Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1725: This place is defective


   A flash of fairy light!

   Chen Zheng several people, that foundation monk, and several others were instantly shrouded in fairy light!

   "What's the situation?"

In the fairy light, Qi Hao, a monk in the foundation period, was shocked, because the surrounding scenery changed into a huge ancient battlefield. At this moment, he became a soldier, and the monster in front was crushed, and he screamed and turned to escape !


   Someone has a sword!

   That is a girl!

   A sword can be cut and hit the monster without any effect!


   This time!

  Yan Qingcheng next to Chen Zheng raised his hand!


   A sword passed!

   This huge ancient battlefield is destroyed!


  Girls, monks in the foundation period, and a few others, dumbfounded!


   is also at this time!

   The fairy light burst!

   "Pass the basic assessment, the next assessment will be half an hour later!"

   Then there was a cold and ruthless voice in everyone's mind!

   "This... what happened..."

   The monks in the base period were stunned.

   But the girl and several others flew directly to the front. Under the last row of seats of the practitioners who meditated with their eyes closed, they immediately began to practice.

   "Young people, hurry up and practice."

  The flag of the Longhuang Battle Flag moved, and said to the monks during the foundation period.

   " aren't they grandpas, and don't you take the time to practice?"

   asked the monk in the base period.

   "Don't ask, it doesn't make sense to ask."

  Longhuang Battle Banner replied.

   "This... this... there are dozens of people here, each one is stronger than me, and the duration of the stay is definitely longer than me. Am I not the protagonist?"

  The frowns of the monks in the foundation period frowned.



centre position!

   turned around to see the old man like Chen Zheng and others!

   At this moment, his body shone with light!

"The effort is finally in vain. After this assessment, I can continue to practice from time to time, and can increase mana for at least ten thousand years!" The old man opened his eyes and said that he turned around, his face full of pride. Italy, once again sweeping Chen Zheng several people, staring at Chen Zhengdao: "Young people, you have passed the basic assessment, do not seize this precious time to practice, still stay in the same place to do, do you have a good chance to wait in vain? You, the girl of Heavenly Realm, have the opportunity to pass multiple assessments and be able to stand here for three days, and the three days here are at least equivalent to thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years of outside practice. What are you waiting for? Is this precious time wasted!"

   Ye Qingcheng stood quietly beside Chen Zheng, and did not respond to the old man. She listened to Chen Zheng everything, and Chen Zheng did not move her. Zhengyue girl is similar to Longhuang Battle Banner, in short, listen to Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng didn't look at the old man. He looked at the obscure stone monument in the corner of the stop cliff when he looked at it, then shook his head gently, and then looked at the only stone cave on the stop cliff when his eyes moved. Gently shook his head: "Not very good."


not too good?

What does    mean?

   "What's not so good?"

   asked the monk in the base period for a while.

"You are a golden fairy, when you come to the place where you stopped, not grateful to Dade, but you are still provoking the fault. What level of you are there, what level of the place where you stopped, and you can really pick out what is wrong! Young people, People need to be down-to-earth, not to be high, but to be low-eyed and low-handed will only hurt yourself!"

   The old man snorted.

   "This place is really good, but it is linked to Shouyuan. This defect is not very good. If you leave this defect intentionally, it will be too low."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently again.


What does    mean?

  What is linked to Shouyuan?

  What are the defects?

  What intentionally left?

  What is this kid talking about!

   The old man raised his eyebrows!

   "This... Brother Chen means to practice here, although one day can be equivalent to hundreds of years or even thousands of years, but is it necessary to consume Shouyuan, right?"

  Qihao, a monk in the foundation period, turned his eyes and thought of a little.

"Shou Shouyuan? Haha! Ridiculous! Such a mysterious place at the time of the stop, how could there be such a defect! Young man, young man, you are a second-order golden fairy, are you ready to confuse the people and want to shake our heart? I know this, your kid wants to let us stop when we leave early, so that the free practice time can be superimposed on your kid. Is your kid thinking of this kid as an idiot!"

   Old man disdains sneer!

   "This... can the practice time be superimposed?"

   Qi Hao froze for a moment, at this moment some do not know who to believe!

"Of course it can be superimposed. Now I leave the place where I stopped directly, then the rest of my practice time will be divided equally among others! This golden fairy should know the rules of the place where it stops when I know it, so I thought Come out like this, but how can I deceive this seat, and deceive others! Besides, it will really consume Shouyuan, can't you still feel it because of this seat!"

   The old man sneered again!

   "Brother wouldn't be a evil demon?"

  Qi Hao was shocked and looked at Chen Zheng with vigilance!




   This time!

Many of the creatures sitting on the ground practiced opened their eyes, and all eyes were on Chen Zheng. These creatures had just passed the assessment and were eligible to continue to practice in the place where they stopped. Cut off the external perception, but when Chen Zheng mentioned the word Shouyuan, they suddenly touched!


   "Cultivation in the land of time will really affect Shou Yuan?"

   "Young people... eh? Daoyou see something?"

   These creatures spoke in a deep voice, one of them was a Taoist ancestor, who originally opened his mouth to call on the young people, but secretly probed Chen Zheng with his divine thoughts.

   "Hongyun Taoist ancestor, you are a Taoist ancestor, cultivated to the highest in the time stop, will you still be shaken by the heart of a golden fairy?"

   The old man was stunned for a Then he said in a deep voice.

   "Humph! Get away if you don't want to practice!"


   a cold and ruthless sound!


   A flash of fairy light!

   enveloped Chen Zheng and the people around him!

   It seems that it is time to stop and will force them out!


   The old man smiled when he saw this scene!

   "Brother Chen... Is it really a bad person?"

   Qi Hao was surprised!


   The fairy light flashed again!

  However nothing happened!

  Chen Zheng and the people around him are all in place!


   Qi Hao is surprised again!


   The old man was shocked in a moment!

   This golden fairy boy!

   actually blocked the expulsion of the will of the place where it stopped!

How can this be!

   "Daoyou... What did you see?"

   The ancestor of Hongyun Dao flashed in his eyes, and lowered his voice to ask.



   A flash of fairy light!

  Hongyun Daozu was expelled directly!


   The faces of several other ancestors who opened their eyes changed instantly!

  Hongyun Taoist just asked, just wanted to know a little of what the young man saw, and he was expelled from time to time, so did the young man really see something!

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