Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1626: Gathering in Dayushan




Above Qing Jue Xiancheng!

Xianguang Daozhen broke out!

"You come back to Master Ben!"

Suddenly a figure soared from the city's main palace, and ran towards the stunning ancient fairy, but just in the next second, the stunning ancient fairy hit a fairy light, and the fairy light hit the shadow, and the shadow melted directly in the air. !



It's gone in the blink of an eye!

"Lying trough!"

"The young master has melted!"

"The young city master was killed!"

Fang City monks exclaimed!


Just exclaimed, the fabulous ancient immortal made another immortal light. This immortal light was like a colorful exercise. When he swept across the man in purple clothes in the palace, the man in purple clothes melted instantly!


So strong!

very scary!

The ancient immortals that ran away were really stronger than the fiends!

And this does not end!

Xian Guangcai practice fell from the sky!

Go around the city's main palace!

The main palace also melted instantly!


Fabulous ancient immortal turned into a fairy light escape!


Qing Jue Xian City, at this moment silent, almost all monks are forced!

"Damn! You **** it! What ancient immortal you are! You **** all!"



The next figure in the ashes of the city's main palace broke out of the ground. After several roars, it chased in the direction of the stunning ancient immortal escape!



Thunder surging!

That is Thunder Avenue!

Extremely furious!

"That's the Lord of the City"

Someone has recovered, dumbfounded.

"There is only one man in the city, and the rest is melted away by the immortal light of the ancient immortals. Even the city of the city is melted away. How can the ancient immortals in the tragedy be so arrogant? It should not be restored for a period of time. Period"

On the side of Fangshi, some people looked toward Chen Zheng while talking.

The monks around also almost looked over to Chen Zheng. At this moment, Chen Zheng’s gaze changed again, and there was a little fear in his gaze at this moment. They all speculated that Chen was not behind the scenes, otherwise he was forced by Ziyi. When you take away the fabulous ancient immortals, it will not be so indifferent.

This child!

This mystery!

Did you already know everything!

It has long been known that the amazing ancient immortal that came out is not so easy to surrender!

"This matter has nothing to do with me, and I am just a victim."

Chen Zheng swept across the crowd and shook his head gently.


Everyone couldn't help rolling their eyes, who secretly believed in their hearts, that the gorgeous ancient immortal run must be related to this son.

"It seems that the ancient immortals fled in the direction of Dayushan. Recently, Dayushan discovered a new seal stone mine, but the mining of ancient seal stones has not been smooth. It may be that the Taoist mountain gate where the ancient immortal stone was refined was dug. Is it possible that the fabulous ancient immortal is the upper level of the Taoism, although it is sealed up, but it can be different from the ordinary stone creatures, so what happened just now?"

The stall owner thought for a moment and looked at Chen Zhengdao.

"Who knows."

Chen Zheng shook his head again.


This is also the time!

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the direction of Dayu Mountain!


The creatures in Qingjue's immortal city looked subconsciously, and at this moment they widened their eyes one by one, because there was a fabulous sight in the direction of Dayu Mountain!

That is a huge lotus!

The huge lotus center is like a man sitting!


This magical scene did not last long before it broke!

"Lying trough!"

"Is that it!"


"Everyone in the Qingyue Ancient World knows what to do with it!"

"The Qingyue Ancient Realm is related to the Qing Emperor of the Five Emperors. The Five Emperors are concerned with a mysterious place. We have been playing with stones in the Qingyue Ancient Realm all these years. We are addicted to playing with stones every day and almost forgot about this matter!"

Although the divine scene was broken, the spirits in the fairy city boiled instantly. At this moment, as long as the monks who spent a certain period of time in the ancient world of Qingyue, they all thought of a legend!

"Did the Lord Qingyue disappear in Dayu Mountain"

Simon begged for defeat.




At this moment, thousands of fairy lights lit up in the fairy city and swept away in one direction, that is, the direction of Dayu Mountain!

"Go to Dayu Mountain!"

"Today we may be able to witness history!"

"Maybe you can still see the Lord of Blue Moon!"

"I don't know if there is the Lord of Blue Moon. Those fiends must have gone to Dayu Mountain too. Dayu Mountain is very dangerous now!"

"Don't care anymore, if you can see the legendary Qing Emperor today, it's worth it!"

In Fang City, monks emerged from the light, and just a few breathing times, more than 90% of them went to Dayu Mountain.

"Gold guide will lead the way."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Ah? Good! The old decay will lead the son! The rest assured that the old decay is undefeated and can definitely keep the son safe! Even if you meet those fiends, the old decay can also take the son to escape to the first time. Jue City!"

Simon asked for defeat for a moment, then nodded quickly, and then applied a fairy law. The air fluctuated for a while, and he sent Chen Zheng directly.

Dayu Mountain.

An ancient mountain.

It was not well-known in the Qingyue ancient world, and was even ignored by the monks before. It was not until a few months ago that someone mistakenly hit and opened an ancient seal in Dayushan. The Dayushan Fengshi mine was discovered.

At the moment, no more than 10,000 people gathered outside Dayu Mountain. These are basically monks from Qingjue Xiancheng, and almost all are human races. Cultivation came from all over the world, and they all wanted to see the legendary Qing Emperor, but they stopped now.

"eat human!"

"Evil Demon!"

"Eat everything!"

"Junior Saint was swallowed!"

"No ancestor Xiu did not want to enter Dayu Mountain!"

With a whisper, Zhong Xiu frowned, staring at the demon figure! Those monster figures were all transformed by lotus flowers, and they thought they were ancient immortals, but these monster figures swallowed the fierce demons and human fiends from one mouth, and the practitioners suddenly awakened. Where are these ancient immortals, these are ancient monsters !

Lotus demon!

It's just that the divine Jingming just related to Qing Emperor!

Qingdi is one of the five emperors!

It is impossible to be a demon!

These scary lotus demon should not be right here!

"These monsters are really It seems to ignore the mysteries, and only the power of the flesh can kill these monsters! You human race in Qingjue Xiancheng, but some people are physically trained, if they are destroyed, These monsters, so as to open the way for adults!"

With a low growl, it was a fierce demon rolling around the whole body. The demon under him was swallowed a lot. At this moment, his eyebrows were locked and stared at the human race monk.

"Seven Palace Demon, you are the three kings of the fierce clan, you are the ancestor of the peak, why don't you go to the road!"

There was a monk's response from the human race.

"Damn! You all know that Lao Tzu is a fiend. Do you think Lao Tzu will be stupid enough to go out on his own? You have a lot of human races, but we have a small number of fierce races. It is only fair for you to open the way!" The fierce glared at the monk. Then, with a fierce glance, Chen Zheng fell on the hill at the rear: "Hey, the human race boy over there, the boy who is Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, I think you are a physical training, you go to open the way!"


The demon or the human race monk also looked towards the rear!

Focused on Chen Zheng!

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