Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1700: The pinnacle of more than 2000 years ago!

How could this be!

   How can the source of all evil in the abandoned nine days look exactly like the ancestor of the murderer!

   Make a forget!

   Old man in black robe!

  The emperor of the world!

  Eternal Purple Emperor!

   Longevity God Ape!

   It's all silly to watch now!

   "Two thousand years ago, I felt something was wrong. No wonder you didn’t dare to show up at that time, because you were in a hurry, or you would be pulled out."

  Come on the main seat, Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"I am indeed not your opponent more than two thousand years ago, but now your realm is falling, even if you sit on that **** seat, even if you can temporarily borrow the power of the abandoned nine days, but there is only one master in the abandoned nine days, that is my evil. Source. Although I am not a top, but within nine days of being abandoned, I am the top. This time I will devour you, I will replace you, and then have a true self."

   responded to the horror shadow, a face was as cold as a stone carving, and his voice was extremely indifferent.

   "Yes! Realm fell, this kid could not be the opponent of the source of all evil!"

  Everyday, the Purple Emperor heard it, as if grabbing the life-saving straw, he quickly shouted.

   "You dug a hole and buried yourself!"

  The appearance of the Emperor God of the World changed for a while, and he was also drunk.

"The source of all are actually not much stronger than this seat, only because of the special nature of this abandoned nine days, you can make this seat feel an unmatched sense of oppression. Since you are the source of all evil, and This seat is evil again, I think we can join forces to suppress this kid on the throne of God!"

  The old man in black robe moved his heart and drank at the horror shadow.

He was able to see that this horror shadow is at most his current state, only because of the special nature of the abandoned nine days, plus the horror shadow itself was born within nine days of being abandoned, which is equivalent to the controller of the abandoned nine days, so the horror shadow is in It takes only nine days for the waste body to have stronger power than itself! Therefore, an epoch overlord, a genuine epoch overlord, is qualified to discuss the conditions with this source of evil!


   The horror shadow did not respond to the old man in black robe!

   At that moment the brows on the cold, stone-like face suddenly frowned!

   stared at Chen Zheng on the throne of God!


   Chen Zheng on the main seat of the robbery pointed out a blood bead!

   A drop of real blood!

"Huh? Real blood? Huh! Pretend to be a ghost! You are the golden fairy mana, your physical body is special, how strong can you be with a drop of real blood, can you scare this seat? Idiot said dream! Is this your last resort, if It's just this method, then you are not saved!"

   The old man in black robe glanced at the drop of real blood and smiled disdainfully!

"True blood... this drop of real blood does contain a huge amount of power. You want to detonate this drop of real blood to deal with the source of evil, then you can think more! Within nine days of the waste body, The source of all evil is truly immortal!"

  Everyday Purple Emperor glanced, also sneered!

   "The only thing that can save you now is Macross Roulette, Macross Roulette can send you out of the waste body for nine days, and you can escape with your followers, but then you can’t kill me!"

  The Emperor Gaishi smiled lightly. He thought he was using words to excite Chen Zheng.

It's a pity that Chen Zheng didn't look at other people at all, only looked at the horror shadow, only smiled slightly and asked: "This thing for you is nothing more than the secret method left by others in Hongmeng Naxiu's attempt. A monster forcibly obtained by the real blood of a certain identity. Although I don’t know why Hongmeng Na finally abandoned you, but I said that you are not as good as my drop of real blood, can you refute it."


What does this mean?

   Is this the origin of terror!

   Is this the real reason why the source of all evil has exactly the same face as the murderer ancestor!

   Everyone was stunned. On the platform below, Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, and Tianlong Emperor heard some confusion, but they all heard a little, that is, Chen Zu had absolute control to suppress the source of all evil!

   "Hongmeng... Is Hongmeng in charge..."

   Longevity God ape whispered.

   "Blow! Keep blowing! Maybe you used to be overbearing, maybe your first life was enough to tremble the era overlord, but now you only have golden fairy mana, you continue to blow!"

  The old man in black robe sneered. He didn't believe it. A guy who didn't believe in a golden fairy mana could suppress the era overlord!



   This kid is just scaring people!

"Adult, the source of all evil, swallowed this murderer's ancestor, as long as you swallow this murderer's ancestor, you can get rid of the abandoned nine days and get your true self! This is a rare opportunity for thousands of years, adults should not hesitate, it should be Got it!"

  Everyday Purple Emperor shouted at the horror shadow!

"Adults are certainly invincible within nine days of being abandoned, but they are also limited to being abandoned for nine days! Don’t you want to enter the legendary Taixu, there is the battlefield of the top creatures between heaven and earth, don’t you want to compete with those who live in all ages? !"

   The eyes of the emperor of the world **** shone, and shouted at the horror shadow!

   "Taixu... The shackles that put us in our bodies at that time, and the spirits that suppressed us in the Tianyuan were in the Taixu. I broke free of the Tianyuan, and broke away from the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. I just wanted to seek revenge on that fellow!"

   Forgotten look changes for a while, growl!



   The horror shadow is moving!

   A big dark hand grabbed the drop of real blood Chen Zheng hit!


   That drop of real blood released a terrifying power!

   The horror black shadow was originally awe-inspiring!

   can be in an instant!

   The horror shadow was suppressed!

   The top body is now suppressed to the size of an ordinary person!


   can't move anymore!

   As for others, it is impossible to move!

   Old man in black robe!

  The emperor of the world!

  Evil Purple Emperor!

   and forgetting completely dumbfounded!

   At this moment, there was only panic in the double pupils!

How could this be!

   Isn't the horror shadow the master of the abandoned nine days!

  Isn’t it invincible within nine days of being abandoned?

  Why can't even connect the guy with the power of a drop of real blood!

   How could it be suppressed in a moment!

   lying trough!

   This is fake!


   "Chen Zu..."

"the host......"

Ji Yuwei, Emperor Tianlong, Chen Huang, etc. had followed Chen Zheng's at this moment, they were staring at the sky. At this moment, they suddenly had a strange feeling that Chen Zu seemed to be back !

   "It turns out so."

  The Valkyrie groaned, and seemed to understand.

   "This... what is the situation? How... how to suppress the source of all evil that is even stronger than the era overlord?"

  The throat of the longevity **** ape stirred, and he asked in a hurry, to be honest, at that moment, it was scared. With only a drop of real blood bursting power, it is easy to suppress the old black robe and suppress the source of all evil. This is a terrifying force, but the young man in the throne has only the magic power of Jinxian, which really makes no sense.

   "You... You are within nine days of abandoning... Xiuyu returned to its peak state more than two thousand years ago!"

   The horror shadow is not a horror shadow, it is the source of all the evils of ordinary people, staring at Chen Zhengliang for a long time, screaming out his teeth!


What does it mean!

  What is back to the peak of more than two thousand years ago!

  The emperor of the world!

   Old man in black robe!

  Evil Purple Emperor!

   There is also a forgetting to hear this sentence looks and changes dramatically!

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