Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1802: Take a thunder bath!

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The roar roared again!

Among the thunderclouds!

This time it wasn't that the giant claws were down!

But a thunder beast appeared completely!

One end!

Both ends!

Nine heads!

Nine-headed Thunder Beast stared angrily at Luoxian City below!



Thunder and lightning!


The creatures in Luoxian City are scared and speechless!

Only trembling is left at this moment!



The Thunder Beast family really wants to destroy the fairy city!


Fairy light up!

The Fallen City Guardian Great Array is urged again!

"Sister Luo Xian, the God Stone that had guarded the Great Array just now was about to repair itself. You interrupted the restoration of the God Stone in order to save this disaster star. What is the use of urging the Guardian to protect the Thunder Beast several times? Bombard! Sister Luo Xian, you and this disaster star are the sinners of Luo Xian City, Luo Xian City is killed by you and this disaster star!"

Zi Yi's face sank, and he stared coldly at the direction of Luoxian Temple. His body suddenly flashed, and he burst out of the guardian team!


Is this ready to fight life and death with Thunder Beast!

The creatures in the Fallen City were shocked!



After the Ziyi people came out of the enchantment, those thunder beasts did not attack the Ziyi people, because a white light came down from the sky and led the Ziyi people up!


What happened?

The creatures in Luoxian City are stunned!


When a warship emerged, when the Dao Seal on the warship was seen clearly, the creatures of Luoxiancheng showed a terrified look!


Isn't that Nantianyu's strongest tradition besides the domain master family!

Ao Shimeng!

That is the Taoist seal of Ao Shimeng!

Therefore, the younger brother of Luoxiancheng joined Aoshi League!

"Brother Yan, you have concealed everyone from joining the Ao Shi League, you, you... are you worthy of Master!"

In the Louxian Hall, there was a low roar, and I saw a middle-aged Taoist showing up, and the Taoist was in plain clothes.

"Huh! Master? That old thing gave Sister Luo Xian the best mysterious grass and even Taoist tools. Why am I also a genius with a sword body? I don’t leave anything old to me, old Is something worthy of me! Old things went to the abyss to provoke the death of terrible creatures, and you are still stupid guarding this ruined fairy city! Even if you can escape the siege of the Thunder Beasts this time, you can escape the anger of terrible creatures The terrible creatures don’t need to take their own shots, just a peak ancestor can come to the end of the fairy city. Do I have to accompany you to finish the game! Uncle Yan, you can only blame the descendants of the palace. Not less than my sword repair genius!"

Ziyi people responded indifferently!


Both Su Yi Dao Ren and the spirits in Luoxian City have a sinking face. To be honest, they had a good impression of Zi Yi before, but I didn't expect to be such a powerster!

"Okay, don't be noisy, we will not interfere with the Thunder Beast family and Luoxian City. You should siege the city and defend the city. I just watched a drama. Start Well, don’t waste time, I have to rush to the God Capital in the Cloud. I heard that Fairy Shiqing Fairy will perform the exotic dance called driving a train again today. I don’t want to miss this opportunity. This opportunity will have to wait another half a month."

A middle-aged man suspended nine black beads beside Ao Shimeng's warship.

"Ao Shimeng Jiu Mo ancestor, did not expect a half-walk ancestor like you to come to our little fairy town in person!"

The Su Yi Taoist said in a deep voice.

"My half-walking ancestor can only be regarded as a deacon in Aoshi League, not even the elders. Yan Wusheng was accepted as a named disciple by an elder, although he is not yet a formal disciple, he has returned to Aoshi League to fully awaken the sword body After that, it will definitely be accepted by the elders as a formal disciple. It is my pleasure to take over the arrogance of Ao Shimeng in the future. Well, I won’t talk nonsense with you, and there is the Thunder Beast family, don’t worry about our Aomeng. Everyone knows that The territory is very large, and the Southern Celestial Territory is also very big.

The middle-aged man with nine black beads suspended again.

"Sister Luoxian's appearance is a little too ordinary. If Sister Luoxian has the appearance of a first-class beauty, the son may consider taking Sister Luoxian to Ao Shimeng!"

Ziyi people sneer!

Su Yi Taoist anger!

The creatures in Luoxian City also showed their anger!

Too much!

This Yan Yan climbed up to the behemoth of Ao Shimeng!

Is this arrogant?



Nine-headed thunder beasts roar at the same time!

Killed with the dense thunder and lightning!

this moment!

Su Yi Dao's face will be sacrificed when he gritted his teeth!

this moment!

The appearance of the spirits in Luoxian City has also changed!



Unless the ancestor of Luoxian Temple is not dead!

"Alas, why ignore me."

It was also at this moment that Chen Zheng, who had never spoken, sighed. When the words fell, he flew up into the sky, directly passed through the guardian array of Luoxian City, and appeared between Luoxian City and the nine-headed thunder beast that was killed!


what's the situation!

Is this kid dead?


This kid has no mana!

How did he fly up!

How did he pass through the guardian team!


Su Yi Taoist doubts!

The doubts of the creatures in Luoxian City!

"Humph! Mortal! You dare to jump out of the lowest level ants, do you think you are the savior, you are a fart!"

Yan Wusheng sneered on the Ao Shimeng warship!

"Heroes save the beauty? Oh forgot, Luo Xian Temple seems to have no beauties, young people are brave, but unfortunately it's too brainless."

The Jiu Mo ancestor glanced at Chen Zheng and smiled faintly.

At the moment, the rest of the monks of the Aoshi League on the warship also showed their sarcasm. They secretly said that this boy is really brave. Maybe this boy is an individual cultivation, maybe he has hidden his hands, but the most powerful physical training in the Quartet is the ancestor. Situation, this kid can't surpass that situation, so this kid will be torn into scum soon!



Thunder beast is about to fall!

Hundreds of gods and thunders have already hit Chen Zheng!


The creatures in Luoxian City sighed. Before Yan Wusheng said that the kid is a disaster star, now it seems that Yan Wusheng is a traitor and a generation of power. In fact, the crisis in Luoxian City today and this kid who strayed into the crack of space and time It doesn't matter at all! This kid is out of luck. I have encountered this bad luck. I hope to have good luck in my next life!


Just sigh!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Because Chen Zheng is still in the air!

Right now in the thunder!

Not only did not die!

Instead, he stretched a lazy waist very comfortably!

"That...Can Shenlei come a little Shenwei be stronger?"


Everyone heard Chen Zheng's lazy question!


This kid!

This kid is treating the horror **** Thunder as rain, and Thunder as a bathing pool. Is this kid bathing in Thunder!

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