Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1690: The murderer ancestor was suppressed?

This is a temple.

This temple is extremely ancient.

This shrine is called the shrine of origin by the gods of the **** shortage.

Originated in the temple at this moment.

All the gods stared at Chen Zheng.

"The murderer ancestor!"

"You are the ancestor of the murderer!"

"At that time... you were wearing blood armor and holding a scarlet gun, and one person was killed in our wild ancestor land. At that time, you killed the old ancestor of our family, you can still remember!"


One after another!

The gods who screamed are not gods!

These are the gods of the **** shortage!

These are the gods who saw the scene where the ancestors of the gods and ancestors were crushed to death more than two thousand years ago!

Originally, the Taoist ancestors relied on the gods and gods, and the ancestor of the murderer had not been taken into consideration. However, during this time, three gods were killed. It seems that they are all related to the ancestor of the murderer!

At this moment, the murderer ancestor came to the God Ancestral Land again, and stepped into the Temple of Origin again. Although the blood ancestor of the murderer ancestor was gone, although the **** sharp gun that killed the Eight Wastelands was not in his hands. It was in the hands of a human race girl, but their gods still appeared involuntarily in front of them more than two thousand years ago!


It's here too!

The old emperor invited the ancestors!

The ancestor is a half-walk ancestor!

At that time, Bahuang Ancient Land was definitely the top creature!


A face-to-face!

The murderer's ancestor killed him in a face-to-face meeting!

This hatred!

Not to mention the millennium!

I won't forget it even after ten thousand years!



Today is the best opportunity!

"Maybe your means is still against the sky, but in front of the Emperor Shige, this time you are doomed to defeat!"

A white-haired God Vener growls!




The other gods also roared!

The power of the road invisible is pressing toward Chen Zheng!

"The last piece of eight wasteland stones is hidden here, right?"


Chen Zheng asked casually!

The power of the connected Dao ancestors is broken!


The faces of several great deities were sinking. They did not expect that the path of the avenues connected by several of their own ancestors was actually resolved by the murderous ancestor of this realm!

This man!

This is the only reason why Jin Xianxiu remains so arrogant!


What is the reason for this man?

"The murderer ancestor came for the Eight Wasteland Stones?" The **** emperor, with one hand on the forehead above the constellation, smiled slightly: "It is no problem for the Old Ancestor to want the Eight Wasteland Stones. Things are refined, so the ancestors want the boundary stone, and want to restore the origin of the boundary stone, defeat my new **** emperor, and then defeat the heavenly gods. But there are some things to remind the ancestor, defeat my new **** The emperor may not be difficult, but if he wants to defeat the gods outside the heavens, the ancestor’s cultivation may be a little worse."

"The new Divine Emperor... No wonder I remember where I was in the spirit world. I met a guy who claimed to be the reincarnation of the **** God. At that time, there seemed to be a Divine Emperor's will, but it was not that guy."

Chen Zheng glanced at God Emperor and smiled.

"Is the previous Divine Emperor? He made some mistakes, and later succeeded me." The Divine Emperor smiled slightly, paused briefly and then said: "By the way I heard Tian Yuan's soul-making forget to mention, murderer ancestor you At the beginning, I opened the ultimate secret of the Eight Wastelands. I don’t know if the ancestor can open the ultimate secret for me again today. Can the ancestor fulfill me?"

"Forget... that thief?"

Chen Zheng's eyes moved across the temple and stopped on a guard.


The Divine Guard originally hung his head down, and suddenly raised his head, staring at Chen Zheng with a chuckle, and then his body twisted and fluctuated. It was the forgetting master in the mouth of the nine-day monster Phoenix that day.

Of course not its deity, just a distraction.

"I am not afraid of you, I am just observing in secret. And I am not a thief, you can call me a villain, I am definitely not a thief, I do not accept the title of thief. Moreover, my deity is a half-step hegemon, It’s just that I can’t get out of Tian Yuan, and my deity can’t cut me in person.”

Forget distractions and open mouths.

"Sir Emperor God, you don't need to talk nonsense with this son. Sacrifice the gods outside the heavens and suppress this son!"

"The murderer ancestor, really **** it! Lord God, the ancestor who was pinned to death by this kid was your bloodline ancestor!"

"Suppress Suppression!"

Several deities roared in unison!

"You don't know how powerful the supernatural beings are, even if you are related to Chaolian Qinglian!"

Forget the distractions with a chuckle at the moment!


Chen returned without a word.

"Huh...?" Suddenly split the eyebrows, and suddenly looked at the emperor on the seat of the gods: "The emperor of the world, Tianyuan has some accidents, and a murderous creature is attacking Tianyuan. Plan ahead! If the murderous creature broke through the Tianyuan blockade, the murderous creature would open that place without any external force!"

"What?" The God Emperor raised his brow slightly, and then chuckled lightly: "Since that is the case, then you are not talking nonsense with the murderer's ancestor, don't you want the Eight Wasteland Stones, I will send you to see now Eight Wasteland Stones."


A raised hand!

An object flew out of God's brow!


The seven colors flashed!

Chen Zheng and Mo Xin are shrouded in a flash!

In an instant!

Chen Zheng and Mo Xin disappeared!



"The murderer's ancestor is no different. In front of the gods outside the universe, he is not vulnerable! The **** emperor guessed that the frightening change of the former was related to him. Now it seems that it is not his means, but someone else!"

"Haha! Revenge! Our gods and gods finally revenge!"

"The murderer ancestor deserves it!"

The gods in the temple were stunned for a moment, and then shouted ecstatically!

"So... suppressed?"

But there are some doubts about ultimate secret...Abandoned nine days...It turns out that the ultimate secret of our eight wild ancient land is abandoned nine days, and the eight wild ancient land hides an abandoned Nine days, an abandoned heaven above, or the land of heaven. "

The emperor whispered.

"Abandoned for nine days...Abandoned the land of heaven...This is the information you got from the murderer ancestor Yuanshen, you already know how to open that place?"

Forgetting to hear the words abandoned for nine days, he immediately showed a happy look.

"I've been abandoned for nine days in this way. The ancestor of the murderer was also sent to his original first life by Macross. Although it is still alive, it is not much different from the death. He can't break the manufacture of Macross. The real time and space illusion." The God Emperor nodded lightly, thinking a little about the change in his breath, and a supernatural power was released: "The subpoena goes on, telling the eight ancestors of the eight ancestors have been suppressed, the ultimate secret of the ancient land of Eight Wastes. It has been found by me. If I want to see the ultimate secret with my own eyes, the ancient sea will gather at the beginning of the sky three days later, and I will personally unveil the ultimate secret for the creatures of the Eight Wastelands!"

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