Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1607: I'm so wrong!

Thousands of demons!

More than one!

At this moment are the three devil heads!

The three magnificent demon heads are like puppets, and kneeling on the ground is like worshipping the heavens and the earth, but the three magnificent demon heads are not worshiping the heavens and the earth, and the worship is a dark black stone temple!




In the hanging black stone hall!

A horror roar came out!

This roar is the roar that everyone heard before!

"So this the owner of the ancient ruins, the owner of the ancient ruins is sealed in the stone temple!"

"What is the situation now, who are the creatures in the stone temple!"

"And...and who is your Excellency!"


Trembling whisper!

"I'm so scared... The devil of the oldest era, the most terrifying demon, the demon that Heaven and Heaven must fear, will it appear in the world soon!"

The truth director shivered, and his face was pale. He secretly deduced it with a fortune-telling just a moment ago, and further confirmed that his calculation was correct. This ancient ruin really sealed a terrifying demon!

This ancient ruin is not a thing of the real martial arts world at all, but it fell into the real martial arts world from outside, and the sealed creatures far exceed the level of the real martial arts world, even if the real martial arts world is now a great world!

If this devil broke free of the seal, Lord Shangxian might not be able to handle it!

"This seat regrets coming to the real martial arts world. The creatures sealed in this ancient ruin really exceeded our expectations!"

Shen Jia man said in a deep voice!

"It's useless to say that you can't escape if you want to escape. Although the Mirage was wiped out by the Shangxian, but the three magnificent demon heads appeared, the dark stone palace appeared, a more terrible knot The world has sealed everything! We can’t get out of it now, unless we can break this barrier, even a saint can’t break it!"

A gray-clothed road long opened, a native monk of the real martial arts world, at this moment his brows were tightly locked, shaking his head.

"Hum! Escape? Want to escape? You idiots, especially your idiot, that one hand really helped us a lot!" On the dark throne, the Yuyi man's broken Yuanshen snorted coldly, and then stared at Chen with fierce eyes. Zheng: "Originally, our Lord was only a preliminary awakening. The ban was not broken yet. You just broke the ban! Haha! You didn’t think about it, you didn’t think about it at all, you thought you solved the secret formation, but you But it turned out to be self-defeating, you helped us to unblock the master! The master is coming out soon, all of you guys are going to die! Haha! Hahaha!"



"Your self-righteousness hurt you!"

Yu Feitian also smiled at this moment, his face full of grinning!

The rest!

Silent at the moment!

"You... deserve it too!" The great demon climbed up from the ground, stared at Chen Zheng, and then stared at the hanging ancient temple where the three demon heads worshipped: "This seat This time I came to Zhenwu Realm, and what kind of heavenly sacred luck is the second. This seat is the order of the family master to meet the great devil! The ancestors of our line have received the guidance of the great devil in the oldest era! "

Speaking of which, the demon from the outer space stopped and stared at the feather man on the dark throne with a fierce glance: "This seat is an ally relationship with you, but you have worked on this seat before. If this seat has a magical body, I'm afraid it's already dead!"

"Okay, no need to say more, you and I both have common enemies!" The man on the black throne, Yu Yuan, responded in a cold voice, and then smiled at Chen Zhengbao: "If I were you, I would run away now, maybe There is also a chance to escape, when Lord Devil really wakes up, you can’t escape too much time! But you like this, you shouldn’t escape, you can’t see the coffin without tears! Of course I want to see , Can you continue to calm down when facing the invincible devil master, you must not be scared by the fart!


The Prime Minister looked at Chen Zheng and opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say. He was very embarrassed in his heart. The situation now is himself a ants!


Not only are you ants!

Almost everyone present is a ants!

No matter where they come from, no matter what situation they are, they are basically all ants! When the demon in the ancient palace hangs free, not only the people here will suffer, but also the creatures of the whole Zhenwu world will suffer! Soon after the real martial arts world was promoted to the World of Thousands of Thousands, it was about to usher in the annihilation of the world.

"Don't the Devil Sect Master show up."

Chen Zheng ignored anyone and only shouted with a smile.


Tumozong palm charge?

Where did the Devil Sect come from?

Wasn't the Tumozong destroyed already more than two thousand years ago!

The local primitives of the real martial arts such as the true prime minister, Ye Xue, Dao Chang, etc. were all shocked to hear this. Tu Mozong was the first lineage of the real martial arts, but it was destroyed two thousand years ago. Where did it come from? Tu Mozong palms teach.


When the truth director spoke, he wanted to remind him that he only said two words, and he shut up, because a figure really appeared!


There is no sign!

A figure shrouded in black robe appeared!


On the dark throne, Yuan Yu, the man in the feathered coat, immediately saw this figure and shouted!

"Chen Zu is still powerful, knowing that I am here, but Chen Zu is still miscalculated. If I don't unlock the demon's blockade, I can't do it with Chen Zu. But Chen Zu's hand just cracked the last block of the blockade. Seal, although I still have no way to take Chen Zu, but when the devil woke up, Chen Zu was afraid that he would be dead."

Black robe chuckles!

"You...really the master of Tumozong?"

Shen Yi, the long gray road, asked!

"Is it important for me to teach the Devil Sect? I just need to know a little bit, that is, after today, Zhenwu Great World will be renamed to Zhenwu Great Demon Realm. In the future, there will only be one Taoism in Zhenwu Great Demon Realm. ."

The black robe responded lightly!


Suddenly, the gray-clothed road is suddenly blocked!



A horrifying roar sounded in the ancient temple!


Everyone looked at it!


next moment!

The ancient temple in the sky is broken!



Visible to the naked eye!

A shadow is here!

At first, the shadow was just the size of a normal human being, but it suddenly skyrocketed. The time for three breaths was not enough. It had turned into a huge shadow that covered the sky. At this moment, not only the area of ​​ancient ruins is oscillating. In shock!

"Haha! The master broke away from the seal, the master is free again, and ask the master to give strength!"

Everyone was so terrified that the man on the dark throne, the man in the feather coat, drove up the dark throne, and faced the huge shadow in the air.



Only horror shouted in response to him!


Give it a go!

The Dark Throne is cracking!

The Yujin man's Yuanshen shattered instantly!


Yuyi man Yuanshen dumbfounded!

What happened?

This is completely not what I expected!

Shouldn't the master give supreme power to himself!

"Poor What do you think this is the Great Demon Lord, but this is just the evil left by the Great Devil Lord, and so a few guys are wrong!"

Chen Zheng shook his head for a while!


In an instant!

Three exclamations!

The black robe, the feathered man, the broken Yuanshen, and the great demon, all three faces filled with unbelief!

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