Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1687: Nether soil runner


Eight wild places!

All races everywhere!

No matter what the state of life is!

Even those sleeping creatures in Tian Yuan opened their eyes to the sky dome at this moment!

"What kind of law is this!"

"Why so detached!"

"Is this... Chaotic Qinglian will not work!"

"This thing... can suppress all beings in the world!"

"Who summoned this thing, why did this thing appear in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!"



Countless shocks!

At this moment, as long as I look at the Qinglian Fa on the sky dome, there is only one feeling, that is, I am pressed by death and I can't turn over! This Qinglian Fa is so majestic that it can only be worshipped!



The Qinglian Fa that shrouded the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses disappeared!


The world is relieved!

That deep sense of powerlessness disappeared at this moment!

"Nine Heavens demon phoenix, you send a distraction to check to find out who called this thing!"

Deep in Tian Yuan, a cold voice sounded.

"Forget your lord, will this be the means of the ancestor of the murderer? Before, there was a sky-opening scene over Wuhuang, there was a battle between the dragon and the phoenix, there was a battle between the two groups of the hungry lich, and there was a god. , That artifact is a green lotus, and the green lotus is also transformed into a human being, but it is not clear who the man is! Forget your adult, if the person transformed into a green lotus is the murderer's ancestor! Ancestor, its body is a green lotus in the era of floods!"

A woman's voice responded that this woman is a nine-day demon phoenix, not an avatar or the like, but her deity.

"The ancestor of the murderer... the deity Qinglian... I was distracted to go out of the abyss in person, the **** emperor's fascination of the world was instantly destroyed, I think he was frustrated by today, even though If there are gods and gods in hand, I have to agree to my conditions. No matter how powerful gods and gods are, he is only a Taoist ancestor in the third realm. How much can he play gods and gods?"

The indifferent voice chuckled, and a white light shot out of Tian Yuan.

"Do you want to continue to talk about it, Madam Jing, if Madam Jing doesn't hand over that Su Jinxiu, and we can't threaten the murderer's ancestor?"

Jiu Tian Yao Huang asked for a moment of silence.

"The woman has already volunteered with the murderer's ancestor, and also gave the murderer's ancestor something. I don't know what the woman's origin is. Maybe the woman knew some true identity with the murderer's ancestor! Huh! When I got that heavenly creature, the ancestor of the murderer is the biggest one, even if it is related to the legendary chaotic Qinglian, I can suppress him!"

The cold voice of forgetting sounded, and then it went silent.

"Chaos Qinglian... If it's just related to Chaos Qinglian, I'm afraid he is bigger than Chaos Qinglian."

Jiu Tian Yao Huang whispered, and fell silent.


Tian Yuan is deeper!

A low beast roared!

It seems to be responding to Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix and Forgetting!

at the same time.

Wuhuang Tiankeng.

The black-and-white gas hook connection world once again blocked the Wuhuang Tiankeng.




The gods and gods on the cliff all kneel!

Witch Emperor Wu Zu had stood up before!

At this moment all kneeling!

In the air, there is no fear of God!

But the Fearless God is shaking!

He was shaking uncontrollably!

"That... the murderer's ancestor... I can say that all the things I said before are farts.... I have a stinky mouth and I just ask for the murderer's ancestor. ....."

The fearless God Vener shuddered and said, raising his hand to slap his mouth.

"No need."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Fearless God stunned for a moment, and there was a look of terror in the double pupils at the next moment, what he was about to say, but he hadn't yet shouted, his flesh and soul were turned into ashes!


More than fearless god!

The gods on the cliff!

The two corpses and witches in the pit of Wuhuang!

It also turned into ashes in an instant!


Outside the Wuhuang Tiankeng, the old things from the other races shuddered and collapsed to the ground with their mouths wide open!


Ancestor of the murderer!

Easily wipe out the fearless deity witch emperor witch corpse emperor!

This is not the magical power of the past!

This seems to be an ordinary means!

How does this feel more terrible than the previous magical powers!


Fashen magical power smashed the **** emperor fascia!

Although it seems shocking, no one has fallen!

It was different just now!

I just erased Daozu, such as the fearless deity, just now!

The fearless deity Witch Emperor Wu Zu etc. just fell in front of his own eyes!

These old things instantly understood this, trembling uncontrollably one by one, trying to say something but daring to say nothing!

"Underworld runner makes him visit the saint!"

In the core area of ​​Wuhuang Tiankeng, the dark earth messenger flickered, and the huge incarnation changed back to the size of ordinary people. I respectfully worship Chen Zhenggong!

"The runner makes..." Chen Zheng glanced at the messenger of the nether earth and thought of something: "Ming Feng should be in the nether earth too, right. Your nether earth surprised me. It’s better than getting better, and it’s not that simple.

"This... Back to the Holy Master, Ming Feng returned to the Underworld a year ago, just because of some accidents, and now he was imprisoned in the Holy Prison. The situation of Underworld is a little complicated. Although my runner makes it possible on the surface The cultivation base surpassed that of the first generation of underworld masters, but once the motherland returns to the underworld, the cultivation base will surely skyrocket, at least at the extreme level of Taoist ancestors."

The Underworld messenger pondered for a moment.


Emperor Tianlong, Mo Xin, and old things of all ethnic groups are a little ignorant!

"Ming Feng made a mistake."

Chen Zheng asked casually.

"This... Ming Feng accidentally annoyed Master Fengtian... Concubine, it happened that there was a penetrating device on that concubine, Ming Feng broke that penetrating device, and that penetrating The device is very important... So even the Lord Nine Yan can’t exempt Ming Feng from sin.

The runner makes a low voice.

"Little concubine? Since it is a very important concubine, how could you give a concubine at will, is the soil so messy now?"

Chen Zheng frowned slightly.

"This...this...Master Fengtian's concubine's identity is a little special, although he is a concubine, it is actually bigger than the main house..... bigger!"

The runner lowered his head.

"Big? Where is it big?"

Emperor Tianlong asked subconsciously, but quickly reacted, and looked away as if looking at the scenery.

"Adult Fengtian's concubine comes from a special The change of the nether earth is related to the holy things of that family, although the concubine of Fengtian is only a concubine in that family, but... .. but in the family of Feng Tian’s adults, their status is extraordinary.”

The runner makes a low voice.

"Does anyone want to dove to occupy the magpie's nest."

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Ah? Dove accounts for the magpie's nest?"

Emperor Tianlong showed curiosity.

"This matter..." When the runner heard it, he instantly understood what Chen Zheng said in his mind, and thought about it for a moment. Then he paid a prayer to Chen Zheng: "Some things are too small to say more, I hope the Master Adults can go to Nether Earth in person later!"

After this worship!

The runner turns back!

Silently disappears!

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