Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1806: The most non-existent god

Chapter 1803 The Most Indifferent God (four more)

"Is this...the ancient spirit..."

On the cyan warship, the Suyi Taoists still haven't recovered, and they saw Chen Zheng grabbing a thing, and this thing is not a thunder beast, but a humanoid ancient spirit. This humanoid ancient spirit seems to be the one in the legend. The ancient spirit that made the Thunder Beasts rise!


This predecessor's method of showing at this moment is much stronger than that of the previous show in Luoxian City!

This is equal to raising the hand twice to dig out the bottom of the Emperor Thunder Beast family!


Why swallow that horrible thunder pool!

This predecessor's mana is only restored to the real fairyland from the robbery period!

Although it seems to be a real fairy of Nine Tribulation!

But there is something wrong!

Shouldn't it be restored to Jinxian or even higher level!


Su Yi Dao's face is full of doubts!

"You... Lord Guling!"

Zilei Beast Supreme took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng, fearing that Chen Zheng would devour the humanoid ancient spirit!

"That... I'm an abolished ancient spirit. I really don't have much power to hide. You only swallowed the Nine Nine Leichi to rise from the robbery period to the ninth order true fairy. You didn't swallow me. How much."

The ancient humanoid looks calm, and ponders.

"Which **** are you?"

Chen Zheng asked only softly.


What do you mean!

Which god!


What does it mean!

The Thunder Beast family immediately glared!

Su Yi Dao Ren and Luo Xian also showed amazing colors!


Is this ancient spirit a falling god!

But there seems to be no godly breath under the perception!

"God... You should be the wrong person. If I were a god, how could it be nested in the southwest corner of the South Heavenly Territory of the Sifang Extremity? If I were God, I would have left the Sifang Extremity. This The spirits of the world know that there is an upper abyss in the Sifang Extremity, which is actually the tomb of the upper abyss, and the upper abyss is buried in it, and the upper abyss is also imprisoned. There is no living aura that can’t come out of the abyss. How is it possible that God is so wasteful? The legendary God is at least the state above the Taoist ancestors. It is called the era overlord. The era overthrows the overlord, and as long as the universe exists, it will live forever."

Gu Ling blinked and smiled as he shook his head.



Chen Zheng pinches!

There was a tear in the humanoid ancient spirit!

The skin like a soul peeled off!


A living person appeared in front of everyone and all beasts!


This is a child who looks around ten years old!

The face is full of horror at the moment!

"Master Gu Ling... actually has a flesh..."

"Is this the true face of Master Gu Ling..."

"Master Gu Ling turned out to be a child... Wait a minute, how does Master Gu Ling's breath feel at the moment... how it feels so magnificent and supernatural, this is not... ....!"

Thunder beast dumbfounded, and then perceive a bit, one by one showing terrified looks!


This child's breath!

Isn't this the breath of God!

Lord Gu Ling turned out to be a god!

"..." The child opened his mouth, and then sighed: "My Heavenly Armor was broken by you, my breath leaked out, those powerful Taoist ancestors in the Sifang Extinct must have felt my presence I’m done, you’re done, and they’re done.”

"Why are you so weak, Taishi Realm has fallen, but it is much stronger than you."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and wiped it freely, all the exhalation of the upper air was erased, and then he looked at the child's eyebrows, and the child's uncontrollable upper air was instantly blocked.


Under perception!

Just an ordinary child!

A mortal who has no spirit root!

"You... can you help me block the air?" The child froze for a moment, and then showed a happy look: "You guy, although the mana is very weak, but the means are so powerful, the most crucial point Can block the aura, I decided to mix it with you after the decision! Big brother is on, please accept the younger brother, the younger brother is too easy!"

Too easy!

Is this the real name of the child?

Is it the real name of God?

It sounds like it's not overbearing at all!

And it sounds so weak!

Luo Xian, Su Yi Taoren, and Thunder Beast all came up with similar ideas!

"Too easy..." Chen Zheng glanced at the child, frowning slightly: "Your body... the weak is too much, even if it has been imprisoned and suppressed, it has already escaped It has been out for at least thousands of years, why is this body not even Taoist ancestor?"

"This... I don’t hide the elder brother, although the younger brother is one of the gods, but the acquired **** is the weakest one in the acquired god. The younger brother is not actually called Taiyi at first, but is called Taiyi. Something like ritual etiquette, the position of the younger brother is destined not to be good at fighting. At the time, the first era collapsed and the younger brother was suppressed first. The most important point is that no one has come to rescue the younger brother, so the younger brother is also the least sense of existence. That one. The younger brother is God, but in fact it is just hanging the loud name of God, and the younger brother can't help it."

The child was sighed with old age.


The Thunder Beast family has nothing to say.

Luo Xian and Su Yi Taoist also have nothing to say.


The supreme existence in the eyes of the Quartet Extremity!

The reason why the spirits in the Sifang Jue go to the Abyss!

I hope to get the remnants of God!

The power of God!

The bone of God!

The blood of God!

In short, as long as you can get the power of the gods in the hearts of the Quartet's extinct creatures, then in the future, you will definitely be able to prove that the real filament is undead!


Listen to this child who claims to be too easy!

Why suddenly feel that God is not so supreme!

"Humph! One waste, no wonder it will collapse!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the little doll is cold!

"Brother, this girl is the reincarnation of the **** candidate, right, I remember this girl at the peak of the year was much stronger than the one I chose to choose God! I know there is this girl in Luoxian City, but I haven't been looking for this Girl, I am not very familiar, but I am afraid to reveal my identity! Today, the elder brother is here, and the means is so powerful, the younger brother suddenly feels that there is hope in life! The elder brother is on the top, please be worshipped by the younger brother again!"

The child could not hear the sound of the little doll, and his eyes swept Luo Xian, and then he smiled, and bowed his fist to Chen Zheng!


The Thunder Beast family was shocked and all looked at Luo Xian!


The Su Yi Taoist sighed in his heart!

I guessed right in Luoxian Temple before!

Luo Xian is related to God!

Then the question is coming!

Who is this senior!

Why can you easily unlock the heavenly seal!

Why can you suppress the aura at will!

Su Yi Taoist thought a little More and more curious about Chen Zheng's identity, very eager to know Chen Zheng's identity! In addition to him, other Thunder beasts also thought of this, and all their eyes fell on Chen Zheng!

"You Thunder Beast family, go to guard Luoxian City."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The Thunder Beast family has nothing to say again.

(End of this chapter)

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