
Really swallowed!

The master's will incarnation was swallowed by a stone egg!

"Again... spike..."

The old man in black robe before the entrance of the life and death corridor subconsciously whispered.


Whether it is a magic weapon or not!

Anyway, it's a spike!


This is really exaggerated!

If it is a Taoist ancestor!

Don't make people feel so exaggerated!

But that mana is really just Xuanxian level!

"Yong Ye Di... It's good to have more wills incarnate, but Yong Ye Di already knows Su Su's identity, I'm afraid it won't come."

Chen Zheng smiled and shook his head.

"Daddy Daddy, that guy's will was really delicious!"

The voice of milk in the egg egg also sounded at the moment, and the voice fell back to Chen Zheng's pocket.


In the land of embers!

Regardless of whether it is a living person or all the other silences from this moment, there is only one question in my heart, that is, what kind of creature is conceived in the stone egg, so terrified that he can devour the involuntary ninth level of the will incarnation!

"You... are you going to kill us!"

The reckless man remained silent for a moment, staring at Chen Zheng and asking!

"Nine of you, let's go back and make fire for the first fire."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Then you might as well kill me!"

The stubborn man glared at Chen Zheng!

"It's up to you to choose."

When Chen Zheng wiped it, all the Nine Evil Mana were imprisoned, and then he wiped it again. It was like a giant sword inserted in the land of the embers, and all of them returned to the place where they were before in a burst of rumble.

His eyes moved, glanced across the dark earth, and saw the ancestral temple. A fairy light shot out, carrying dozens of living people, such as the nine evils and the black robe elder, directly across the dark earth and landed in front of the ancestral temple. .

"Ancestral Temple!"

"Unfortunately the first fire has gone out!"

"The guarded ancient **** is missing, the ancestral crown is broken by the criminal emperor, the ancestral temple... what is the value..."

The old man in black robe whispered to the living.

"Ancestral Temple? Do you want to reignite the initial fire? Haha! Not so easy! Our master is Yongye Emperor. He laid the next round and took away the ancient **** who guarded the ancestral temple. He also chose a criminal emperor with a special constitution. Send it into the land of embers and let the sin emperor be contaminated with the immortal curse to break the crown of the ancestor! The sin emperor is a child of darkness. Unless you find the creature corresponding to the child of darkness, you cannot ignite the initial fire, even if we regard our nine evils as Matches can no longer ignite the initial fire!"

Mang Han stared at the Temple of the Ancestor, lowering his voice at the moment.

"The crown of the ancestor has been broken, the son of hope is not in the embers, the darkness devours the heavens and the heavens, and the eternal night comes. This is destined. Your Excellency... Although it is an extremely powerful reincarnation of life, this means of life Against the extreme sky, it is almost impossible to change the number of days."

The goddess shook her head gently.

"give up."

"I beg you to kill us."

"I really don't want to continue to be firewood."

The other nine evils, in addition to the gods, also spoke one after another.

"I used to be the guardian of this temple, the strongest of our family guarded this temple for generations, but when the disaster came to my family, hope did not appear, so I think that the world belongs to the darkness. The number of days fixed by Heaven."

Tenjin said silently for a moment.


The old man in black robe sighed.

"The number of days is irreversible!"

Reckless hum!

"The guy who sets the number of days can't control everything. How can the number of days be irreversible."

Chen Zheng smiled and stepped into the ancestral temple.

"What do you mean?"

"Who sets the number of days?"

"This...should it be the lord? He...had he seen Hongmeng the lord?"

The old man in black robe and other living people didn't understand it, Jiu Xie understood it, but they all showed their unbelief!

"How about you being the reincarnation of the supreme being, I'm going to see how you who have only the magic power of the Xuanxian in this life have reversed the number of days!"

The reckless man gritted his teeth and stepped into the ancestral temple. The gods and goddesses looked at each other and entered the temple. The rest of the people pondered for a moment and all entered the temple.

Inside the ancestral temple.

Debris fragments.

The most conspicuous thing is the broken fragment of the crown.

The old man in black robe and other living people saw the fragments of the divine crown, and all were silent. If the divine crown was not broken by the sin emperor, the initial fire would not be extinguished, and darkness would not come.

It's a pity that everything is late, the darkness has swallowed the heavens and the world has begun, the number of days has reached this point, it is almost impossible to want to go against the sky.

"This is the crown of the ancestor, but unfortunately it was broken by the son of darkness, you try to repair it! Even if you repair him, you can't ignite the initial fire without the son of hope!"

Reckless hum!

"give up."

"What you do is useless work."

"The number of days is over, you go against the sky, after all, you are not far away... lying down!"

The other evil people in Nine Evil also whispered, but suddenly burst out a swearing, and then all were silent!


When Chen Zheng grabbed it, the fragment of the crown on the ground was reorganized in an instant!

This scene!

Everyone looks stupid!

This Nima!

It is said that only the son of hope can repair the crown of the ancestor!

It's all done in one click!

"I don't believe you can ignite the initial fire!"

Mangman took a deep breath and yelled again!


Chen Zheng was a little bit easier. In the extinct pit of the first fire in the center of the temple, the fire light instantly lit up, and the dark ancestral temple was illuminated by the fire next time. Although the beating flame was not strong, it could be strong and powerful!


When the firelight came out of the ancestral temple!

A low growl came from the Ember Land!

That extremely dark darkness faded at this moment!

A beam of light hit the sky dome!

This beam of light fell right in front of the Temple of the Ancestor!



"This... this turned out to be!"

The dozens of living people all turned around and saw the light that fell in front of the temple, one by one revealing the color of surprise!

It's done!

It really is!

The fire rekindled!

The darkness fades!

There is hope in the land of embers!

this moment!

Nine evils are silent!

But my heart is crying!


This guy once again turned against the sky!

But this life has only Xuanxian mana!

If no one swept across the temple of the ancestor of Chen Zheng, and then caught the void above the initial fire, a purple fire beating appeared!

Nine evils saw the purple **** fire look all changed!

the host!

This is what the master wants!

This is a higher level of fire than the first fire!

This purple **** fire has existed before the ages!

"It turned out to be hidden."

Chen Zheng smiled and swallowed~www.NovelMTL.com~ directly swallowed the purple **** fire, just swallowed the purple **** fire, a fascination emerged behind him, it was a figure of purple robe, exuding a superb breath, as if heaven and earth All avenues are gathered around the Fa phase!

"Huh? It's still not able to break through the border. This godfire is mainly to improve the life. In this case, let's give Yanluo girl."

The rest of them showed a shocked look. Only Chen Zheng's brow was slightly wrinkled, and the purple fire in his palm was raised with his right hand. The next moment the fairy light flashed in his heart, and the next moment the fairy light turned into a girl.

"Yan Luo worshipped Master."

The girl was Yan Luo, facing Chen Zhengli.

"You have absorbed this magic fire, and when the sons of the heavens are chosen, you will use this magic fire as the source to open the sky."

Chen Zheng casually said.


The girl nodded and swallowed the purple fire with a small sip.

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