Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1609: No more!


The bad thoughts are gone!

The evil thought suddenly escaped!

Escape from the world of Zhenwu!


Everyone came back to God, and all breathed out, but the face of Tu Mozong, Tian Wai Dahou, and Yu Feitian soon changed again, and their eyes were taken back from the sky, and they stared at Chen Zheng violently!

Demon Lord!

Call yourself a devil!

I am the devil!

Scared away that horrible evil thought!

So this is the real devil!


The fairy light flashed on Yu Feitian's body, and blasted out suddenly, but before he rushed out of the ancient ruins, he disappeared in the sky!

"It's a dead eye this time."

Chen Zheng said indifferently.


Tian Wai Da Yao knelt directly, facing Chen Zheng for a while, then raised his head and cried with a crying voice: "Da Ma Lord, our ancestor of the immortal demon clan once followed you, this time I came to Zhenwu World , Just to meet you!"

"is it."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"Yeah! That's true! The little one ran into the big devil before, it was a little damn, but beg the big devil to see that the little ancestor followed you, please let the little devil put the little one!"

Tian Wai Da Yao nodded again and again, but suddenly there was a rainbow light in his eyebrows, and that rainbow light hit Chen Zheng's eyebrow at once, turning into a rainbow light cage, and covering Chen Zheng at once!


Everyone was shocked!

"Haha!" The big demon saw the rainbow light hitting Chen Zheng's eyebrows, and opened his mouth with a big laugh: "I was already shocked by you, but you, the big devil, did not recover strength at all, you, the big devil, just You can’t kill the flesh, your combat strength is actually not terrible! You just scared away the evil thoughts, and you just rely on that breath! I figured this out in a moment, and finally took the opportunity to sacrifice this magic weapon. I have forgotten that this magic weapon was originally forgotten, but I forgot the mission this time, but you made a killing intention to me, reminding me that I still have another magic weapon!"


Chen Zheng returned a word and lifted his right hand gently, and the prison that held him down was broken.

"You! This! How could this be! That is the magic tool given to me by the patriarch. The patriarch came from the ancestor. This magic weapon is the artifact left by the oldest era. The patriarch said that if the devil has not recovered his strength , You can use this magic weapon to imprison the Great Demon Lord!" Tian Wai Demon's face instantly became pale again, and then he froze crazily after a moment of stunnedness: "The Demon Lord spares his life, the Great Demon spares his life, the small one really Know the wrong, Master Lord, don’t kill..."


At a glance!


Great demon!

Turned to ashes!


Almost all other creatures retreated!


I was scared again!

"Chen Zu... no matter what his status is, it seems that he didn’t come for the evil thoughts of the devil in the sky, it seems that he came to find other things. It’s easy to understand. The reason why Zhenwu Realm was promoted to Daqian World was also due to my plan more than 2,000 years ago, that is, Tu Mozong Shengxian Dadian. Between me and Chen Zu, there is actually no enemy of life and death. It’s just a little friction. I think there is still a lot to talk about between us. Is it possible that Chen Zu came for the strange cry? If it came for the cry, then now in the whole world of Zhenwu, I am afraid Only I know where the source of crying is!"

Tu Mozong's palm teacher groaned, staring at Chen Zheng whispering!

"What... The promotion of Zhenwu Realm to Daqian World is related to the ascension ceremony of the Demon Sect...

"Is this actually... like this..."

"Is this the truth of Zhenwu's sudden promotion..."

Grey-clothed Taoist!

The native creatures of the real martial arts world, such as the true prime minister, are shocked!

"I did come for crying."

Chen Zheng's breath had already converged. At this moment, he slowly fell, looking at Tu Mozong with a faint smile.

"That's just right, I can be sure that the source of the crying is indeed in the ancient ruins more than two thousand years ago, but three hundred years ago, a powerful guy entered the ancient ruins and forcibly took away the source of the crying! Although I don’t know who the guy is, I know that the guy is hiding in the Zhenwu Dynasty. It’s not the Zhenwu Dynasty. It should be the Zhenwu Immortal Dynasty! The world only knows that there is an ancient ruin in Zhongtian Daoyu. In fact, there is also a place in Zhenwu Daoyu. Ancient ruins! As long as Chen Zu nods, I can now take Chen Zu to find the source of crying sound! Believe me, other people besides me can’t even find out that the source of crying sound is in Zhenwu Xianchao! Zhenwu Xianchao, It's not that simple!"

Tu Mozong's palm heard a smile, and he smiled, his face full of thoughts.

"No need."

However, Chen Zheng only smiled faintly.

"Chen Zu didn't want to find the source of crying?"

Tu Mozong's palm was dark, and his eyes were condensed at the next moment, and suddenly he turned into a black light. It was too late!


Chen Zheng raised his hand!

Tu Tuo Zong Tuo burst into blood mist on the spot!

"This seat is unwilling!"

Its Yuanshen roared wildly, but Chen Zheng could not get rid of it at all!


Chen Zheng grabbed his Yuanshen, and instantly saw everything. Then he squeezed it, and Tu Mozong taught the Yuanshen completely!


The true prime minister!

Grey-clothed Taoist!

God armor and other creatures!

At this moment, I stepped back involuntarily!

I was afraid that Chen Zheng would grab it and grab it!


Ye Xue trembled and shouted. Among the Zhenwu family, except for Ye Zu, only she had seen the portrait of Chen Zheng. That is the portrait left by Su Tianjun who passed down the tradition of the Zhenwu family. If you only look at the portrait, Grandpa Patriarch is a gentle and easy-going person, but now she understands that Grandpa Patriarch can be both gentle and easy-going, but also indifferent to make people tremble.

"That... Lord Xianxian, the small one has been to the Zhenwu Emperor.....The Xian Dynasty, the small actually has a little relationship with the Zhenwu Emperor, the small... the small is actually the former The illegitimate son of the emperor of the Zhenwu dynasty... Therefore, if Shangxian is going to the Zhenwu immortal dynasty, the small one can lead the Shangxian. Rest assured that the small is definitely not trying to use the power of the fairy to deal with the Zhenwu imperial family, The little one has no interest in the throne. The little one just wants to be a mentor, and the little one can’t manage himself.

The Prime Minister thought about it in a low voice.


Chen Zheng shouted! "

A voice responded in an instant, and then a figure emerged, paying respectfully to Chen Zheng.



Who is this spiritual woman?

Everyone showed doubts!

"Look at what needs to be recovered in this ancient ruin."

Chen Zheng casually said.


The spirit-like woman responded, and walked out, everyone was surprised, because this spirit-like woman seemed to be very familiar with the ancient ruins, as if this is her home!

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