Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1675: Under the dragon

"You can be sure that the two are related."

Chen Zheng replied.

He scanned the metal cat with a cosmic cantilever, and found something. At first glance, he thought it was the zero-number method. However, a comparison revealed that although the method looks the same, there are actually nuances. If it is not a cosmic cantilever, it really looks This nuance does not come out.

"Then...what should I do?"

The metal cat blinked.

"You go to the dark sky, find the Lord of the Colorless Sea, and pass on your life's combat experience to her, and you will be her cat teacher in the future."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Great Dark Sky? Wait a minute... I seem to have heard the name. When I jumped out of the Great Reincarnation, I met two guys fighting, and one of them seemed to be called Great Dark Sky. Not related to him!"

The metal cat froze for a moment before revealing a look of horror.

"It's not the same thing. I'm just talking about a large world. Your realm is falling, but the body is still quite strong. Although the fighting power is gone, no one can kill you in the Hongmeng universe. You go to find the colorless sea. Lord, pass on your life-long fighting experience to her, and when I come out of the Hongmeng universe one day in the future, I will take you to find your former master."

Chen Zheng was a little bit easier, and a time-space beacon hit the metal cat's eyebrow.

"This...I believe in your Excellency, then...Ding Dang Cat will leave first!"

The metal cat pondered for a moment, bowed his claws at Chen Zheng, and flew out of the Lingzun hall.

"Then... will this one-way teleportation stele send anything strange again?"

Shui Qingyi's eyes moved, looking at the suspended half of the stele.

"This thing has a big beginning. I collected it first. As for Linghuang, I rebuilt Linghuang and washed away the shackles that Yuan Ling left in the spirit family. Then the incarnation will come again, even if it is the first At the level of the Nine Realm Taoist ancestors, you can’t easily control the spirit clan. Yuwei, you are the master of the spirit wasteland, you only need to connect with the power of the spirit wasteland, and the fellow dare to come to the incarnation of the will, and can also stop the fellow. But the fellow already knows With Susu's existence, he should no longer drop his will in person."

Chen Zheng looked at the half stone stele, took it away, and then looked at Shui Ling Dazun.

"Yu Wei got it."

Lord Shui Ling nodded.

"Ancestor is going to Longhuang?"

Shui Qingyi asked a little thought.

"Go and see the Ancestral Dragon Court."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Shui Qingyi spoke, and only then spoke a word, and Chen Zheng and Mo Xin disappeared silently. She froze for a moment, then sighed a little, and she wanted to ask when the ancestor would come back to Linghuang to have a look. Unfortunately, she disappeared without asking.

"Ancestor... Are you going to the Longhuang to kill Sifang?"

The little girl stared in the direction of Longhuang with two eyes.

"Big Sifang? With a snap of your fingers, you can kill the lower-level Taoist ancestors. The ancestors are not the Sifangs. The ancestors are now the big killers."

Shui Qingyi shook her head.



There were wailings all over the earth.

It's all the wailing of the dragon and dragon.

"It's also that our gods and deities don't eat meat. If they eat meat, they will kill you all!

"Then the **** Tianlong Emperor hid in the ancestral dragon court, thought he could hide for a lifetime, and thought someone would come to save him? Huh! Now in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, who doesn't know that our gods and gods are the most powerful! Already surrendered, Wuhuang no matter how old it is, he must cooperate with the Emperor Shishi to wait for the dragon famine to be completely won, and the monster famine and man famine cannot run away! Hum! If it is not the sudden change of the spirit famine, the spirit famine has already been taken by us! But the Emperor Shige wanted to unify the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, not only to unify the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, but also to win the Tianyuan that no one had ever won, no matter who it was or even the murderer who had penetrated the ancient land of Eight Wastelands more than two thousand years ago. The ancestor reappeared, and did not want to stop the Emperor God!"

"Isn't the Dragon Emperor the mount of the ancestor of the murderer? There must be a formation left by the ancestor of the ancestor in the Dragon Court of the Wild Ancestral Dragon. The Emperor Tianlong is just waiting for the ancestor of the murderer to save him! Huh! Staying outside the ancestral dragon court, as long as the murderer ancestor dares to show up, he will be wiped out as soon as possible! There are several deities of Shenhuang, and each one is a ancestor!"

On the wall of the Dragon Town of the Dragon Dragon Town where the Dragon Ancestral Dragon is located, a group of **** guards sneered again and again, staring at the dragon clan that was punished on the binding pillar!


A whip!

There was an extra blood stain on those dragons!


"A bunch of idiots, Emperor Tianlong abandoned you and hid in the Ancestral Dragon Court, but you will be punished one by one. If I were you, I would have dropped early, but I would like to install a hard bone!"

"Dragon Emperor has defeated you, you still have to be foolish, this is not stupid! What our gods don't eat meat, but they haven't said no alchemy, your dragon blood can be used for alchemy! Give you the last choice of incense , Choose your own life or death!"

God sneer!



Three figures fell silently on the city head!


The **** guard stared over!

"Human race?"

"A humanoid kid, a humanoid girl, and a humanoid...No! This little girl has the breath of a dragon, and the little girl is a dragon! Wait, how can the flag floating next to this little girl look like ...Longhuang Battle Banner?"

"What! Longhuang Battle Banner! Isn't that the Dragon Dragon Emperor's magic weapon, how could a dragon clan little girl have hands! Little girl, what is your relationship with the Dragon Emperor!"


All kinds of sounds!

"Ma's Longhuang was actually bullied to this one, I'm so upset!"

As soon as the Longhuang Battle Flag flew, it flew past, turned into a real dragon, and roared and swept the tail, directly flying all the gods in sight to the sky!

"Huh? Is there a fish in the net? Huh! Longhuang Battle Banner, right? If it is a complete Dragonfight Battle Banner, the God will not necessarily win you, but a Dragon Famine Battle Banner is still not in hand!"

Almost at the same time, a **** in the city will kill him, staring at the real dragon transformed by the Longhuang Battle Banner, and raising his hand is a catch!

"Lying trough! Peak quasi-Saint! I can't figure it out! I will slip first!"

The Longhuang Battle Flag glanced back, and suddenly changed back to the flag, and slipped back.

"Huh? You... The two human races also have a little girl with a dragon's breath. Is this the initiative to send the door to the gods to increase the record? The golden fairy, the Xuanxian girl, the dragon girl, Your combination is really rubbish! Haha! Hahaha...!"

God glanced at him, and when he glanced at the three, he burst out laughing, but the laughter came to an abrupt end!



There is a Scarlet Gun!

It pierced its head!

A face-to-face!

Yuanshen shattered!


God smashed the flesh to the ground!


"Enemies! Strong enemies are coming!"

"Scarlet Gun! The ancestor of the murderer! This has something to do with the ancestor of the murderer!

A brief Then there was a scream and a scream, a sky of divine light rose into the sky, and all the guardians in this dragon city pool escaped to the top of Tianlong Mountain!

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