Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1597: This is a Dao species



Those monsters in the ancient forest!

Suddenly gave up that great ape!

Suddenly all jumped into the sky!

"This Xuanxian is finished!"

"He was stared at by these terrible monsters, and he was too unlucky. As soon as we came, Zhenwu Realm fell!"

"It's also a fate!"

All the creatures outside Gulin saw this scene and almost shook their heads!



Next second!

The horrifying monster that burst into the sky exploded in the air!


Blood Mist!

In the blink of an eye, it exploded into blood mist!


The wind blows!

gone With the Wind!

The giant ape is dumbfounded!

All creatures are dumbfounded!

At the moment, they all stared blankly at the sky. At this moment, almost all of them were blank. They just stared at the unlucky Xuan Xian in their eyes.

"Your blood is good, but your brain doesn't seem very smart."

Xuan Xian is Chen Zheng. At this moment, he slowly fell in front of all living creatures, glanced at the giant source standing in the ancient forest, and commented casually.



The giant ape knelt down and knelt towards Chen Zheng. Then he raised his head and said, "I urge you to take me in. I am willing to serve you as a mount. Whatever you want, I can ride me!"


This will recognize the Lord!


How is this great ape also an ancient creature at the level of Daojun Tiandi!

How to recognize the Lord in one click!

Even if this Xuanxian seems to be very unusual, it seems that there is a small beginning, but it does not need to be so anxious to recognize the Lord!

The Cangyun tribe and the demon tribes of Gulin opened their mouths one by one. For them, if they could conquer the giant ape, then the Cangshen Dao could walk sideways, but this giant ape actually accepted the Lord!

"Your bloodline is good, but unfortunately it's only good. It's a lot worse to be my spiritual pet."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


"Lying trough! Is this not enough to be a spiritual pet?"

"Hey, hello, lord, you don't want this great ape, you can give it to the little one!"

The Cangyun tribe and the Gulin demon clan were stunned again, and then shouted one after another.

"Is that so... the ape has left!"

The great ape showed his thoughts. After a while, the two giant hands clenched fist at Chen Zheng, and then turned into a white light and soared into the sky, as if they were also going north.



"If we can get such a horrible giant ape to recognize the Lord, we can rise in this chaotic situation in the real martial arts world. Even if we cannot become a holy ancestor, it is enough to create a tradition in the Cangshen Dao! To be honest, I feel Cang The gods may not have beaten the great apes. The **** Cang didn’t seem to be in the robbery period before the real martial arts promotion!

The giant ape left, and the Cangyun tribe and the Gulin demon could not help but sigh.

The terrible monsters are all destroyed, and the great ape is gone. The Cangyun Ancient Forest can be said to be safe, but there is no doubt that the great ape is an opportunity, and it is still an extraordinary opportunity. Do not seek to be recognized by the giant apes, even if they are in turn recognized as the main ones, as long as there is a giant ape as a backing, it will definitely rise in the turbulent world of Zhenwu.

"That... I am Xia Heluo, the elder of the Cangyun tribe in the Cangyun ancient forest. Thank you Lord Shangxian for killing those horrible creatures, and dare to ask Lord Xianxian..."

Among the Cangyun tribe, an old man stepped forward and paid a courtesy to Chen Zheng. Only after half of the words, his face changed drastically, because the sky was suddenly dull!


The Cangyun tribe and a group of ancient forest demon clan instinctively raised their heads. At this moment, they looked up at the sky and saw a giant bird covering the sky. Its body was larger than the entire Cangyun ancient forest. God trembles!

Oh my!

What the **** is this?

How does one seem to be bigger than one!


The present creatures coming from this world and the outside world!

It seems that the young man is the exception!

Only the young man in front of him is relatively normal!

"This...what is this thing, this kind of creature is too big, it seems that it is also going towards Zhongtian Daoyu, what is the situation now, is it that these huge giants are fighting !"

"Ah! We are just a little hello in the southern part of Cangshen Daoyu, which was not worth mentioning. Even if Zhenwu Realm was promoted to a large world, we are not worth mentioning. Let us not think about the matter of Zhongtian Daoyu, we still seize the opportunity Cultivate. There is a real war, and it should not reach us. I don’t believe that those giant behemoths can also explode the world of Zhenwu!"

"Well... let's please the lord Shangxian in front of you, do you think?"

The tremor was a tremor, but the Cangyun tribe and the Gulin demon clan quickly recovered, and their eyes fell on Chen Zheng again.

"Master Shangxian..."

Xiahe Luo, the elder of the Cangyun tribe, spoke again.

"These guys have poor eyesight."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Xia Heluo was puzzled.

The other people were also surprised when they heard it. They secretly said that the lord of the immortal was saying that the monstrous devil in the world and the giant bird that covered the sky and the sun were not good. If this is the case, the tone of this Shangxian lord is too big.

The monstrous devil and the sun-covering giant bird feel like they are already the most top creatures in the world. Although this lord of the immortals is powerful, it seems that the mysterious mana of the mysterious gods cannot be compared to the monstrous devil and the sun. Giant bird.

When everyone was puzzled, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed it in the ancient forest of Cangyun. I saw a pale blue fairy light deep in the ancient forest, and immediately flew out of the ancient forest and fell on it. In front of Chen Zheng.


What is this!

This seems like a seed!

"What is this..."

"That Dao Shen Yun ray, how can it feel so vast, could it be the legendary Dao Yun..."

"Dao Yun? Wocha! My grandfather went to Zhongtian Daoyu when he was young. Although he didn't break out of a famous hall and finally came back before the Shouyuan limit, he left a sentence saying that as long as there is Daoyun between heaven and earth, everything It’s something extraordinary, it’s the most precious treasure!"



Everyone stared at the seeds floating in front of Chen Zheng!

"Master Shangxian, this seed is..."

Xia Heluo couldn't help asking.

"The Dao species breed the Dao fruit."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Tao species...Growing Dao fruit... Dao fruit... Lying trough... This seems to be very deep and It seems Not something I can understand..."

"Daoguo? Lying trough! I remembered that my grandfather left a sentence saying that the fruit is extremely cherished between heaven and earth, even more cherished than the heavenly divine throne. Whoever can conceive the Daoguo, who is qualified to do it Master! Master Master, Master of Dao, although I don’t know what level of beings are, but the words Lord of Dao, everyone must understand it!"

"Then... isn't that seed precious!"

All kinds of sounds!

The eyes of the living creatures brightened!


This is the moment!

Several figures appeared!

These monks wear robes of almost the same style!

As soon as he appeared, he stared at the Dao species!

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