Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1628: Turbid World Fairy

This thorn!

Almost all the creatures in the Dayushan mine are tight!

He stared at Qingjue City Master!

I only saw it in three sights!

The master of Qing Jue Xiancheng turned green!


Not green!

It became a demon!

This demon is like the lotus demon before!

"what's the situation!"

"Is that City Master Zhuo!"

"Master Zhuo has become a lotus demon!"

A group of figures plundered into the Dayushan Mine. These are the followers of the Qingjue Xiancheng human race. At a glance, they saw the Qingjue Xiancheng lord of the mining center, but they were all forced!

The fairy armor on this monster!

Isn't that the dreaded armor of Zhuocheng!

Lord Zhuo has become a lotus demon!

"Dark World Fairy!"

In amazement, the fabulous ancient immortal whispered, she swept from the ground, and she would shoot the fairy tactics towards the monster, but only got up and was shot down by a demon mantle, and fell to the ground with a puff!


"Dark World Fairy Lotus? I have only heard Jingshi Qinglian, and I have never heard Dust Fairy Lotus. What the **** is going on!"

"Gu Xian was instantly suppressed!"

The Cultivator is in doubt!

The foreign monks Wenren Haoyue, Wenrenyi, etc., are also at a moment of uncertainty. They all have their origins. Although the bloodline has not yet awakened, they can be dyed from small ears and know many wonders between heaven and earth!


These two brothers and sisters have never heard of the turbid fairy!



The lord of Qing Jue Xiancheng turned into a monster and smiled!


Next second!

Let's take off!

Stand up in the air!


Everyone raised their heads and stared at the monster!

"The heavens and the earth will finally be attributed to turbidity. Today, the lord of the city is transformed into the lord of the turbid world, and the emperor sits down. Please welcome the advent of the turbid world!" Chen Zheng said: "Master Lotus needs more slaves, let's start with you kid!"


A demon mandled!

"Be careful!"

Someone in the rear exclaimed that it was Wen Renyi and Simon seeking defeat!

"Turbid World..."

But Chen Zheng only shook his head gently, letting the demon man call him.


The demon mansions shrouded Chen Zheng!

"Senior Genius Monster Lord gives you the power of the world!"

The lord of Qingjue Xiancheng stood high above him, facing Chen Zheng with a gesture that seemed to be a gift!


Another demon mandled!



Nothing happened!


what's the situation?

Why is there nothing?

Zhong Xiu blinked!

"Huh?" Qing Jue Xiancheng city master frowned, raised his hands again several demon mans hit, these demon mans all hit Chen Zheng, but still nothing happened.

"I don't believe it!"

The lord of Qingjue Immortal City was furious, and he madly defeated the demon mansions.


Simon's failure to see others is stupid.


Is this Xuanxian son immune to demon mans!

Although I have never seen the real effect of Yaomang!

But all the people guessed that this demon must be demonizing!

It's just that this situation, which should have been extremely dangerous, suddenly felt a little funny!


The fabulous ancient immortal also showed a dull look, although she did not fully remember the past, but she knew the power of the muddy world monster, the power of the muddy world monster could easily demonize the Dao ancestor, even if the lord of Qingjue immortal city was not the Dao ancestor, the muddy world was reliable The power of the demon can also surrender to the Taoist ancestor, and the Taoist ancestor under the third realm can never break away.

But... but it seems that the young man who released himself from the seal stone is completely unaffected by the power of the world, which is too weird.

"The city's lord does not believe that the demon cannot transform you!"

The master of Qing Jue Xiancheng shouted again, and once again hit the demon mans, Chen Zheng only had a faint smile, and he was too lazy to move. That demon mans hit him all, and the time and space around him were all chaotic, but he was still the same No effect.



The master of Qingjue Xiancheng has closed!

He exhaled!

The demon pupil stared at Chen Zheng!


Others suddenly stepped back!

Suddenly retreated into the cliff face of the mine!

"Not good!" The fabulous ancient immortal's face sank, and then there was a cry of exclamation: "Daoyu Mountain is sealed with the ghost body of the muddy world, and he wants to release the monster body!"


"Demon lotus!"

"what is it now!"

The Cultivator was also surprised, glanced deep into the cliff face of the mine, and all his eyes turned to Chen Zheng!

"Some people want Yong Ye, some people want Shigeki, I've seen people who want Yongye, I haven't seen a guy who wants Shigeki, just let it out and see them."

Chen Zheng casually said.


Let it out and meet?


Is this heart so big!

Surprise flashed in the eyes of Zhong Xiu, but now it could only be silenced, and his eyes moved to the depths of the cliff!


The demon flashes!


Something really came out!


A sound of Yinxie laughter sounded, it was the Lord of Qingjue Immortal City, who appeared again at this moment, but more than him, and behind him a lotus demon carried a demon temple out of the cliff!



As soon as the public saw the demon palace, he suddenly felt something was missing in his heart, as if something had been sucked by the demon temple!


Not right!

This muddy world monster body!

Absolutely not easy!

"Senior demon lotus was sealed by Taiqing Promise Sect for too long, so that the world has forgotten the existence of the demon lotus. Today, I can see the present of the elder lotus, which is the greatest luck in my life! Master Yunzhu, please Spread your power of the muddy world to the heavens and the world!"

The main demon pupil of Qingjue Xiancheng City swept across the crowd, and paid a deep worship to the demon temple!


Taiqing Promise Sect!

So is the Taiqing Promise Sect the one that left the ancient immortal seal stone?

Is the Ancient Immortal a monk of the Taiji Promise Sect?

Everyone doubts!

Hold your breath at the same time!

All stared at that demon temple!

"Taiqing Promise Sect... At that time, it was our Taiqing Promise Sect that sealed the muddy world..."

The fabulous ancient fairy look changed for a while, and at the moment a flash of light appeared in the Yuanshen, she remembered some past!

"Hum!" Only a cold hum, a figure came out of the demon palace, and the figure stared at the ancient immortal directly without looking at other people: "Lu Feixuan, you once were too Qingwuji Zong Shengnv, who could have stepped into the era of hegemony in one step, but did not hesitate to break my way in order to suppress me, but in the end, I failed to suppress me! You don’t even have Dao Zuxiu’s behavior now, do you think it’s worth it!"

Excellent ancient fairy silence!

The remaining monks are also silent!

But the reasons for the silence are different!

The former is a reminder of the past!

The latter is surprisingly silent!

Because this came out of the demon palace and the body of the ghost of the world is different from what they imagined!

I thought that the monster body is a very strange man!

But in front of me, the monster body turned out to be a little girl under ten!


Its look!

Its sound!

Not a little girl!

But like a banshee!

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