperor's realm bring the magic weapon of the human king!"


Many people subconsciously looked at the landing warship!

The look of the Lu family is indifferent!

"Look at Feng Shao's Feng Shao, it seems that he has encountered a powerful evil beast, this evil beast is worth at least ten thousand merit points!"

"Huh? That's Miss Ji Yun. Miss Ji Yun also met the same evil beast as Feng Shao. Can we take this opportunity to see who is the strongest Feng Shao and Miss Ji Yun?"

"What! Seconds! Miss Ji Yun seconds that evil beast!"


There was another cry of exclamation!

Everyone's eyes moved to the light curtain again!

In two light curtains next to each other!

Although Feng Luotian and Ji Yun were in different places, they encountered the same level of evil beasts. They thought they would fight with the evil beasts for a while, but they didn't expect Miss Ji Yun to kill them in one shot!

And on the other side!

Although Feng Luotian also used secret methods to hurt the evil beast!

But the evil beast could not be cut for a while!

This comparison!

The gap came out at once!

"This...if there is no such mystery...the live broadcast scene, I can't see it at all. There is such a gap between Feng Shao and Miss Ji Yun. Feng Shaoxiu is still on top of Miss Ji Yun. Miss Ji Yun seems not to be in the realm of Dao Zu, and Feng Shao is a genuine Dao Zu, why is the combat power so different!"

"Could it be that the evil beasts are special. Miss Ji Yun is said to have practiced the mysterious magic, so it just happens to restrain the evil beasts, so she will lead the wind less?"

"Regardless of whether there is a secret method or not, with the speed at which Miss Ji Yun obtains merit points, this time the Quartet should make the first place no suspense!"

All kinds of comments!


The master of the wind family frowned, and snorted!

"This live broadcast is a bit interesting. In the most intuitive way, I saw the gap of the younger generation. If Ji Yun could get Sifang to be the first, and someone Wang Guyin was empowered, then it would soon be the youngest in Sifang. The first person in a generation."

At this moment the principal of the Tianshou family smiled.

"Ji Yun can't be compared to Liu Fangkong of the Tianshou clan. You see, if you cut a more powerful beast, you have already topped the list of meritorious service."

Elder Ji Jia shook his head gently and raised his hand to point at the merit monument in the upper rightmost part of the light curtain. Originally Ji Yun ranked first, and Liu Yankong of the Liu family had already surpassed it at this moment.


The monks of various avenues also looked at that piece of light curtain!

Sure enough, the first person on the merit list is already Liu Fangkong of the Tianshou clan!


The thoughts of the monks of all avenues have changed!

Underground willow burning palace is the first in the younger generation!

This time there is total strength to fight for the first!

And the strength of the Tianshou family is not under the four domain master families!

Will the Tianshou family take this opportunity to break that default rule!

Quartet title!

Although not as good as the title of King!

But if you get the title of the Quartet, you will have the opportunity to win the title of King of the People!

If the Tianshou family wants to play big!

It is not impossible!

Ancient seal of the human king in the secret world of the human king!

That is recognized as the first treasure of the Quartet's extinct region!


Will you wait for someone to witness a shocking change!

"Yuan Zu..."

On the side of the temple, an elder secretly heard the sound.

"Observe the opportunity."

Yuan Zu Yuanshen replied, he also looked at the light curtain, but did not look at the others, only looked at Chen Zheng. He was very curious at the moment, why this mysterious Chen Zu did not kill evil beasts or gain merit points after entering the world of human king, but seemed to see the scenery in the world of human king.

Could it be!

This mysterious Chen Zu is looking for someone Wang Guyin!


An idea came up!

The thought of what happened in the former temple!

Yuan Zu couldn't help but tremble!

It is very possible!

"In terms of what happened to him, he didn't kill evil beasts or gain merit points. He concealed his age. I was afraid that he would expose himself as soon as he shot. Was it slammed out by the laws of the king's secret world?

At this time, the master of the Feng family also stared at Chen Zheng in the light curtain, and after a glance, he asked indifferently! Although I didn't look at Elder Ji's family, everyone knew that this was asking Elder Ji's family!

"..." Elder Ji Jia stunned slightly, then whispered: "Don't the son just say, just go in and see, will not interfere in the fight between the Quartet, Mr. Feng, you also see now He really said that he did it, and he just went in to see the scenery. Before that, Mr. Feng Lao speculated that Mr. Feng would intervene in the Quartet, and this measure of Mr. Feng Lao could not be avoided... hehe."

"Humph! Ji Lingxu, you know exactly what his fighting power is, letting him enter the ancient world of King was to destroy the balance. I guess what is wrong with this seat! Although this kid didn't intervene in the Quartet, this kid is very good. It is possible that he went to run the ancient king Guyin. This kid is not one of our Quartet's extincts at all. If you get him from the Wang Guyin's extremities, your Ji family is the sinner of the Sifang's extincts!"

The Feng Family talks coldly!

"Human King Guyin..."

"It shouldn't be possible..."

"It seems that there is no provision prohibiting the search for the ancient seal of the human king. If he can find the ancient seal of the human king, and he surrenders to the ancient seal of the human king, it does not seem to be our enemies in the Quartet. Instead, according to the rules passed down from the ancient times, who can get the ancient seal of the human king? It’s the king of the world, right..."

Upon hearing this, the monks of each avenue whispered, and some of them were purely curious. In addition, those monks who knew that Chen Zheng had seen Chen Zheng did not think that Chen Zheng could get the ancient seal of the people.



A horror roar came from the light curtain!

clear and distinct!

The monks who entered the realm of the human king in the light curtain were all At this moment, they all looked in one direction. Look at that piece of light curtain!


Chen is in front of a dark abyss!

A behemoth rushed out of the dark abyss!

Silence briefly!

The monks of all avenues exclaimed!

"Lying trough!"

"That's... Overlord Divine Mark!"

"Oh my god, overlord **** pattern, is this the legendary guardian beast Qitian Saint King Beast!

(End of this chapter)

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