Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1643: Who remembers cats and dogs!


The ominous beast suddenly cried!



A glance at this moment!

The two instantly guessed the identity of the coming person!


That taboo really went back to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

Although I have never seen that taboo!

It is only the taboo that may be called the master by the ominous beast!


What about returning?

Times have changed!

The ancient land of eight wilderness has changed!

None of the eight ancient ancient ancestral ancestors more than two thousand years ago!

However, almost every ancient ethnic ancestor of the Eight Wildernesses now has it!

And the gods and deities have the most Taoist ancestors!

So there is no need to fear this taboo!

Not to mention!

This taboo has weakened!

He only had Xuan Xianxiu in order!

"Although you have appeared, it is a pity that you can't save the ominous beast. Your time has passed. You can no longer turn up the waves in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands! Now the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands is an era dominated by gods and gods. , Is the era of our gods and gods!"

God Zun cold drink!

"This sentence is a bit familiar. At first, who seemed to have said it, but I was directly pinned to death, it seems that it is an ancient **** of gods or something." Chen Zheng glanced lightly, and looked at the god. Zun: "You are stronger than the old thing, but it is not much stronger."

"Huh! You can't scare the deity, one of the deities, the seven deities, Emperor Tianba, knowing that you are the murderer ancestor more than two thousand years ago, but you are so weak that the deity has no interest in shooting. Not deserving of the deity's own suppression!"

God sneer!

"Huang Tianba? This name is not good."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"The murderer ancestor, you can still remember the corpse ancestors who were pinned to death by you!"

Zun Zun stared at Chen Zheng, and now he roared!

"Dead ancestor? At that time, I was too murderous. I accidentally shot the dead ancestor of ancient ancestors. Who remembers these cats and dogs."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Zun Zun was furious!

A cat and a dog!

Several ancestors in this eyes are just cats and dogs!

"The deity doesn't want to talk nonsense with you. Today, it completely ended up with you, completely destroying your myth! The Golden Shadow God will kill him for the deity!"

God Zun cold drink!


The golden shadow **** like a metal puppet will instantly become a shadow!

"Master be careful, this thing is weird!"

The ominous beast kneeling on the ground quickly reminded!


next moment!

A crackle sounded!


what's the situation!

Ominous beast!

Red Moon!



Eyes widened!

At the moment, Chen Zheng was holding a thing in his hand. It should be said that he was holding a thing. That thing was a golden puppet like a metal puppet. This golden puppet would squeeze his flesh directly by him!


What happened?

Will this Golden Shadow God resist the power of the ninth realm ancestor?

God and corpse froze!

"Master... Although the master is cultivated only at the level of Xuanxian, it seems... It seems that the flesh is still as powerful as it was!"

The ominous beast froze for a moment, his **** pupils lit up suddenly, and he saw the key!

"Straight out a strange Taoist ancestor..."

The red moon double pupils also light up, although Chen Zheng’s methods have been seen in the ancient battlefield of the ghost, but the mixed ghost sword and the advent of the gods are all under the Taoist ancestor, and the metal **** in front of him will be different, this metal **** Will just abuse his dad just now!


The ancestor still raised the hand and scrapped the metal god!


This is too strong!

The ancestor still only has the magic power of Xuanxian!

If the ancestor's mana is restored, wouldn't it just destroy the Eight Wastelands in ashes!

"This stuff makes me a little disappointed, but it shouldn't come from the Taoism of this gadget that changed the gods and gods in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. The Daomong that this gadget belongs to has not yet strengthened to that point."


Chen Zheng squeezed the crystal in the head of the metal god, and the metal **** would twitch for a while, and there was no life at all!

"You... you killed the Golden Shadow God general, aren't you the Xuanxian mana, your realm has fallen so much, you actually killed the Golden Shadow God general!"

God Zun came back to God, and an extremely proud face sank now!


The ugly face of the zombie turned into a somber one!


did not expect!

I did not expect it!

This so-called taboo era is over!

The ancient land of the Eight Wastelands is not the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

This taboo, even the Taoist ancestors, can't turn up too much of the storm!

But he is not a Taoist ancestor, only Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, but one face to pinch the Golden Shadow God!

This is not normal!

"Golden Shadow God, I remember this thing should be called the reaper or what is right, from an immortal lineage. You God, don't you know the origin of this thing, don't you God know the weakness of this thing What is it?"

Chen Zheng chuckled, the light flashed in his eyebrows, and swept the Golden Shadow God to the metal body, and the Golden Shadow God turned the metal body directly into particles, which were all absorbed by the Divine Light.


Seeing this scene, the **** and the corpse were both inexplicably trembling, and inexplicably gave birth to a chill!


Whether it is a **** of wasteland or a corpse of dead corpses!

All underestimated the details of the original taboo!

God's calendar!

God will be weak!

I really don't know!


The deity and the corpse stared at each other, and the two suddenly turned into divine light and ghosts, skimming in different directions!

"Run away..."

The ominous beast froze.


Were these two guys clamoring before?

Didn’t say that the master’s time is over!

Isn't it to completely break the myth created by the owner!

Why did you slip away suddenly?

"It's smart, knowing to run separately, but unfortunately the two of you are weak. If you have the third level of ancestor cultivation, I don't need any special means, I really have a chance to escape."

Chen Zheng smiled, this time without raising his hand, there were only two anger in the body, and then he heard two violent roars, followed by two screams, and the **** and the corpse were instantly separated by two The fierce dragon swallowed by the anger!


The angry dragon roars!

Wow back to Chen Zheng's body!

"The murderer... Ancestor!"

this moment!

The ominous beast shouted blankly!

He didn't call his master!

This is because he thought about more than two thousand years ago!

I saw such a scene when I first met Chen Zhengshi more than two thousand years ago!

Open your breath!

Rip your opponent!

Ancestor of the murderer!

At first, another witness at that time saw this scene and shouted!

The other witness is a human race!

Still a woman!

Since then!

The master used the name of the murderer's ancestor!

Now the murderer ancestors reappear!

I have witnessed this scene again!


That woman seems to have fallen!

"Master... The valkyrie of the human wasteland advanced into the abyss in eight hundred years. After UU read the book and entered the abyss, there was no news! This time, the spirits of the ancient wasteland of the Eight Wastelands revived, and the supernatural beings Coming, the gods and gods have been to the abyss more than once, but they seem to have been bombarded by some terrible creatures!"

Thinking of this, the ominous beast raised his head and lowered his voice!

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