Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1708: The Temple of No Name! Great reincarnation game!


   The woman in blue suddenly thought again!

If the man in front of him has many important identities in the past, each of which is a terrible creature, such as the Supreme Divine Lord, the Supreme Immortal Venerable, the Supreme Demon Lord, etc., then the inheritance of each of his heavy identities is definitely They are all indestructible Taoism, and they are the top indestructible Taoism in Taixu. Isn’t that the oldest and strongest Taoism between heaven and earth? Almost all is his source!

   lying trough!

   This should not be possible!

   If this is the case!

   Then his identity is too scary!

  Thinking of this, the woman in blue suddenly froze, as if Yuanshen was suddenly forced to freeze by the Avenue of Space and Time! But soon she woke up, and then shook her head for a while, the secret road should not be what she thought, what she just thought was too exaggerated and unrealistic!

   "The tower master woke up."

  The goddess Su Jinxiu said softly.


   Several women in the blue dress looked at the ice crystal platform. The net **** the ice crystal platform had already awakened at this moment. Before being cursed and added, one mana was imprisoned. At this moment, all the mana has been restored.

   "Tower Master!"


   "Mr. Jing!"

   one crying more than the other is not pretending, but showing the truth. Although they are all Taoist ancestors, they actually lived in the Dafa Wuxiang Tower from an early age, and have never been out of the Dafa Wuxiang Tower. A series of shocks just made them scared. , Their tense Yuanshen loosened at once.

   "Thank you... Lord of No Phase!"

   Jing Nu got up and paid respect to Chen Zhenggong.

"You have taught a lot of splendid things in the past eight hundred years, and I will help you resolve the curse and shackles. As for the lord of the unrelated, it is not important whether I am him, because he is just my past that has been completely refined into nothingness. Just a certain identity."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"..." Jing Nu heard a slight silence, and looked at Chen Zheng again, and looked at Bai Zhuang Jiang who collapsed on the ground: "Zhuang Jiang... it should have been. .... Sons save each other. Five hundred years ago, I sent Zhuang Jiang to explore the nameless temple in the deepest part of Tianyuan. After she came back, I felt some changes in her, but I haven’t been able to do anything in the past five hundred years. Find out what invaded her spirit."

"The Wanhua Ancient Demon, or the Wanhua Ancient Demon in the Taoist Realm, is really not so easy to pull out, and you don’t have to blame yourself. The ancient demon invading her Yuanshen has been erased by me, and she has been recuperating for a while. Can be restored."

   Chen Zheng also glanced at the white-clothed Zhuang Jiang on the ground. The words Zhuang Jiang made him think of a person, but the Zhuang Jiang in front of him should not be the Zhuang Jiang in his own cognition, but just the same name and surname.

   This Zhuang Jiang has no previous life, it seems that this life is her first life, which is a bit strange. Chen Zheng glanced with the eyes of reincarnation before, and he discovered this, and also discovered the existence of the Wanhua ancient demon.

As for why Zhuang Jiangyao was too lazy to ignore the Wanhua ancient demon, it was that the Wanhua ancient demon had no threats, even if the Wanhua ancient demon learned something extraordinary in the nameless temple deep in the abyss .

   "Is there not many people in previous life?"

   thought of something, Chen Zhengyuan God communicated with the little doll.

   "Not many, this kind of person is on the natural kill list, and it is the first kill list!"

  The little doll responded coldly.


   When Chen Zheng heard it, he could only shake his head gently. The white-zhuang **** on the ground should be a different kind, otherwise it would not be on the first kill list of the thirteen robbers.

"what about me."

  Chen Zheng's thoughts moved, Yuanshen asked again.

   "You Chen Zheng ranked first in the first column of the first page!"

  The little doll made a more indifferent response.

  Chen Zheng still shook his head gently, and looked at the Jing Nu, and then looked at the Valkyrie: "I already know what is in the nameless temple in the deepest part of Tian Yuan, if you are interested, go with me."


   Jingnv responded.

   "I understand the teacher."

  The Valkyrie nodded gently.


   After half a hour of incense.

   In front of the nameless temple in the deepest part of Tianyuan.

The people who are the net daughter of Dawu Wuxiang Pagoda, the people who brought Chen Yuan to Tian Yuan on Xingcha, and the longevity **** ape, which does not belong to Dadao Wuxiang Pagoda and does not belong to Chen Zheng Yi Vein, is already in the Temple of No Name before.

   The Temple of No Name.

   at first glance looks very rundown.

   No one dared to underestimate this ruined temple.

  Because at this moment a phantom came out of the temple.

  Although this is just a photo taken by God.

   can give everyone a sense of unspeakable.


   This **** is imaginary!

   Extremely strong!

"I'm just thinking about taking pictures, you don't have to be afraid, I should have been here for a million years, I have been waiting for someone to break the game in the past million years, but unfortunately no one can successfully break this game, also because of this I slept for a while and woke up today. The chess game in the shrine is called the Great Reincarnation game. Only one of the Taoists should have the opportunity to crack this game." Xing Ying swept across the crowd and his voice was extremely vague. , Smiled slightly when he saw Chen Zheng: "This Daoist, please."

   "Wait a minute!"


  Chen Zheng has not responded!

   Suddenly a cold drink sounded!




  In an instant!

   Several figures come!

   "This... the incarnation of the era overlord will!"

   Xingcha frowned on Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, Heavenly Dragon Emperor, Xiu Zhao Beast, etc. The Longevity God Ape glanced over and his face changed instantly, because the coming figures were all the incarnations of the will of the era overlord! One of the will incarnations recognized it at a glance, that was the Taishang Reincarnation Hall Master who joined hands with his master to suppress the evil beasts and evil heavens!


   How can these era overlords suddenly lower their will avatars!

   Is it!

  Is it all for the Great Reincarnation game in the Unknown Temple!

   Wait a minute!

   It seems that the incarnation of the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall is the weakest!

   The most powerful incarnation of these era overlords seems to be the one with the golden mask!

   That man!

   has a very strange feeling!

   seems to be somewhat similar to Chen Zu!

"If I remember should have been here when I was asleep, but all failed. I woke up now, the level of this big round game will only be higher, a few are really Do you still want to try it?"

   The phantom in front of the Temple of No Name swept through the will of several era overlords and smiled at the moment.

   "He can be a man with a golden fairy mana, can't I be the lord of the reincarnation hall?"

   Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord's will incarnation stared at Chen Zheng's back and asked coldly!

   "A lot of food."

   Chen Zheng smiled a little at the moment, but he did not look back at the avatars of the overlords of these eras, as if he had just casually said something awkward.


  The man with the strongest golden face under the perception of the longevity **** ape shook a little!


  Golden mask man stared at Chen Zheng's back and said in a deep voice!

   "I think you should give me a chance to play, if I fail, you let that thing devour me, I will not have any resistance!"

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